~~UNIT 1~~
-List the irregular endings for each irregular preterite ending.
[Estar] Estuve, Estuviste, Estuvo, Estuvimos, Estuvieron
[Anduve] Anduve, Anduviste, Anduvo, Anduvimos, Anduvieron
[Tener]Tuve, Tuviste, Tuvo, Tuvimos, Tuvieron
[Saber] Supi, Supiste, Supo, Supimos, Supieron
[Poder] Pude, Pudiste, Pudo, Pudimos, Pudieron
[Poner] Pusi, Pusiste, Puso, Pusimos, Pusieron
[Decir] Dije, Dijiste, Dijo, Dijimos, Dijeron
[Conducir] Conduje, Condujiste, Condujo, Condujimos, Condujeron
[Traer] Traje, Trajiste, Trajo, Trajimos, Trajeron
[Querer] Quise, Quisiste, Quiso, Quisimos, Quisieron
[Venir] Viné, Viniste, Vino, Vinimos, Vinieron
[Hacer] Hice, Hiciste, Hizo, Hicimos, Hicieron.
-Translate: They (multiple people) told. Ellos dijimos. It is ellos dijimos because the term for they is ellos and told is decir, and the ‘they’ format for decir is dijimos, thus ‘Ellos Dijimos’ is They told.
~~UNIT 2~~
-Ricitos de Oros-
-Cuando una niña perdida (llegó, llegaba) a la casa. Is the verb preterite or imperfect? The verb is preterite because it is interupting something else as it begins.
-Ella siempre (jugó, jugaba) cerca de su casa. Is the verb preterite or imperfect? The verb is imperfect because she does it daily; it is habitual and doesn’t have a set start or end time.
-Ricitos (se alegró, se alegraba). Is the verb preterite or imperfect? The verb is preterite because it is a reaction where she becomes happy.
-Ricitos de Oro (se sentó, se sentaba). Is the verb preterite or imperfect? The verb is preterite because it is a completed action.
-Le (gustó, gustaba) más la silla cómoda de Bebé Oso. Is the verb preterite or imperfect? The verb is preterite because it is a reaction to something specific.
- (estuvo, estaba) en su casa en ese momento. Is the verb preterite or imperfect?
The verb is imperfect because she was always tired but didn’t become weary.
-No (supieron, sabían) qué pensar. Is the verb preterite or imperfect?
The verb is preterite because they found out in that moment.
-Ricitos de Oro (siguió, seguía) una senda conocida en el bosque hasta encontrar su propia casa. Is the verb preterite or imperfect? The verb is preterite. Siguío means to continue, so the action was in continuiation of a sequence of events, making it preterite.
-Preterito o Imperfecto-
2. The verb is Eran because the Imperfect refers to this time, which is always imperfect.
3. The verb is caminó because ‘she walked’ is a completed action
4. The verb is hablaban because it is ellos-multiple people.
5. The verb is sacaban because the students were doing their homework- it is not a completed action.
7. The imperfect for leer (one person) is leía
11. The verb is se Cayó because the original verb is a reflexive case, so we put the pronoun in front.
12. The verb is escucharon in preterite because it is a specific moment when the heard and finished hearing a noise.
16. Remember to put the accent on le dolió.
20. The verb is llamó because it is a preterite completed action: ‘she called.’
21. Remember to put the accent on pedió.
-Vocab Sentences-
1. Vendió is used because it is an ongoing, habitual action. He sold products, not ‘he sold this product today.’
2. Remember that Ladrón has the accent on the o, not the a.
3. Use the term a los trabajadores because Miguelito is organizing the strike for/to the workers, so we put ‘a’ in front of los trabajadores to signify who is receiving the verb.
7. Use the term estaba instead of era when talking about Gloria’s relationship, as she has been in the relationship and hasn’t become in a relationship, so it is an ongoing action.
8. Use the term ‘Peleó con Alejandro’ because we must put the ‘con’ to signify who is receiving the action.
-Practice Test (Spanish Grammar and Ládron)-
A4. Another person was doing the action, so we used verb conjugation cantó instead.
B8. Maria worked for some time, not just in general, so we use preterite.
La Cajuela=Car Trunk
Equipo=Crew (Work Crew)
~~UNIT 3~~
-Qué hacían?-
Rámon sacaba basura.
Rebeca hacía cama
Mi to Juan pasaba la aspidora.
Isabel quitaba el polvo.
These four statements use the imperfect tense because there isn’t an end or beginning to their actions (also because the sheet said to do it in the imperfect and I didn’t read that part).
Horno de microondas. Horno is a masculine verb.
Si vas a vivir en otro lugar, vas a Mudarte, the verb uses te instead of se because the sentence refers to you, and since Mudarse is reflexive, it changes to match that pronoun.
-Practice exam-
Alquiler-Rent (Payment)
El Barrio-Neighborhood
Arreglar-To tidy/neaten up
Sacar la basura-take out trash
-3.2 Formal Commands-
Complete the command. Salir-Salga is the correct verb. Salir has an irregular formal command and uses g instead of l.
Complete the Command. Beber-Beber is not a reflexive verb, so it has no object pronoun in front of it. Beba.
Complete the Command. Venir-Venga is correct. Venir is irregular and uses a g.
Complete the Command. Irse-Se vaya is correct. Irse is a very irregular verb.
Complete the Command. Oír-Oígan is the correct verb. Oír is an irregular.
Complete the Command. Poner-Pongan is correct. Poner is a G irregular verb.
Complete the command. Traer-Traigan is correct. Traer has a stem change and is an irregular verb.
Complete the Command. Ver-Vean. Ver is a very irregular verb.
Complete the command. Conducir-Conduzcan. Conducir has a z-stem change.
-3.2 Por Favor-
Change into formal command. Arreglar el Coche-Árreglo. Árreglo has an accent because the first a is the 3rd vowel from the end, meaning it has an accent in the formal command.
Change into formal command. Apagar la cafetera. Apáguela. Apagar is a gar verb, so it changes to gue. Place the accent on the 3rd vowel from the end.
-3.2 Para Emergencia-
Rewrite the command into a formal one. Mantenar-Mantenga. Mantenar has a g stem change and is irregular.
-3.2 Lo Opuesto-
Change the command to the opposite sentiment. No se las Busquen—>Búsquensela. Because Búsquensela has a double vowel on the 3rd vowel away and another vowel after, we just put it on the vowel after the 3rd one.
-Mandatos con Reflexivos-
Write an affirmative Ud. Command and a negative Ud. The command for the verb. Sentirse-Séintanse (affirmative), No se seintan (negative). The verb has an ei stem change.
Write an affirmative Ud. Command and a negative Ud. The command for the verb. Divéirtanse (affirmative). No se Díveirtan (negative). The verb has an ei stem change.
-Mandatos con pronombres-
Replace the DO with a DOP and write an affirmative Ud. Command and a negative Ud. Command.
Saber la gramática-Sépala (afirmativo). No se sepa (negativo). Saber is a very irregular vern and has a b-->p stem change.
Replace the DO with a DOP and write an affirmative Ud. Command.
Conducir la motocicleta-condúzcála. Place the accent on the 3rd vowel from the end of the word.
Replace the DO with a DOP and write an affirmative Ud. Command.
Sacudir el polvo-Sacúdalo. Place the accent on the 3rd vowel from the end of the word.
-Practice Quiz-
Bring the food. (traer). Remember that Traer has a g added, not a j. Also, remember that Traer has an a-ai stem change.
Dial the number. (marcar). Remember that because Marcar is a car verb, it has a c-que stem change.
Come back tomorrow. (volver). Remember that Volver has an o-ue stem change. Remember that because Volver ends in er, it has an ending.
Usted Dice (positive). Remember that Dice has a g stem change, not a j.
Remember that Jugar has a u-ue stem change and is a gar verb that changes to gue.
Remember that pensar has an e-ei stem change.
Remember to put ‘no’ in front of negative commands.
Remember to put the accent on the 3rd vowel from the last.
Remember that ud. It uses the single letter ending and the uds. Uses the an/en ending.
~~UNIT 4~~
The correct verbs are encuentre and pueda because both verbs have an o-ue stem change.
The correct verb is durmamos because the dormir verb has an o-u stem change in the nosotros form.
The correct verb is empiecen because there is no accent, and the empezar verb has an e-ie stem change.
7. The correct verb is estés because estas changes to the opposite letter ending in the subjunctive, making it estés.
The correct answer is sea because the sentence describes the room as elegant, thus using the verb for be/is.
Acuesten means to go to bed, so its usage would be most fitting in the 4th sentence.
Lleve means to carry, so the sentence we use the verb would be in the blank space after a noun (#6).
La Profesora nos pide que almorcemos en la cafeteria. Almorzar has no stem change, but is a zar verb, so it has a ce ending.
You recomiendo que tu te acuestes temprano y duermas. Despite being the second verb, we still use dormir in the subjunctive form because we don’t know if the command will follow through. We use Te Acuestes because Acostarse is a reflexive verb that needs a pronoun in the front.
-Practice Quiz-
Su madre le prohíbe que vuelve (volver) a casa trade. Remember that the verb needs an opposite letter ending in the subjunctive.
Te sugiero que (1) aprendas ropa ligera.
The correct verb is llegues (bring) because it matches the subject noun (clothes). Always look at the subject noun of the sentence to distinguish what verb you should use.
te (2) asistes que studies.
The correct verb is aconsejas (advice) because it matches the subject noun best (studies).
Te pido que (3) aconsejes a todas tus classes.
The correct verb is asistes (attend) because it best matches the subject (classes).
También deseo (5) visitar más expresiones coloquiales.
Coloquiales means an informal conversation, so the correct verb is aprender (learn) because it works best with the subject.
Te ruego que (7) llegues ciudades como David.
The correct verb is visites because the noun after refers to a place, so visites (visit) would be the best answer about the noun.
-Practice Test-
Bring the food. (traer). Remember that Traer has a g stem change and an ai stem change.
Remember, dormir has an o-ue stem change.
No jugar. Remember that Jugar has both an u-ue stem change and a car-gar-zar verb.
No quitarse. Remember that there is an accent on the 3rd vowel from the end.
Don't be bad. (ser). Remember to look for Usted v Ustedes in the sentence.
-Vocab Practice-
It’s good that-Es bueno que
Hallway-El pasillo
Sweep the floor-Barrer el suelo
Freezer-El Congledor
Clothes dryer-La sacadora
Microwave-El horno de microondas
Dresser- La cómoda
End Table-La mesita
To get something dirty- Ensuciar
Glass- El vaso
Dining Room-El comedor
Cup-La taza
Carpet-La alfombra
Clear the Table-Quitar la mesa
Neaten up-Arreglar
armchair- El sillón
Nightstand- La mesita de noche
To advise-Aconsejar
~~UNIT 5~~
Los Moñtanas
2) ¿Quién es Izta? ¿Popo?
Izta es la princesa y Popo esten el guerre, pero tambien una principe.
5) ¿Por Qué el emperador se enoja de que Popocatépetl le pida la mano de su hija?
Por Qué la principe no es Azteca.
14) ¿Qué hizo Popo con el cuerpo de Itza?
Popo hizo la vigila de ella en la montaña
15) ¿Qué fenómeno natural explica la leyenda?
Los montañas y el vólcan, y por que una duerma y una erupté.
16) ¿Cuales son los valores que promociona la leyenda?
La leyenda promociona valiente. This is because the question is asking about the values and themes of the legend.
Subjunctive with Emotions
30) Cierto o Falso? Carmen teme que los otros miembros quieran limpiar las playas.
This statement is false. This is because the statement says that the other members want to clean the beaches, when in reality, the listening told us that they did not want ti do Carmen’s idea, which was to clean the beaches.
Subjunctive with Emotions #2
2) Espero que Ana nos (ayudar) a recoger la basura en la carreterra.
Ana nos ayude a recoger. This is because despite the pronoun in front, The statement claims Ana hopes that we, making the pronoun the he/she, and the ‘we’ the subject, so we just use the he/she format on the verb.
3) Es una lástima que la gente no (reciclar) más.
La gente no reciclen. This is because la gente refers to ‘the people’ so we use the form of reciclar that is ellos/ellas.
8) A mis padres les gusta que nosotros (participar) en la reunión.
Despite the pronoun, the sentence states ‘a mis padres’ as the pronoun and the ‘nosotros’ as the subject. So, the correct verb uses the ellos/ellas form, making the correct vern participen
Popocátepetl y Iztaccihuátl.
5) Había también un jóven ___ muy fuerte
The correct verb is guerro because she says the word guerro because it refer to popocatepetl, who is a warrior-guerro.
7) Eran unos guerreros muy ___y querián.
The correct verb is poderosos. Poderosos is an adjective meaning powerful.
10) Te voy a ___mucho.
The correct verb is extrañar because it refers to a verb (miss) not an adjective, and because it is to do something we add the ‘ar’ to the end.
11) Muy confiado de que ___
The correct verb is regresaria because the prior sentence claims that he will return, and the sentence after refer to the prior subject, regresaré.
12) Iztaccíhuatl no tiena___de su
The correct verb is noticias because in the video, she doesn’t notice the warrior in this part, which makes noticias the most plausible verb because it refers to what she thinks of the warrior in this part of the scene.
13) día llegó un___del ejército
The correct verb is Me ajero because it refers to what the man did with the army, which the video explains, he left the army, so the correct verb is me ajero-get away from/leave.
14) Princesa que Popocatépetl había___en la batalla.
The correct verb is muerton, because it is using dead as an adjective, not adverb, so we use the ‘o’ instead of the ‘e’.
15/16) Mentira que había inventado un ___de Popocatépetl que también estaba___de la princesa Iztaccíhuatl.
The first word is enemigo, not amigo, because Popocatépetl is enemies with the emperor, which is what the sentence is referring too. The second word is enamorado, because it refers to the male being in love, thus it uses the ‘o’.
14) La princesa__en un sueño muy profundo.
The correct verb is cayó because it is referring to the past where she fell.
17) Ver a su amada pero esa ___se convirtió en una gran tristeza
The correct word is is felecidad, there is no ‘es’ on the word.
Práctica de vocabulario
1) The correct word is una carta, because it is a singular letter.
4) The correct verb is guerra, because it refers to what who he is fighting the battle with, and while enemies could be considered correct, it refers to the fighting, so guerra would be better.
5) The correct verb is dejaron because the sentence refers to multiple people leaving.
Quetzal comprensión.
Translate the sentence: Chiruma got mad that Quetzal was leader.
The correct answer would be Chiruma se enoja de que Quetzal era persona gran. We use the de after the se enoja because the subjunctive refers to emotion, and we also only use era because we only need one verb for being, we don’t need the esté as well.
-Practice Exam-La Leyendas Preguntas
Missed the de, quien tambien, and parts about Popo.
La jungle not el jungle
Itza moría, not muerte and remember to include ellos
Say tuve instead of con un, remember to include por muchos años
Remember dijo not dije y iba a vivir para siempre.
Que lo protege de cualquier daño
el not la y para not en
El not un, es lo que, para not por.
Que after decía y inmortal en un pajaro
Sobre la que, por not para
Aparecen not aparece, include que after pienso and que instead of ellos
Son la, not es
Para tú, not por su, y que after creo.
Practice Exam
Desarrollar-To develop
El lago- The lake
Controlar-To control
La poblacíon-The population
El peligro-Danger
La hierba-Grass
Cuidar-To take care of
La ecologiá-Ecology
Estar Contaminado-To be polluted
El río-River
Evitar-To avoid
El valle-Valley
Estar afectado por-To be affected by
La fábrica-factoru
El recurso natural-natural resource
la piedra-stone
El animal-animal
La nube-cloud
El cambio climático-Climate change
El calentamiento global-Global warming
.-To stop doing something
de vidrio-made of glass
Verbs and expressions that use the infinitive
Sin=without. Por is ‘by’.
She can rent an apartment in Madrid
Ella puede alqula en apartamento en Madrid. This statement uses the infinitive, not the imperfect because it refers to something that she does in the present at this current time.
I had to set the table and wash the clothes
Yo tuve que poder la mesa y lavar la ropa. The verb is tuve que because this translates to ‘having to’ do something, which makes for sense than hacía, ‘made to’
Do you need to get your passport? (Sacar)
Necesitas sacar tú documentos? We use necesitas because this translates to ‘you need’—you need to?
They must not dirty the kitchen because I need to prepare dinner
No deben ensuciar la cocina porque yo necesita preparar la comida. We use no deben ensuciar because deben means ‘must’ and ‘ensuciar’ means ‘to dirty’ so this means they must not dirty.
Before making the bed, I put all the books on the shelf
Antes de hacer la cama, puse dos los libros en la escalera. We use de hacer because this would translate to Before to make the bed, which makes sense in spanish because it’s saying before the verb of making the bed will happen. This is in preterite.
She left the house without making any noise
Ella salio la casa sin hacer ruido. We use salio because we are referring to something that has already happened at a specific time, so it uses the preterite verb conjugation instead.
We went to the library in order to study
Nosotros fuimos [preterite conjugation of ir-we went-something already happened] a la biblioteca para estudiar. “for to study”
It is important to vacuum the carpet once a week
Es importante que aspirador la alfombra vez una en la semana. ‘To vaccum” regular word tense.
It was necessary to take advantage of the situation.
Era necesario aprovecharse de la situación. Era=was. aprovechar stays regular because it is ‘to do something’. But the verb is reflexive so you add a ‘se’ to the end. It is de la because it is to take advantage of the situation and de means of.
The subjunctive with doubt, disbelief, and denial
No es seguro que los perros ___ inteligentes.
The correct verb is sean. This is because it refers to subjunctive ser with multiple people.
No se dudan que van encontrar una solucion. We know the conjugation is van because it refers to multiple people.
Es posible que pase
Hay muchas vacas en los campos de la regíon? (probable)
Es probable que haya muchas vacas en los campos de la región. We use haya because we use the subjunctive of hacer to to say that it is probably true.
Ese sendero nos lleva al lago
Quizás es sendero no lleve al lago. You need to change llevar to the subjunctive for él/ella.
Protege el gobierno todos los peces del océano
Es imposible que gobierno proteja los peces. Proteger has a g-j stem change in the subjunctive.
La población reduce el uso de envase de plástico
La población reduzca el uso de envase de plástico. Reducer has a c-zc stem change
Estás seguro
No dudo que Manuel es (ser) a mejor persona para hacer el trabajo. The verb is es because it refers to something about the person that isn’t permanent.
Ricardo duda que Mirella diga. (decir) Decir has an e-i and a c-g stem change.
Lina no está segura de que sus amigos puedan (poder) venir a la fiesta. Poder has a o-ue stem change.
Claudia y Julio niegan que tú quiseran (querer) mudarte a otro barrio. Querer changes to quiso in the subjunctive.
Español 3H Indicative v Subjuntive
No creo que. No creo que is indicative because it refers to ‘ I don’t believe’ and in spanish that is is a factual statement.
Creo que. Creo que is indicative because it refers to ‘I believe’ which is a factual statement in spanish.
17. No hay duda de que. This is an indicative statement because it refers to the fact that there is no doubt-factual
No dudamos que-We don’t doubt that makes a factual statement and is thus indicative.
Tú no dudas que-Indicitave statement because it refers to no doubt-factual.
Subjunctive with verbs of will and influence-Intélento
Te aconsejo que no salgas (salir) con él. The verb is salgas because it refers to the ‘te’ in the beginning which is the subject of the verb, thus making the subjunctive salir into the tú conjugation.
Prefiero ir (ir) al cine. Ir stays originally indicative because it says that “I prefer’ and thus is just a statement, not a subjunctive clause.
Unit 4 Quiz
El cielo=The sky
Problemas del medio ambiente las soluciones-La deforestacion
Problemas del medio ambiente las soluciones-La contaminación del aire
Problemas del medio ambiente las soluciones-Los animales en peligro de extinción
Problemas del medio ambiente las soluciones-La cantidad excesiva de basura
Problemas del medio ambiente las soluciones-El calentamiento global
Subjuntivo Practice Exam
Remember that empecer has an e→ei stem change.
Remember to look at the statement before the verb. The verb in this sentence is indicitive becaus ethe sentence uses no caba duda0meaning ‘no room for doubt’ and reaffirms the fact, thus making it true.
Remember the ‘se’ in front of vayan-Irse is a reflexive verb
There is no change in subject-verb remains indicitive
Desaparecer has a z after the 2nd e.
There is no subject change-the verb remains indicative
Remember that creer affirms the fact and therefor is not subjunctive→ the verb remains indicative.
~~UNIT 5~~
Ciudad VHL
The answer is ‘La Terminal’ because the directions tell us to walk on Escalona street from the bank, and when we arrive at Sucre street, turn right. Walk for two blocks from there until you reach Comercio street. Then turn left. The place will be across from Bella Vista street, which is La Terminal.
VHL Elegir
The 3rd sentence is not subjunctive because the sentence is referring to a specific clinic, that we know exists.
Queda isn’t subjunctive because the sentence is asking where a specific location (that we know exists) is.
The sentence is referring the restaurant as the subject, so we use the el/ella conjunction. The verb is also in subjunctive because it isn’t referring to a specific restaurant, and we don’t know whether it exists.
The subjunctive form of saber is sepa.
The verb conjucation is el/ella, so the verb is entiende. It isn’t in the tú conjugation because the subject is ‘al empleado’. The verb is also non-subjunctive. This is because it is referring to a specific employee that we know exists.
VHL: Completar
The verb is subjunctive because it refers to a general type of skirt, not a specific one.
The verb isn’t subjunctive because the sentence is saying that they never stayed ‘at the hotel that’ so we still know the subject, the hotel, still exists.
The verb is subjunctive because the sentence claims ‘we don’t know any hotel that’ thus the subject does not exist.
The verb is not subjunctive because the sentence refers to a specific bank that does this, so we know it exists.
The verb isn’t subjunctive because it refers to a specific apartment they had already gone to, so we know it exists.
The subjunctive form of ir is van.
VHL-Nosotros Commands
The affirmative version if ir nosotros command is vamos.
Remember to include the ‘nos’ in front of the negative sentemos command because sentarse is a reflexive verb.
The verb sentarse is reflexive so it has a ‘nos’ attached to the end of the nosotros command.
Subjunctivo Con Duda-Práctica
Es cierto que mi hermana es (ser) ecolgista.
We use es because the clause is ‘es cierto’ so the verb is indicative-es.
No cabe duda de que nosotros te queremos (querer).
The clause is no room for doubt-so the verb remains indicative-queremos.
Es obvio que el club de ecología contribuye (contribuir).
Contribuir has a ir-ye stem change in the affirmative.
Es dudoso que más del 90 por ciento de nuestros ríos estén (estar) contaminados.
Estén has an accent on the second e.
No es verdad que las empresas protejan (proteger) el medio ambiente. Proteger has a g-j stem change.
-Practice Exam for Quiz 2/12-
The verb refers to a single person by saying they don’t know anyone-anyone refers to they don’t know a single person that does this.
The correct verb tense is el/ella
The verb is subjunctive because it refers to a general type of person that may or may not exist. It is in the el/ella format because it refers to one person that may or may not exist.
The verb should be in the el/ella format because it is asking if they know anybody that does this-a singular person. The verb also does not have a stem change and remains as an e.
The correct verb is in the ellos form.
The verb is in subjunctive format because we don’t know of the gifts that do this exist, we are asking for them.
The verb is in the ellos form.
Positive Nosotros Irse=vámonos
Positive Nosotros Comer=Comamos
Negative Nosotros Ser=No Seamos
Negative Nosotros Despertarse=No nos despertemos
~UNIT 6~
-¿Dónde las compraste? (en línea)
Las compré.
-Yo tampoco. ¿Es posible que tu hermano busque las entradas? (sí)
Es posible que las busque.
-¿Tienes dinero para pagar las entradas?
Sí lo tengo.
-¿Puedes sacar una foto? sí
Puedo sacarla
Unit 1- Pret/Imp
1-5: VHL, Ricitos De Oros, Preterito o Imperfecto, Vocab Sentences, Practice Test
Unit 2- El Subjuntivo
5-10: Que Hacían, Crucigrama, Practice Exam, 3.2 Formal commands, 3.2 Lo Opuesto (Check 3.2 Por Favor #2)
Unit 3-Los Mandatos
Practice Quiz, VHL, Practicá, Practice Quiz, Practice Test
Unit 4-Notebook Stuff,
Vocab Practice, Los Moñtanas, Subjunctive with emotions #1+#2, Popo+Izta, Practica Del Vocabulario, Quetzal Comprehension, Practice Exam, Practice Exam