1. The USA had a capitalist economy with private property and a market economy 2. The USSR was communist: property was owned by the state and there was no private trade 3. Americans were terrified of communism: property and prosperity was the American Dream 4. The Soviets were horrified by capitalist inequality, decadence and exploitation of workers 5. The USA was a democracy with political freedoms; the USSR a dictatorship with no freedoms 6. Americans were terrified of communist world revolution which they felt threatened their freedom 7. They felt co-existence with communism was impossible because it was inherently expansionary 8. The USSR also felt co-existence was impossible as the US was determined to destroy communism 9. Russians felt the USA was trying to take over the world through its economy: dollar imperialism 10. Both countries wanted to impose their own ideology around the world, causing the Cold War 11. Rivalry with other powers had not caused conflict: the difference with the USSR was ideology