Christianity's origin stems from the conviction of Jesus' resurrection.
The resurrection redefines Jesus from a mere prophet to a divinely vindicated figure.
Romans 1:4: Jesus, descended from David, designated as Son of God in power by resurrection.
Acts 2:32-36: God raised Jesus; He is both Lord and Messiah, exalted at God's right hand.
Acts 5:30-31: God exalted Jesus as Leader and Savior, offering repentance and forgiveness.
Acts 13:32-33: God fulfilled promises by raising Jesus, noting His sonship in Psalm reference.
Mark 1:9-11: Jesus’ baptism; He is affirmed as God's beloved Son with divine pleasure.
Matthew 1:18, 20: Jesus' conception from the Holy Spirit before Mary's union with Joseph.
Luke 1:35: The Holy Spirit will overshadow Mary; her child will be the Son of God.
Philippians 2:5-11: Christ Jesus humbled himself; God exalted Him as Lord, to be confessed by all.
Colossians 1:15-20: Christ as the image of God, creator and reconciler, holding all things together.
John 1:1-2, 14: The Word was both with God and was God; incarnate in flesh.
1 Corinthians 8:6: One God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ, central to existence.
Philippians 2:9-11: Jesus’ name exalted for every knee to bow in reverence to God.
Emphasizes Jesus as a unique agent of the true God.
Early Christian practices affirming Jesus as Lord and recognizing His presiding role.
1 Timothy 2:5-6a: One God and one mediator, Christ Jesus, who served humanity.
1 Timothy 3:16: Acknowledges Jesus' incarnation, vindication, and ascension.
Ignatius, Ephesians 7:2: Describes Jesus as both human and divine, life and death intertwined.
Ignatius, Trallians 9:1-2: Affirms the true humanity and divine attributes of Jesus' life and resurrection.