The decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty can be attributed to a combination of factors, including widespread dissatisfaction with autocratic rule, economic hardship, and the impacts of World War I. Additionally, the influence of revolutionary ideologies and the rise of opposition groups further destabilised the monarchy, leading to the eventual abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in 1917.
An overview of different types of histories, including, narrative history, biography, social and cultural history.
narrative history: story telling about the past → is the practise of writing history in a story-based form it entails historical-writing based on reconstructing a series of short term events.
biography history: a detailed description of a persons life which involves more than just basic facts and portrays the persons life experiences of these life events.
social history: Branch of history that emphasises social structures and the interaction of different groups in society rather than affairs of state
cultural history: the study of historical events and phenomena through the lens of meanings attributed by individuals to things, words, and behavior, encompassing various aspects such as ideas, literature, art, education, media, and sciences
the role of evidence, interpretation and perspective in the construction of historical accounts
Revisionism: historical revisionism consists of revisiting the sources of a historical recored or period with a different perspective or new data that could alter how we see it.
writing coexisting, diverse, and sometimes sharply clashing accounts of various subjects, accounts that challenged and sought to alter what had been written about them before.
→ reinterpreting available evidence, historical revisionism consists of revisiting the sources of a historical recored or period with a different perspective or new data that could alter how we see it.
Historical context:
origins + nature of the Russian Empire
relations with foreign powers
The nature of the decline and fall of the Romanov dynast, including:
the Romanov empire at the time of Nicholas II, including political, economic + social grievances
The role of Nicholas II as autocrat
the development of opposition to the Romanovs
the role of World War I in the collapse of the Romanov dynasty
the transfer of power form the Romanov regime to Provisional Government
A relevant historical debate or issue, for example:
the execution of the Romanovs; the role of ethnic minorities in the Russian Empire under Nicholas II
role in government
opinion on him
how he died