Date and Time: February 24, 2019, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Subject: Elements of Industrial Plant Machineries
Instructions: Select the correct answer, mark only one, no erasures, use pencil no. 2.
Two-stroke engine performs ________ to complete one cycle.
a. suction and discharge stroke
b. compression and power stroke
c. power and exhaust stroke
d. suction and exhaust stroke
The refrigerant used in steam jet cooling is:
a. steam
b. R-11
c. ammonia
d. water
The total heat of the air is a function of:
a. wb temperature
b. dp temperature
c. db temperature
d. wb depression
Boiling point of Freon-12 at atmospheric pressure is:
a. 21 deg F
b. 15 deg F
c. 5 deg F
d. 28 deg F
Which of the following is NOT a type of water-cooled condenser in refrigeration?
a. double pipe
b. double shell
c. shell and coil
d. shell and tube
Component of absorption refrigeration system in which the solution is cooled by cooling water:
a. rectifier
b. generator
c. evaporator
d. absorber
Cascade refrigeration cycle is often used in industrial processes where objects must be cooled to temperatures below:
a. -46 deg C
b. -56 deg C
c. -66 deg C
d. -76 deg C
Type of refrigerant control designed to maintain a pressure difference while the compressor is operating:
a. thermostatic expansion valve
b. using low side float flooded system
c. automatic expansion valve
d. capillary tube
As a rule of thumb, for a specified amount of compressed air, the power consumption of the compressor decreases by ___________ for each 3 deg C drop in the temperature of inlet air to the compressor:
a. 1 percent
b. 1.5 percent
c. 2 percent
d. 2.5 percent
Modern way of detecting air compressor leaks is by using:
a. soup and water
b. air leak detector
c. acoustic leak detector
d. ammonia leak detector
For foundation of stacks, the maximum pressure on the soil is equal to the pressure due to the weight and the ___________.
a. soil movement
b. wind movement
c. ground movement
d. engine movement
Foundation bolts of specified size should be used and surrounded by a pipe sleeve with an inside diameter of at least:
a. 3 times the diameter of engine bolt
b. 2 times the diameter of engine bolt
c. 3 times the diameter of anchor bolt
d. 2 times the diameter of anchor bolt
For multi-stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, the back ratio will:
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain the same
d. none of these
Type of turbine that has a specific speed below 5:
a. impulse turbine
b. propeller turbine
c. francis turbine
d. deriaz turbine
A high discharge type of turbine:
a. impulse turbine
b. propeller turbine
c. francis turbine
d. deriaz turbine
Use to minimize the speed rise due to a sudden load rejection:
a. needle valve
b. wicket gate shut-off
c. shut-off valve
d. jet deflector
Is the speed of a turbine when the head on the turbine is one meter:
a. specific speed
b. rated speed
c. utilized speed
d. unit speed
A fluid property which refers to the intermolecular attraction by which the separate particles of the fluid are held together:
a. cohesion
b. adhesion
c. surface tension
d. hypertension
Which of the following is NOT the cause of black smoke in a diesel engine?
a. fuel valve open too long
b. high compression pressure
c. carbon in exhaust pipe
d. overload on engine
Which of the following is not a method of starting a diesel engine?
a. manual: rope, crank and kick
b. electric (battery)
c. compressed air
d. using another generator
Under normal operating conditions, when a solid material to be dried is placed inside a batch tray dryer, the material is usually subjected:
a. under constant drying conditions
b. under variable drying conditions
c. under high temperature drying
d. under low temperature drying
A type of geothermal plant used when there is a presence of brine extracted from underground:
a. dry geothermal plant
b. double-flash geothermal
c. single flash geothermal plant
d. binary geothermal plant
Is the most important safety device on the power boiler:
a. check valve
b. gate valve
c. safety valve
d. globe valve
During hydrostatic testing, the safety valves should be:
a. removed
b. open
c. closed
d. partially closed
Where deaerating heaters are not employed, it is recommended that the temperature of the feed water be not less than ______:
a. 197 deg C
b. 102 deg C
c. 104 deg C
d. 106 deg C
Is a reaction during which chemical energy is released in the form of heat:
a. cosmic reaction
b. ethnic reaction
c. endothermic reaction
d. exothermic reaction
Determine the new capacity of a centrifugal pump with an initial flow of 150 gpm, at an initial head of 120 ft and initial power input of 5 bhp, when the speed is changed from 1700 RPM to 3000 RPM:
a) 265 gpm
b) 245 gpm
c) 400 gpm
d) 200 gpm
By reheating the steam in an ideal Rankine cycle, the heat rejected will:
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain the same
d. none of these
Presently the highest steam temperature allowed at the turbine inlet is about ______:
a. 340 deg C
b. 520 deg C
c. 620 deg C
d. 1020 deg C
Determine the new head of a centrifugal pump with an initial flow of 150 gpm, at an initial head of 120 ft and initial power input of 5 bhp, speed changed from 1700 RPM to 3000 RPM:
a. 373 ft
b. 273 ft
c. 473 ft
d. 173 ft.
Two most common gases employed in Stirling and Ericsson cycles are:
a. air and helium
b. oxygen and helium
c. hydrogen and helium
d. nitrogen and helium
In most common design of gas turbine, the pressure ratio ranges from:
a. 10 to 12
b. 11 to 16
c. 12 to 18
d. 15 to 20
In Brayton cycle, the heat is transformed during what process?
a. constant temperature
b. isentropic process
c. isobaric process
d. isochoric process
Determine the new brake power of a centrifugal pump with initial flow of 150 gpm, at initial head of 120 ft and initial power input of 5 bhp, speed changed from 1700 RPM to 3000 RPM:
a. 27 bhp
b. 37 bhp
c. 47 bhp
d. 57 bhp
The fuel injection process in diesel engine starts when the piston ______:
a. is at the TDC
b. leaving TDC
c. approaches TDC
d. halfway of the stroke
If the cut-off ratio of the diesel cycle increases, the cycle efficiency will:
a. decrease
b. increase
c. remains the same
d. none of these
A waiting room or large hallway serving as a waiting room:
a. terrace
b. rest room
c. compound room
d. lobby
A continuous and unobstructed path of travel from any point in a building or structure to a public way:
a. average of access
b. mean of access
c. pathway of access
d. hallway of access
Any device or portion of the equipment used to increase refrigerant pressure:
a. pressure relief device
b. pressure-imposing element
c. pressure lift device
d. pressure limiting device
The quantity of refrigerant stored at some point in the refrigeration system for operational, service, or standby purposes:
a. pressure vessel
b. pump down charge
c. liquid receiver
d. accumulator
Secondary refrigerant is a liquid used for the transmission of heat, without a change of state, and having no flash point or a flash point above ______ as determined from ASTM:
a. 150 deg F
b. 160 deg F
c. 180 deg F
d. 200 deg F
A service valve for dual pressure-relief devices that allows using one device while isolating the other from the system, maintaining one valve in operation at all times:
a. three-way valve
b. two-way valve
c. one-way valve
d. four-way valve
Tubing that is enclosed and therefore exposed to crushing, abrasion, puncture, or similar damage after installation:
a. protected tubing
b. bare tubing
c. open tubing
d. unprotected tubing
Refers to blends comprising multiple components of different volatiles that, when used in refrigeration cycles, change volumetric composition and saturation temperature as they evaporate (boil) or condense at constant pressure:
a. zeolite
b. blending
c. composition
d. zeotropic
Is a premises or that of a premise from which, because they are disabled, debilitated, or confined, occupants cannot readily leave without the assistance of others:
a. institutional occupancy
b. public assembly occupancy
c. residential occupancy
d. commercial occupancy
Is one in which a secondary coolant is in direct contact with the air or other substance to be cooled or heated:
a. double indirect open spray system
b. indirect closed system
c. indirect open spray system
d. indirect, verted closed system
Refrigerant number R-744 is:
a. butane
b. carbon monoxide
c. propane
d. carbon dioxide
Refrigerant number R-1150 is:
a. propylene
b. ethane
c. ethane
d. methyl formate
Refrigerant R-40 is:
a. chlorodifluoromethane
b. difluoromethane
c. ammonia
d. chloromethane
By increasing the temperature source of Carnot cycle, which of the following will not be affected?
a. efficiency
b. work
c. heat added
d. heat rejected
By superheating the refrigerant in vapor compression cycle with useful cooling, which of the following will increase?
a. condenser pressure
b. evaporator pressure
c. quality after expansion
d. heat rejected from condenser
What is the minimum size piping for bottom blowdown lines?
a. 1/2 inch
b. 3/4 inch
c. 1 inch
d. 2 ½ inch
An “attemporator” is another name for a:
a. desuperheater
b. dry pipe
c. superheater
d. hydrokineter
Air chambers are attached to the:
a. discharge side of all pumps
b. discharge side of reciprocating pumps
c. air pumps
d. feed pumps only
The size of a reciprocating pump is stamped on the builder’s plate 3” x 4” x 6”. The diameter of the steam cylinder is:
a. 4”
b. 3”
c. 6”
d. 8”
How many separate exit doors are required in a boiler room?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1
Flying debris can cause an eye injury before a person can react. It is a good practice to wear which of the following personal protective equipment (PPE)?
a) Dust mask
b) Safety eye goggles
c) Gas mask
d) Safety gloves
As a safety precaution, move the refrigerant cylinder only while a ________________ is on it, if it is designed for it:
a) Pressure gauge
b) Chain
c) Approved cart
d) Protective cap
Refrigerant cylinders should be stored and transported in the __________ position to keep the pressure relief valve in contact with the vapor space, not the liquid inside the cylinder:
a) Horizontal
b) Upright
c) Upside down
d) Any of these
If a leak develops and refrigerant is escaping, what action are you going to take?
a) Try to stop it with your hand
b) Let the refrigerant escape to the atmosphere
c) Stand back and look for a valve with which to shut it
d) Ignore it and do nothing
You will be taking pressure readings of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Liquid R-22 boils at –41 °F when released to the atmosphere. If you get this refrigerant on your skin or in your eyes, it will cause:
a) skin burn
b) skin wound
c) red skin
d) frostbite
When lifting a heavy object, which of the following must you perform?
a) Use your legs not your back
b) Use your back not your legs
c) Use both legs and back
d) It’s up to you how you do it
Temperature is defined as:
a) How hot it is
b) the level of heat
c) How cold it is
d) Why it is hot
Under standard conditions, water freezes at ________ °C:
a) Zero
b) 100
c) 32
d) 212
In which direction does heat flow?
a) From a cold substance to another cold substance
b) Up
c) Down
d) From warm substance to cold substance
A rise in sensible heat causes _________________:
a) A rise in thermometer
b) A fall in thermometer
c) No change in thermometer
d) Ice to melt
Latent heat causes _______________:
a) A rise in thermometer
b) Temperature to rise
c) A change of state
d) Temperature to fall
A process of removing heat from a place where it is not wanted and transferring that heat to a place where it makes little or no difference:
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Refrigeration
d) Air conditioning
It is a substance that can be changed readily to a vapor by boiling it and then changed to a liquid by condensing it:
a) Water
b) Brine water
c) Refrigerant
d) Ammonia
Which of the following is the color code for the cylinder of R-11?
a) White
b) Orange
c) Green
d) Silver
What is the color code for the cylinder of ammonia?
a) White
b) Orange
c) Green
d) Silver
What is the color code for the cylinder of R-12?
a) White
b) Orange
c) Green
d) Silver
What is the color code for the cylinder of R-22?
a) White
b) Orange
c) Green
d. Silver
What is the color code for the cylinder of R-134a?
a) Light blue
b) Orange
c) Green
d) Silver
The metering device ____________:
a) Cycles the compressor
b) Controls subcooling
c) Stores refrigerant
d) Meters refrigerant
Trying to stop escaping liquid refrigerant with your hands will result in:
a) Skin burn
b) Eye irritation
c) Frostbite
d) Suffocation
Electrical shock to the body affects the __________:
a) Blood flow
b) Skin
c) Brain
d) Heart
The third (green) wire on an electric drill is the ___________ wire:
a) Live
b) Ground
c) Power
d) Neutral
The standard weight of copper tubing used most frequently in the heating and air conditioning industry is:
a) K
b) L
c) WWV
d) M
Standard weight of copper tubing:
K-type copper: heavy duty with a thick wall
L-type copper: medium weight, used most frequently
M-type copper: light weight, not commonly used in industry
DWV-type copper: light weight, not typically used for refrigerant carrying applications
The size of ½ inch would refer to the ______________ with regard to ACR copper tubing:
a) Inside diameter (ID)
b) Outside diameter (OD)
c) Length
d) Fitting length
The size of ½ inch would refer to the ____________ with regard to copper tubing used in plumbing and heating:
a) Inside diameter (ID)
b) Outside diameter (OD)
c) Length
d) Fitting length
Tubing used for air conditioning installations is usually insulated at:
a) the low-pressure side
b) the discharge line
c) the high-pressure side from the condenser to the metering device
d) Any of the above
Brazing is done at __________________ for soldering:
a) the same temperature as that used
b) lower temperature
c) higher temperature
d) temperature that can be higher or lower
A common filter material used for brazing is composed of:
a) 50/50 tin-lead
b) 95/5 tin-antimony
c) 15 % to 60 % silver
d) Cast steel
When soldering, a flux is used to:
a) minimize oxidation while the joint is being heated.
b) allow the fitting to fit easily onto the tubing.
c) keep the filler metal from dropping on the floor.
d) help the tubing and fitting to heat faster.
As a safety precaution, wear _____________ when working with refrigerants, don’t work in poorly ventilated areas. Also, be aware some refrigerants become toxic when exposed to open flame:
a) Goggles and gloves
b) Gas mask
c) Safety shoes
d) Dust mask
The device that moves the air across the heat exchanger in a forced-air system:
a) Air duct
b) Air handler
c) Cooling and dehumidifying apparatus
d) Air fan system
An electrical current that changes direction on a cyclical basis:
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Ampere
d) Voltage
The unit of measurement for current flow. The magnitude is determined by the number of electrons passing a point at a given time:
a) Ampere
b) Voltage
c) Wattage
d) Ohm
A meter that uses a needle to indicate a value on a scale:
a) Digital meter
b) Analog meter
c) Electronic meter
d) Automatic meter
An L-shaped metal supporting member used to support vertical risers. Also called angle iron:
a) Angle bracket
b) L-bracket
c) U-bracket
d) Angle bar
Copper tubing made especially for refrigeration and HVAC work is:
a) Annealed Copper Refrigeration (ACR) Tubing
b) Plastic pipe
c) ABS (Acrylonitrilebutadiene) pipe
d) PE (Polyethylene) pipe
A process in which a material is heated, then cooled to strengthen it:
a) Annealing
b) Brazing
c) Normalizing
d) Nitriding
The process by which a liquid is converted into a fine spray:
a) Refining
b) Atomizing
c) Spraying
d) Liquid Jet
Carbon steel pipe that gets its black coloring from the carbon in the steel:
a) Black iron pipe
b) Copper pipe
c) Bronze pipe
d) Aluminum pipe
A method of joining metals with a non-ferrous filler metal using heat above 800°F but below the melting point of the base metals being joined. Also known as hard soldering:
a) Soldering
b) Brazing
c) Welding
d) Chipping
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit:
a) Calorie
b) Latent heat
c) Btu
d) Sensible heat
A female pipe fitting that is closed at one end and is used to close off the end of a piece of pipe:
a) Coupling
b) Nipple
c) Cap
d) Union
This plastic pipe is rigid and has good impact strength at low temperatures, used for water, vents, and drains, and in an unpressurized system can withstand heat up to 180°F:
a) Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene (ABS) pipe
b) Polyethylene (PE) pipe
c) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe
d) Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
This pipe is used in cold-water systems such as water source heat pumps. It is flexible and like ABS, has good impact strength at low temperatures:
a) Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene (ABS) pipe
b) Polyethylene (PE) pipe
c) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe
d) Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)