Untitled Flashcards Set

The Northern States: Social, Economic & Political Characteristics


6⃣ What was urbanization like in the North?

  • 1820: 1/10 lived in towns.

  • 1860: 1/4 lived in towns.

  • NYC population (1860): 800,000.

  • Chicago: 1830 (40 people) → 1860 (109,000).

7⃣ What was the role of women in the North?

  • Cult of Domesticity (home and family focus).

  • 5% of married women worked.

  • Many involved in abolition & temperance movements.

8⃣ How did immigration shape the North?

  • 3M Germans (wealthier, moved west to farm).

  • 2M Irish (low-paid city workers, famine refugees).

  • 1860: 1/6 of Northerners foreign-born.


9⃣ How industrialized was the North?

  • Produced 90% of U.S. manufactured goods.

  • 110,000 factories vs. 18,000 in the South.

  • Boston Manufacturing Company (1836): 6,000 workers.

🔟 How did transport impact the North?

  • Erie Canal (1825): 363 miles, 83 locks, 18 aqueducts.

  • 1840: 3,000 miles of railroad.

  • 1860: 30,000 miles (North had 71%).

1⃣1⃣ How did agriculture develop in the North?

  • 87% of Midwesterners were farmers.

  • Food production increased 4x (1840-60).

1⃣2⃣ What was the Northern economy like?

  • GNP increased 7x (1800-50).

  • Average income doubled.


1⃣3⃣ What were the main Northern political beliefs?

  • Whigs: Favored federal intervention, high tariffs.

  • Many Northern Whigs were abolitionists.

  • The Republican Party (1854) emerged as an anti-slavery party.

The Southern States: Social, Economic & Political Characteristics


1⃣4⃣ What was the role of slavery in the South?

  • 1850: 1/3 of families owned slaves.

  • 1860: 4M enslaved people.

  • 50% of slaveowners had <5 slaves.

  • 250,000 free Black Americans in the South.

1⃣5⃣ How did Southern elites control society?

  • 1860: Top 5% owned 53% of wealth.

  • Southern planters (<5% of population) controlled land, wealth & politics.

1⃣6⃣ How did Haiti’s revolution impact the South?

  • 1790s Slave Revolt (led by Toussaint L’Ouverture) terrified Southerners.

  • Strengthened Southern pro-slavery ideology.


1⃣7⃣ What was “King Cotton”?

  • 1790: 9,000 bales → 1830: 2M bales.

  • Mississippi & Alabama = 50% of U.S. cotton.

  • Cotton gin (1793) boosted production.

1⃣8⃣ How industrialized was the South?

  • Only produced 10% of U.S. manufactured goods.

  • Tredegar Iron Works (1840, Virginia): 4th largest U.S. iron producer.

1⃣9⃣ How did Southern agriculture differ from the North?

  • 1840-60: Southern economy grew faster than the North.

  • Historians Fogel & Engerman: Slave labor was 35% more efficient.

  • 1860 slave industry worth $3B.

2⃣0⃣ How did transport impact the South?

  • Railroads (1860): Only 29% in the South.

  • Steamboats (1850): 700+ on the Mississippi.


2⃣1⃣ What were the main Southern political beliefs?

  • Democrats (Andrew Jackson): Supported states’ rights, low tariffs, expansion.

  • Pro-slavery arguments:

    • Bible didn’t condemn slavery.

    • Compared to empires like Egypt & Rome.

    • Social Darwinism → justified racial hierarchy.

Key Differences Between North & South (c.1845)




Population (1860)


9M (4M enslaved)


1/4 in towns

1/14 in towns


90% of U.S. manufacturing

10% of U.S. manufacturing


Food production up 4x (1840-60)

Cash crops (cotton, tobacco, rice)


71% of railroads

Mostly reliant on rivers & steamboats

Political Parties

Whigs (abolitionist-leaning), later Republicans

Democrats (states’ rights, slavery)


Mostly free states, strong abolition movement

1/3 families owned slaves, 4M enslaved in 1860


1/6 foreign-born (mostly German & Irish)

1/30 foreign-born
