Prepared By: Soumya Ranjan Nayak
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vedang Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Defined as the rate of work done on the piston by combustion inside the engine cylinder.
Determined from indicated diagrams, also called gross power.
Formula:I.P = Pm × L × A × n/60Where:
Pm = mean effective pressure (N/m²)
L = stroke length (m)
A = cross-sectional area (m²)
n = working strokes per minute
N (for 2-stroke)
N/2 (for 4-stroke)
Defined as the net power available at the engine shaft measured by brake and dynamometer.
Formula:B.P = 2πNF / 60Where:
F = braking force (N)
R = effective brake drum radius (m)
T = torque (N-m)
N = speed of the engine in r.p.m.
Defined as the portion of indicated power used to overcome friction.
Formula:F.P = I.P – B.P
Mass flow rate of fuel consumed by the engine.
Calculation Formula:ṁf = Vf × ρf × 3600/ΔtWhere:
Vf = volume of fuel used (m³)
ρ = density of fuel (kg/m³)
Δt = time taken (sec)
Ratio of mass flow of fuel to power output.
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (B.S.F.C):B.S.F.C = ṁf / B.P (kg/kWh)
Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption (I.S.F.C):I.S.F.C = ṁf / I.P (kg/kWh)
Ratio of mass of air to mass of fuel.
12-19 for Petrol Engines
20-60 for Diesel Engines
Brake Thermal Efficiency:η_bth = ṁf × C.V / B.P * 100
Indicated Thermal Efficiency:η_ith = ṁf × C.V / I.P * 100
Mechanical Thermal Efficiency:η_mechanical = B.P / I.P * 100
Function: Draws atmospheric air and compresses it to high pressure for various applications.
Applications include:
Air refrigeration
Starting heavy-duty diesel engines
Operating pneumatic tools and motors
Single stage vs Multi stage.
Single acting vs Double acting.
Swept Volume (Displacement Volume):Vs = π/4 × D² × LWhere: D = bore diameter, L = stroke length.
Pressure Ratio:rp = P2/P1
Free Air Delivered (FAD): Volume of compressor output at standard conditions.
Solids have strong molecular bonds and fixed positions.
Liquids: Intermediate bonding allows movement.
Gases: High energy, low interaction.
Liquid to Solid
Liquid to Gas
Gas to Liquid
Gas to Solid
Converts water into steam via heat from combustion of fuel.
Fire tube vs Water tube
Internally vs Externally fired
Vertical vs Horizontal
Steam Stop Valve, Safety Valve, Water Gauge, Pressure Gauge
Working: Fuel burns, flue gases heat water, resulting in steam production.
Isothermal Expansion
Reversible Adiabatic Expansion
Isothermal Compression
Reversible Adiabatic Compression
η_carnot = (T1 - T3) / T1
Q ∝ A × ΔT/Δx
Formula:Q = K × A × ΔT/ΔxWhere: K = thermal conductivity
Represents heat exchanged per unit temperature difference.
Intercoolers, Preheaters
Condensers, Evaporators
Automobile radiators
Sample problems include calculating efficiency, power output, specific energy, etc.
Problems on thermodynamic cycles and heat transfer calculations.