Prior - Presidency of Jefferson
Finishing off of the War of 1812
US needed cash through an independent income pathway
Second Bank of the United States
Protective Tarriff - Forcing domestic product increase distribution
National Road - allowed for products to be transferred through land and wasnt used since all trades were used with seas since it was export import prominent
The Great Migration
Population moving towards the western side of the US
Virginia Dynasty - multiple presidency came from virginia representing a dynasty
John Quincy Adams - John Adam’s Son (1824 ran for president)
James Monroe - nearly unanimously voted by all the american population (unification of the US population)
Adams-Onis Treaty - Added Florida into the US
Panic of 1819 - Over investment into the US —> economic ruin
Affects the common class the most
Sectionalism vs nationalism
Sectionalism is the power or control over a certain region of a country
nationalism is equal power over every state distrubuted equally
Missouri Compromise - Maine and Missouri added for statehood but was debating if it would be free or a slave state ( Maine become free, missouri became slave) - for every free state must be a slave state
Tallmadge Amendment - Missouri would start as slave state then would gradually be free
Comprimise Line - Line in which indicating the seperation between the slave states and the free states
Marshall and the Court - Federal vs state governments
Worchester vs. Georgia - Removing and displacing the cherokee tribe off of their land
Monroe Doctrine - Stating tat Euros aren’t allowed to interfere in the Americas
Rise of political opposition
Andrew Jackson - War hero represented the common class
Disputed election - Jackson won most electory but not by majority since the people didnt vote it went to the house of representatives to decide
American System - Any internal improvements
Corrupt Bargain - Clay gave his votes to Adams since he gave up the election in 1824
1828 - jackson won
Tariff of Abominations - Adams passed “southerns called tariffs” - more people to buy from american business