Vitamin- an organic micronutrient that can have a variety of functions in the body
Vitamin precursors (provitamins, previtamins)- substances in food or the body that cells can convert into active vitamins
Water soluble vitamins- thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, folate, biotin, vitamin B-12, and Vitamin C
Retinol (performed vitamin A)- form of vitamin A that is found in animal sources of food
Carotenoids- yellow, orange, and red pigments in fruits and vegetables
Beta-carotene- carotenoid that the body can convert to vitamin A
Provitamin A- carotenoids that the body converts to vitamin A
Epithelial cells- cells that form protective linings of the body
Cornea- clear covering over the front of the eyeball
Carotenodermia- yellowish-orange discoloration of the skin that results from excess beta- carotene- found in the body
Teratogen- agent that causes birth defects
Rickets- vitamin D deficiency disorder in children
Previtamin D- inactive form of vitamin D
Osteomalacia- adult rickets condition characterized by poorly mineralized (soft) bones
Alpha- tocopherol- vitamin E
Coenzyme- small molecule that interacts with an enzyme, enabling the enzyme to function
Beriberi- a thiamin deficiency disease
Ariboflavinosis- riboflavin deficiency disease
Pellagra- a niacin deficiency disease
Heme- iron containing portion of hemoglobin
Hemoglobin- the protein in red blood cells, that transports oxygen
Homocysteine- a toxic amino acid
Folic acid or food folate- forms of folate
Megaloblastic anemia- a condition characterized by fewer and abnormal blood cells
Intrinsic factor (IF)- a substance produced in the stomach that helps vitamin B-12 absorption
Neural tube- embryonic structure that eventually develops into the brain and spinal cord
Spina bifida- the type of neural tube defect in which the spine doesn't form properly before birth, and it fails to enclose the spinal cord
Pernicious anemia- a condition caused by the lack of intrinsic factor
Ascorbic acid- vitamin C
Collagen- fibrous protein that gives strength to connective tissue
Carcinogen- an agent that causes cancer
Cancer- a group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell behavior
Scurvy- a vitamin C deficiency disease