Unit 5 Vocab

Las autoridades - Authorities

La corrupción - Corruption

Los desaparecidos - The disappeared people

La fuerza - The force

Un caudillo -Commander/dictator

El cautiverio - Captivity

Un delito - A crime

La detención - The arrest

Los derechos humanos - Human rights

El ejército - The army

La Guerra Sucia - The Dirty War

La libertad - Freedom

El retorno - The return

El sindicato - The Union

La complicidad - Complicity

Un desacuerdo - A disagreement

Los familiares - Relatives

Una manifestación - A protest

Las violaciones - Violations

Adecuada - Adequate/enough

Asesinado - Killed/assassinated

Adoptivo - Adoptive

Argentino - Argentinian

Biológico - Biological

Brutalmente - Brutally

Fundamental - fundamental

Extreme - extreme

Numeroso - numerous

Cómplice - Complicit

Nacido - Born

Detenido - Arrested

Numeroso - Numerous

Poderoso - Powerful

Torturado -Tortured

Porteño - From Buenos Aires

Veraz - Truthful

Secuestrado - Kidnapped

Severamente - Severely

Adoptar - To adopt

Concienciar - To become aware of

Aparecer - To appear

Condenar - To condemn

Atacar - To attack

Dañar - To damage

Aumentar - To increase

Dañar - to damage

Dar por sentado - To take for granted

Demandar - To demand

Denunciar -To denounce

Garantizar - To guarantee

Gobernar - To govern

Rescindir - To take back/rescind

Resolver - To solve

Detener - To arrest

Proteger - To protest

Secuestrar - To kidnap

Encargarse - To be in charge of

Registrar - To register
