Philosophy of Man
Why do we study human beings differently?
• Humans are embodied spirits, meaning we have both a soul and a body.
• This is why we do not belong solely to cosmology (study of material beings) or theodicy (study of divine existence).
Philosophy of Man
• The study of man as an embodied spirit.
• “The heart has reason that even reason cannot understand” — Pascal.
Metaphysics (Study of existence and reality)
3 Subbranches of Metaphysics:
1. Cosmology – Study of material beings and the universe.
2. Theodicy – Study of the existence of a Good God through reason alone (without faith, scripture, or miracles).
• Differs from Theology – Theology studies God using all available means, including faith, scripture, and tradition.
3. Philosophy of Man – Study of man as both body and soul.
3 Kinds of Being in Relation to Time
1. Mortal – Has a beginning and an end (e.g., humans).
2. Immortal – Has a beginning but no end (e.g., the soul).
3. Eternal – Has neither a beginning nor an end (e.g., God).
3 Kinds of Being in Relation to Existence
1. Actual – Exists in reality.
2. Ideal – Exists in the mind; imaginative.
3. Potential – Does not yet exist but can in the future.
Epistemology (Study of knowledge and truth)
• Studies the validity of human knowledge.
• Inquires, processes, validates, and evaluates if knowledge corresponds with reality.
• Truth – You know something is true if your judgment corresponds with reality.
• A Posteriori Knowledge – Knowledge gained through sense experience.
Logic (Study of correct thinking)
• The art of correct reasoning.
• Identifies fallacies (errors in reasoning).
Fallacy – A deceptive argument that appears correct but is not.
Axiology (Study of human values)
1. Ethics – Study of what is right, good, and true.
2. Aesthetics – Study of beauty and its value.
Concepts of Existence and Creation
• Creation – Making something out of nothing (Latin: creare).
• Vs. Invention – Creating something out of existing materials.
• Annihilation – Making nothing out of something (complete obliteration).
• Vs. Destruction – Breaking something but not making it cease to exist.
Opposing Terms
• Contraries – Opposite terms with something in between them (e.g., hot and cold, ugly and beautiful).
• Contradictories – Opposite terms with no middle ground (e.g., honest vs. dishonest).
Nihilism (Belief in nothingness)
• A belief that life has no inherent meaning, only struggle.
• Nihil – Latin for “nothing.”
Divine Attributes (In relation to God)
• Omnipresent – Present everywhere.
• Omniscient – All-knowing.
• Omnipotent – All-powerful.