Untitled Flashcards Set

Hyper higher than normal_______________________________________________
2. Hypo lower than normal________________________________________________
3. Brady slow____________________________________________________
4. Tachy fast____________________________________________________________
5. Leuko white________________________________________________________
6. Erythro ___red_________________________________________________________
7. Dys _____bad, problem with_______________________________________________
8. –ectomy ___excision of_____________________________________________
9. -ostomy ___surgically-created opening_______________________________________
10. –otomy ____cutting into__________________________________________
11. –itis _____inflammation, infection___________________________________________
12. –lysis ____breaking open__________________________________________
13. –emia ____in the blood______________________________________________
14. –phagia _____swallowing, eating___________________________________________
15. –phasia _____speech____________________________________________________
16. Acute ______occurring suddenly, short term__________________________________
17. Chronic ____long term__________________________________________
18. Emesis _____vomiting____________________________________________________
19. Edema _____fluid accumulation_____________________________________________
20. Etiology ___root cause____________________________________________
21. Peritoneum ___membrane lining abdominal cavity___________________________
22. Pleura ______membrane lining the lungs_______________________________
23. Thrombus _____clot that forms in veins or arteries______________________________
24. Nephro- _______kidney______________________________________
25. Hepato- _____liver______________________________________________________
26. Osteo- ______bone______________________________________________________
27. Embolism ___blood clot or air bubble that has broken free and is blocking blood vessel
28. Atrophy ___wasting, gradual decline________________________________________
29. Renal ______kidney_______________________________________________

Name: _____KEY_____________________________________________
30. Epistaxis ___nose bleed_________________________________
31. Hydrocephalus abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in brain_______________
32. Hematemesis _____vomiting of blood_______________________
33. Dyspnea ____shortness of breath___________________________
Medical Abbreviations
1. ABG Arterial blood gases
2. PEG Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
3. BLE Bilateral lower extremities
4. LFT Liver function tests
5. NC Nasal cannula
6. BMP Basic metabolic panel
7. CMP Comprehensive metabolic panel (or complete metabolic panel)
8. DVT Deep vein thrombosis
9. DKA Diabetic ketoacidosis
10. AMS Altered mental status
11. CA Cancer
12. TBI Traumatic brain injury
13. EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
14. LR Lactated ringer’s
15. BID Twice a day (bis in die)
16. TID Three times a day (ter in die)
17. QID Four times a day (quater in die)
18. MRSA Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
19. BP Blood pressure
20. c/o Complains of
21. CHF Heart failure

Name: _____KEY_____________________________________________
22. COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
23. H&P History & physical
24. HEENT Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat
25. I&O Intake and output
26. LOC Loss of consciousness
27. NG nasogastric
28. NKA No known allergies
29. NS Normal saline
30.BKA Below knee amputation
31.PMH Past medical history
32.PO Per os (by mouth)
33.PRN Pro re nata (as needed)
34.r/o Rule out
35.SOB Shortness of breath
36.WNL Within normal limits
37.Dx Diagnosis
38.CXR Chest X-ray
39.ADL Activities of daily living
40.NPO Nil per os (nothing by mouth)
41.RLQ Right lower quadrant
42.OTC Over the counter
43.PTA Prior to admission
44.c̅ With
45.s̅ Without
46.AKA Above knee amputation

Name: _____KEY_____________________________________________
47. DNR Do not resuscitate
48. MVA Motor vehicle acciden
