Includes natural (opium, heroin, mophine, scodine) and synethtic (methadone) blended as narcotics
long his of use
Most are
Medical use
Pain killer
each drug has diff streghth, speed of action, and tolerance level prescibed for pain
86 mil over age 11 have taken med opiods in past year
12% is illicict
Medical opiods
Naturally derived opioids: opium, heroin
Mid to late 1990’s
Perscription opiod painkillers trigger crisis deaths quietly growing
Heroin deaths begin to surge in the US metamphamine deaths grad start to increase
deaths from fentayl begin their rapid rise
cocaine deaths first exceed recent trends
Fental, meth, and cocaine deaths acclerate
The lies about Oxycontin
Purdues marketing plan for OxyContin was to target the physicians who were the highest perscibers for opiods accross the contry
Patient starter coupon program for OxyContin that provided patients with a free limited time prescription for a 7-30 day supply
Access to opiods
Bough from drug dealer /strager 6%
Bought/stolen from friend/relative
Prescibed by one or more physicians 37%
Got free from friend/reative 39%
other 5%
The rise of fentanyl
shipped via mail in powder form
small lethal dose (even smaller than heroin) (means its more worth it to send fentenal because you can mix a small amount with something else and it will look like herioin or acctuall pill) (can make same amount of herioin and get more money for fental because you need less fetenal)
sent across border from china ti mexico, canada and US (then they cross into US and send it there)
3 waves of overdose deaths
rise in prescription opiod overdose deaths started in 1990’s
Herioin deaths 2010'
synathtic overdose deaths 2013
most immediate is overdose
Narcan is a reversal of overdoes (saves lives)
Ignorance of tolerance
new location will reasase diff drop and change amount you can handle
Getting impure drugs
infections from dirty needles and other equitment
deadly subsentces mixed with opiods
Higher mortailty rates
infection from shared needles
hep C and HIV
Tolerance and withdrawl
opiod use disorder
after a few weeks, users caught in pattern of abuse (and often dependance)
tolerance for the drug qucikly builds and withdrawl occurs when ingestion stops
Phsycial dependance alongside tolerance
early withdrawl symtoms include anxiety and restlessness, later symptoms include twitching aches fever vomiting diarrhea and weight loss from dehydration
increased doses requires to aviod withdrawl
these doses aren’t even to get high just to not feel withdrawl
Biological mechanim
Opioids are agonists to the Ç”-opiod receptor
involed in pleasure and reducing pain
therapeutic pain sites are in spinal cord and thalmus where pain sig get relayed from the body into the brain
Opioids are highly effective at stimulatind second messengers from g-protein coupling
Role in the addiction circut
Mu opioid receptors are on the pre-synaptic gaba neurons in the VTA
Activation of the opioid receptors reduce gaba release
reduce inibhition from gabba leads to increased dopamine to the nuceus accumbens
Widespread addiction circut
vomiting (disapperars with tolerance)
respirtory depresion
reduced with tolerance
alters the response to CO2 builduo in the pons and medula
pinpoint pupils
inhibits GABA release across CNS
Methadone treatment
Binds to the Mu- opioid receptor- but causes the receptor to be brought into the cell
has a very long half life (24-36 hours) compared to other opiates
need to slowly increase dose
interacts with alcohol, grapefruit juice and st johns wirt b/c of metabolism in the liver
Harm reduction
sig reduces drug injecting
b/c it reduces drug injecting, it reduces the death rate associated with opioid dependance
reduces crim activity by opioid users