Surname - a family name
Encumbered - hundered; restricted
Insignificant - trivial; not important
Profoundly - absolutely; in an unqualified way
Deportees - people who are expelled from a country
Emigration - leaving one area to settle in another
Treatise - written discussion of a topic
Anecdotes - short, humorous stories
Melancholy - sadness; depression
Constraint - restrictions
Provisions - necessary supplies, such as food
Hermetically - sealed against the entry or escape of air
Pestilential - likely to cause an epidemic
Notorious - known widely and unfavorably; infamous
Devoid - completely lacking or empty
Monocle - an eyeglass for one eye
Lucidity - clear understanding
Convalescent - returning to health after an illness
Blandishments - coaxing by flattery
Convoy - a group of vehicles traveling together
Frenzy - violent mental agitation or wild excitement
Torment - to cause physical pain or mental anguish
Thrash - beat; hit
Latter - second of two
Raucous - boisterous and disorderly
Sabatoge - treacherous action to defeat a cause
Lamentation - grief; mourning
Void - emptiness
Emaciated - made thin due to starvation
Elapsed - passed
Feeble - lacking strength; weak
Evacuation - withdrawing troops or civilians
Relentlessly - steadily; persistantly
Deprive - to take something away from
Bereaved - left alone by death
Apathy - lack of emotion or feeling
Livid - ashen; pallid
Dregs - the least desirable portions
Vitality - vigor; energy
Tether - the limit of one’s recources or endurance
Contagion - harmful influence
Plaintive - expressing sorrow
Recesses - remote, secret places