Material dimension, what people like, associate meaning to product or make own stuff
Not static objects, play with or make us happy or collect, money
Value system, meaningful, nostalgia, valuable, function, relation to other objects
Putting characters on products
Sacred product, religion in pop culture
Religion: way of being human in human place
Meet companies standards to slap logo on
Authentic fake? Just put label or real, function, utility
Don’t need batman toothbrush to brush teeth but like it
Like character
Engage, embody
Be Real life/live action toys
Signal belonging to community
Toys beyond ordinary, valuable
Transcendent, ultimate, sacred, doesn’t need to be rigid
Indicate stuff is important to us, ideas, values
No one size fits all definition, need weight, functional, analysis, compare
Fetish, mood and motivation
Dc more gray, consequential?
Spiderman young like diapers
Different ages/audiences different fetishes? Happy meal
Commodity fetishism, something cool, wanna have, not generic/store brand
Own meaning to stuff relationship, favourite stuff, why, cool, subjective
Real spiderman?
Authoritative version of text, real or not, approved?
Best stuff, how to engage, golden age of comics, different versions
real , fake, less? Updated version for different time, star wars prequels
Stan lee
Spiderman different image, younger relate
Canon in 1960s and build
Voice act, bring to life, change actors, audience closer?
Alternate storylines in same world, 4th wall
One and only? Lonely to be hero, secret identity, keep from close people
Hard to grow up, don’t wanna do what told to do, mistrust
Wear symbol and logo, own control, choose how to control yourself
React to death, stan lea cameo
Creator meet created, heartfelt, nod
It always fits in, follow through actions, path dependency
Consequences, spider man can die, human, hero or villain
Maybe more, intros, pick up different versions
Recognition, let go, solitary, wouldn't normally encounter
Webs, not bound, different rules than humans, freedom/liberation
Universe populated, commonality becomes community
Want understanding, desired, understood, hear
Lenses change, psychological, ethics other stuff, community
Good or bad, always superlatives?
Show something’s happening, out of time, aware of smt, like mystical
Spidey senses tingle, fear and danger, villain or bad luck
Think can’t do it, no longer, divorced
Community, friendship, duty to friendship, getting together
Better collective than individual, collective effervescence-right place right time, magic
Feel better, take leap of faith, higher power/certainty
Miles leap to believe in himself
Do what others can’t
Steal lost family from other universe, strife
What do we wanna be, not alone
Clashing universe aesthetics/animation and stuff
Chaos is messy style feel more jarring, clashing
Class opinion
Peter b wants to save, self sacrifice
Homage to people from before
Awards, good animation
superhero does helps cus right, open ended definition, anyone can be
Fill void of possibility
Thank stan lee, acknowledge humanity, other people, cameos
Pass the torch, not only one interested
Who’s real spiderman, not only one, room for colliding viewpoints
Aunt may helps
Where are we in action, lots happening
Push boundaries, go too far? Uncomfortable with clashing or cool
Accessibility, flashes, epilepsy
How express ourselves
Look for next big thing
Humanness of spiderman, history, backstories
Why created, younger, less powerful, not sidekick, own person, flawed, dismissed
Just a kid
Superhuman vs human, merge what’s possible
Human but does the right thing,
Black panther star of show, black director
Resources for own safety and people
Present themselves in false light, thought poor farmers but rich
Assume colonized so poor
Keep hidden so not exploited, no war/violence
Why interesting in 2016
why does comic character spark imagination
Real black panthers-civil rights
Diaspora-dispersed, try to come back into a community
Imagine and feeling reunited
themes of no apartheid,
living better off from tech advancements,
No problems of today
kept from the world,
no one knows how advanced,
low profile
Spies but don’t reveal hand
Crisis of succession
Step into role cus death
T'challa step into father’s shoes
Capable individual
Seen as legitimate?
Return to be judged, fill the role of king, expected
Doubt, other contenders
Contrasting views
Killmonger wants to open up
Two views of utopia
Killmonger grew up outside
T'challa wants to maintain father’s status quo, stay closed
Killmonger says wakandans are not to be messed with
Cousin not same life, has claim to same resources
Descendents of slaves-unbroken tradition?
Marcus Garvey tells african people to take pride even if brought to jamaica and not connected
Look for unconquered king-prophecy
Worthy of self governance, african king
See unconquered place
Expect for king, look for promised person, like jesus, christian colonized context
Black messiah
Haile selassie (formerly Ras Tafari Makonnen) crowned emperor of ethiopia
Prophesied king from unconquered nation (ethiopia)
Greater than human
Invite to visit
New idea, ethiopia is promised land
Powerful god, like jesus for christians
T'challa like haile selassie
Black superhero own movie-not side character
THE black panther movie-magnum
Emphasise hebrew not christian bible
Fictitious, unconquered land
Snoopdog buys out theaters to inspire young black children
not enough for perfect figure,
needs to be human,
Hope, community
Church goes to watch movie
How important?
Transcendence, sacred, ultimate
Collective effervescence, hope, joy, already established religious community
Pop culture in religion/ vice versa
Gods?, too big to be mere mortals? Deities? Mythic?
Difference between god and human, where does superhero/demi-god fall, mutant
Retelling old mythologies?
Bast, indian haruman figure? appropriation?
Real world inspo
Orishas-lower gods, more able to engage with humans, intimately
Humans take attributes and become gods through connection
Black panther taking on previous black panther powers
Inspo from orishas
Real human models posing as and depicting gods
Subconscious images, inspiring
Small and big screens: art gallery and movie
Political and social
How people choose to go to movies?
Barbie phenomenon-dressing in pink, going with friends
Play with religious imagery
Who’s main figure
Motivated by black panther
One boy looks at giraffe if wanna play, other boy comes and sees and wants it
1st doesn’t wanna give cus 2nd one wants, thinks there’s value/desire
Be good, virtuous if act like jesus
Systems of power, self preservation
Dual perspective, see through other’s pov
Aware of power dynamics, social institutions
But still human
Superhero merch/objects and stuff, private collection or show-off, costumes/cosplay
Virtue signalling
Ninian smart 7 dimensions of religion
Practical and ritual
Experiential and emotional-music
Narrative and mythic-
Doctrinal and philosophical
Ethical and legal
Social and institutional
Material-audience themselves, making stuff to consume
How heroes are presented against each other, thor and loki siblings, valkyrie an asgard
What heroes and villains make us think about, want to be hero, how
Humans interpret stuff, how act
Is joker villain
Material grounds in current time, references, embody as human,
perceive objects: colours, aesthetics, why like/buy
Halloween costumes as heroes, presentation of character,
Not necessarily a mask but highlight texture and colour, given costume
Props like fake weapons, not normal everyday stuff, let kids have it normally to play
Transgress social norms, playing, expressing themselves in different roles
Maybe don’t want to play villain, not supporting role, want to be main hero, change narrative, villain save the day, against canon, batman and joker together
Explore stuff outside norms, allowed to be aggressive and domineering
Can be actors and make stuff, extending child’s playing
Halloween wear what you want, girl’s only chance to be slutty without being judged
Alternate self, many to choose from, spirit halloween
Cosplayers do it year-round, make themselves maybe
Extend childhood play, performative art, take time to perfect details
Allusion or make real, not real materials like metal, adamantium doesn’t exist
Different budgets, still achieve good illusion, prosthetics, what’s fake or authentic
Why like toys, ritual-act of play, spontaneous or script, get ready to con or party
Buy stuff
Brand partnerships, coke, mcdonalds, regulated, like food and kinder eggs,
maybe disappear, limited edition,
like religion/mythical experience, 3. Transiency-temporary
Try to define religion, cross-promote
Oxymoron? What’s valuable, timing of produce, who determines what’s religion
Way of being human in human place, looked in unexpected places
Religious way of being human,
be transcendent-above ordinary
Sacred-apart from ordinary, mcdonalds coffee vs espresso, tv dinner vs thanksgiving
Ultimate-final, unavoidable limit of ordinary concerns, death
Coke, baseball, rock’n roll
Don’t need coke, no nutrients, some people need it like coffee
Promote is as needed during a break, has a fizz, sensory stimulation, thirsty, sweaty celebs, ritual to share
Make moods and motivations
Make order of existence
Make like facts
Moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic
Subconscious level
Holy order of cheeseburger, taken down
Coke and cheeseburger, combo
Started as satire, make fake religion as protest
Religious none’s still means you practice religion, like christmas or meditation/yoga etc
With family but not in organized social institution
Real religion?
Flying spaghetti monster-religious parody, pastafarianism, colanders on head, hijab
Intended audience, embody ideas or what consumers admire or want to be, costumes
Fanatics, only wear a brand, only drink coke, fast fashion and ethic, who to support
Identity brands: help consumers assert identity or who they are,
Iconic brands: contribute to the identify of a whole community
Avengers movie, gender roles, off-brand stuff,
product placement, real or not, wayne enterprises or real brands, create realism
Lego stuff
Impression of stuff, products with superheroes to be chosen by children
Marvel lets images be everywhere, disposable objects, diapers? Kleenex?
Team Thinks where images are, no cigarettes etc, taboo or not
Sexual proclivity, over-fixation, “excited”
Want to consume products, iphones, cocke, type of lifestyle, identity or iconic brands
Beep at same type of car
Object has supernatural powers
Same ritual, minimize risk of changing variables,
associate supernatural stuff with objects
Actor-network theory (ant)
Objects influence humans, everything in relationships, same level
No external forces, only network, not only humans who influence
Ronald L. Grimes’ article on “Ritual” in Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief vol. 7, iss.1 (2011), Ron Grimes
Pass around wooden egg, like talking stick, develop relationship, got power
Didn’t want to throw out the egg at the end of class, extraordinary, found in attic
Students imbued it with value
Together with your TA, you will consider an example of material culture associated with the Marvel or DC brand
1. How is this object meant to be used?
2. Who might be interested in purchasing this product?
3. Is it appropriate to apply the term “fetish” to this product?
4. Is this an example of “Popular Culture” (produced by the people)?
5. Who might this object be understood an example of an “identity brand”? or “iconic brand”?Slide 2 Thor: Ragnarok (2017) “Old Gods, New Myths”
Self-identify as god, not lord, like dr strange not mr strange, positions of prestige and power
Source materials that inspire, myths, what’s canon, can’t alter
Colonialism, defender of earth
Add to MCU canon, story arc, infinity saga,
intertextuality, materials interact
Characters in own world and narrative
Alliance and conflicts, blurry good and bad, communities/nationalities
Meant to manipulate? Fuzzy memories, limit info, harness to weapon
Need more weapons to defend?-avengers initiative to protect, need heroes
Feminine archetypes, liability? No solo films
Captain marvel in touch with emotions, ethical
Many films/characters, characters retire for new ones, when too many, what’s justice
Skrulls look frightening/non-human, otherness, play up few features, potential enemy
Differentiate between enemy and ally
American identity, always good,
others bad, conceptualizing terrorism, infiltrate, lizards/reptilian, secret lizards
False idea, jude law plays good people
Soldier’s role
lithuanian philosopher in jail during WWII
Ethical duty/imperative for someone different
Don’t harm Others when you see their face, doesn’t need to be like you
want to be good to people like us, try harder to identify with Others
When you see face, easy to recognize as individual
When covered, shadow, or less-than human, easier to do harm, not person
Who has right to exist
Not earth, asgard, alien civilization, powerful, like gods
Mythical source material
Preconceived notions of Thor, succession
Theology and the Marvel Universe
What’s myth, narrative archetypes and tropes
Myth in religion: not false story, important, resonate with culture
Some constant
Timeless, human concerns-old way, primordial way
Has individual creativity in retelling, what’s appropriate or resonates
Copyright to heroes, money to produce, original creativity, break 4th wall, memes
Hero talking to you in movies, want to resonate, solidify memes/internet culture, trope
Fit into culture
Narrative or mythic dimension, identity, shared past/community
Diana prince, related to artemis/roman/greek myths, mix greek and roman
Mix troy and aeneid, no difference to audience, all ancient the same
Gods are supernatural, maybe mistake aliens for gods-scifi/fantasy, magic or god
Bridge between other/ancient to our world, suspension of disbelief
Mix contemporary with ancient, familiar/recognizable
Old gods and film, different interpretations, something new but packaged familiarly
In thor universe, character development
How he understands, where he comes from, with avengers
Thor’s role, prophecy/vision/dreams, looming threat, ragnarok/doom, mythic theme
Duty, right ruler, hammer as source of power
Comedic and light hearted, korg
Larger than life kingdoms, myth, idealized, paradise, peace, no crisis
Untouched heaven, outside of mundanity
Strong patriarchal figure, armoured, weapons, peaceful but can squash problems
succession crisis,
away from asgard on earth, Odin dies, doesn't want to live,
Gonna end world, apocalyptic, prophecies in myths, world start and end
Norse characters, wrong roles, no hulk etc
Maybe try to stop as hero, save the day, “that’s what heroes do”, what do they do?
Be strategic, new allies
Succession, leader gives up, go elsewhere
Hela is coming after odin dies, fight valkyrie, only 1 survivor, power from asgard like thor, civil war, usurp authority
Not all good, golden, result from war,
Hela mighty, goddess of death
Bad mood in kingdom, hela becomes absolute monarch, execute
Thor and loki new world sakaar, loki gain favor with magic, thro with strength
Thor not champion, just contender, no identity, just lord of thunder
Cut hair, lose identity, like samson, very strong but can’t cut hair-achilles heel
Not as strong as they think, vulnerable, be careful
Hommage, respect to creator, source of material, he can take part
He cuts hair, control character like writing him
Storytelling, thor sad, different light,
Pass the torch of source material from stan lee to MCU
Thought he’d be friends with hulk but not remembered
Could’ve won if not restrained
Stony thinks hulk is strongest, thor is butthurt, needs to be believed as strongest, identity
Thor’s point break not quarterback
Doesn’t recognize asgard, doesn't want to go back
Asgard not saveable
Thor tells loki to start ragnarok to destroy asgard so hela has no power
Remember identity not tool, thunder not hammer
Resists, no final battle, lets ragnarok go, keep what matters, the people
Thor not real throne but on spaceship’
Reimagine prophecy and fate, flexibility between roles assigned
Shame valkyrie from running away, don’t rebel in sakaar, stand up and fight
Heroes should fight to stop ragnarok but thor abstains instead, vulnerable and clever
Utilitarianism, ethics
Looks like odin, patch on eye, rule with sacrifice, less hubris, Still hero if run away?
People in diaspora, maintain identity and community as refugees,
No access to history and geography
Lose place, lose self?
Ritual: throne, coronation, scene in front of people, acknowledges as leader, don’t need hymns, oils, etc, different rituals
Material culture everywhere
Maybe toy, make them interact, in context, assign value
ritual/narrative creativity, make own stories, memories, and stuff
Objects in physical world, still engage with stories
Ritual: put yourself in action
Dress up, physically, feel powerful, try on different persona
Excuse to engage physically, fight, mimicry, liberating, aspirational, imagination
Dramaturgy-roles, parts, actors, scripts, etc
Knock offs, bound in brands, fetishize, desirable, self-identify, collect, obsession
Express ourselves through collection and clothes
Intrinsic and extrinsic value, sentimental, memory, nostalgia, childhood with objects
promote/restrain, different kind of interpretations
Trauma, reevaluate role, identity narrative, like dr. strange and surgeon to wizard
Trauma from hands, how memory loss lets character continue
Reigned in with devices for own good, not dangerous, access to power
Earn power/gift? Not what appears to be
Systems of viewing world, east and west outdated but orients discussion in universe
Strange looks for answer in east, bruce wayne outside gotham
Mystical with east, medicine and science with west, eurocentric
No knowledge forbidden, only practices
Ancient one is hypocrite
How to orient with powerful sources, strange has superficial wheels, prayer wheels
Not processing, not saying mantra, stumbling through ignorance
What’s real/reliable, what exists, body or spirit?
Strange shifts between worldviews
Substance-no change
Materialism-only physical matter, what strange thought
Idealism-only sprit, lsd
Dualism-matter and spirit, final, astral
Metaphysics to explain worldviews
No definition of religion but has aspects, ninian smart’s 7 dimensions
Practical, emotional, narrative, philosophical, ethical, institutional, material
Who’se representing, aesthetics, “sexy” superheros for halloween
First female superhero solo film in mcu, wonder woman 1st overall
How is feminism presented, fem fatale? Surviving horror movies?
Good or bad in action?
Before main mcu and avengers
canon=accepted stuff for rest of story, stan lee 60s stuff, more weight and authority
Stan lee cameos! Authority dies, how to continue canon, stan lee death
How to present characters correctly, sacred/important, explain differences
Nostalgia and crash in blockbuster, when first encountered comics when young
Indicate different/past world, cus blockbuster obsolete, different tech and elements
What was past like? Who started avengers, heroes not weapons, who to call
Incomplete past, limited/mistaken memory and nostalgia, memory of real world
Believe viewpoints
Not expected captain marvel, different suit colour, green not blue and red from poster
How get to final form, what evolution
Change and rites of passage, what they lose, heal and search for answers
Come out on other side changed
in-between/liminal period, beginning, middle, and end
Arnold van gennep, separation, liminality, incorporation, change stages
Victor turner, liminal between before and after, what believe
Role of emotion
Jordan mcdowell, how engage with superheroes, not just entertainment
Critically engage and critique, why and what’s pop culture, what to do with trends
Fine art only for elite in middle ages, leisure time and money to view and collect
Engage with art, what’s valuable, rah rah nationalism
Pilot Get power from alien scientist
What’s human, only captain marvel defend earth, ronan come back for her
War going on, what’s lawson/var vell doing
recast/reenvision from captain marvel, gender switch
Man vs woman in power on screen, maybe feminist stance,
strong powerful woman=palatable for masses and fandoms
Jude law plays romantic leads, casting decisions,
Bad not really bad, good not really good
Twist, what to believe, who/what am i, loss of identity, existential, liminal stage
Jude law wants to harness power, “gifted” power but really from lawson, inherited
Is emotion a problem in action, life and death
In tech, green
Skrull also green, menacing, tech, preparing for mission to find vers and tesseract
Become surfers, cold war enemies look just like you
Vers blends into shield, who to trust, how much to trust,
mutually exploit for what you want, allies, start of friendship
Doesn’t know who she is, rambeau’s daughter choose USA colours for suit
Signalling previous films, top gun maverick, cat is goose like copilot from film
Flashbacks to stay/fall down, crash go kart, pushed, admit defeat, but get up
Fall to learn to pick ourselves up advice from father, when fall down hole
Why bad things happen to good people, meaning of pain
Experience but not end of story, persistence, no quitting
Not fully in cree suit, jacket associated with past as pilot
Identity combined in new way, inherit past with suit and jacked,
Yon-rogg wants man to man, no powers but cause he’s weak, baiting, doesn’t accept
Can’t be manipulated anymore, doesn’t need to prove with just aggression
Rising above, stepping out of abuse/exploitation
External threats, why fury makes avengers,
need to identify, need more heroes not weapons,
Heroes real people not weapons, choose when to act, keep humanity
Don’t hurt same, hurt others cus don’t understand, different
Ontology-duty to do no harm
Skrulls look menacing and green, extraterrestrial, “threat and terrorist”
Then danvers sees humanity like children and wife
What counts as innocent or victim, post 9/11, bogeyman or terror
Responsibilities of engaging, nations and institutions, duty with power to act
Kamala khan, ms marvel, young person, less responsibilities
Opposite of captain marvel,
young=not yet, fill role, role model
Monica as scientist thrust into role not ready for
Confront role to play, reliance on themselves and others, switching bodies? flopped
Different ways feminine characters communicate ideal femininity
Capabilities and expectations
Different from men
Less threatening when switching sides, more feminine, less capable
Spy using sex appeal, many languages, intellectual,
Picks up slack when fury gone from snap, leadership
Is less bad less interesting? Vanilla good guys
Vision dies, no romantic partner, emotional wellbeing not greater good,
bad to good to bad, switch between hero and villain, masculine and feminine
Femininity presented or negated
Shorter hair, dynamic duo/partnership between sexes
Feminine on own or supporting
Stand alone without femininity as bad?
Gamora less potent when good, softer
Danvers Overcome hurdles, embrace emotions, feels, was discouraged
If sympathize, less useful
Less sexualised costume, armour not skimpy
No body exposed but vulnerability exposed, happy medium?
Grow into hero?
Powerful hero, before captain marvel, back to past device, immortal like danvers
Godlike, so god that less than human, less sympathetic, can’t relate
More mythic than human, mythic elements, amazons
How myth shows up in real life, out of time/place, still potent?
Still dodge bullets even if different tech
Trained when young montage, archetypes, like gods, not part of our world
Not real models or thought experiments, what if, fantasy not just scifi
Continuous force, not modern but wwi, timeless human rights
Different armour
What’s god vs human, thor’s role, gender of heros and villains, family dynamics
Brother like lokiSlide 2 review Batman’sVillains in the Spotlight
Wanted to be heroes, apply ethics to life
Villains are cautionary tales, against norms, maybe like anti heroes, blurry
Heath ledger joker-nietzschean, no good or evil, in between, trolley problem, still ethical?, provoke, turn ethics on its head
Joaquin phoenix- failed performer, world is bad, lash out, teaching moments, different gotham, from below not above
Pretend till you are, joker isn’t happy
Tries too hard, overshoots, insecure, poor, needs safe space, obnoxious, people afraid,
too much or not enough, don’t meet the marks, cracks, weird laugh
Pretends to obey ethics, deviate Systems decides, joker hates world cus it decides
relativism=up to you subjective like joker
Absolutism-black or white
skepticism=none, grey
Soundtrack: dark knight hanz zimmer or superman or nanananana batman!
Humans are actors in life, project actions
Narrative possibilities black panther afro-futurism
No definition of religion
Aspects of religion: art, narratives, emotional (deep, what’s human?) ritual, philosophical, ethical, social, material
Willian james:religion is overwhelmed by smt, can’t understand, emotional
Metaphysics, switch paths, psychedelics, multiverse
Part of mcu, big and strong personalities, fictitious
Counter cultures in 60s, black magic, civil rights
Origin after introduction
60s america magic vs. religion
Wizard or sorcerer
In 2016, other heroes, stand out
Casting, not bulky, intellectual
In 2016, sequel later
Multitasking, smart like iron man, ego
Speeds while raining, crash, wanted best patient, downfall was ego, trauma from crushed hands like ego
Who am i if not what i do, surgeon no hands
Spiral for answers, miraculous/unexplainable, grabs onto healing possibility
Just wanted his back, high cost not money and strange is poor, go back satisfied
Hands and wrist, recovering while looking for cure, turns dharma wheels, answers in other cultures, going through motions, asking fro kamar taj, turning wheels without saying mantra
Bruce wayne in jail, strange in kathmandu, fish out of water, white people in other cultures, monastery/monastic, orientalism, privileged info, esoteric
Fight after theft, powerful
Resistance, sink or swim, mister not doctor, cling to status, forced to be humble, rude awakening
Forced out of physical body into astral
Strange resisted magic then ancient one rejected strange
Maybe turn into threat
Ethically responsible?
Went down dark side
Knowledge is power, decipher it and exploit for power
Corrupted-eyes darken
Practices forbidden, not knowledge
Humor to connect, beyonce
Not doctor, mister, cus not master yet, eventually just strange-humility
Stereotypes (wifi password)
Magic, reality, powers, limits of human understanding and abilities
Try to expand keyhole, limited himself with previous assumptions
Ancient one eases strange in
Substance ontologies- what exists doesn’t change
Process ontologies-what exists changes
Materialism-only physical matter changes
Idealism- only spirit, everything else is less real or illusion
Dualism-matter and spirit
Spirit heals body
Blockage to widening keyhole
No spirits and stuff, just matter, ancient one says there’s more out there
Astral form
Maybe abused, show what he doesn’t know, 2 things, dualism
Can’t imagine or see other stuff in world
Pushes time envelope, not just place but time too, reversible, different planes
Makes dormammu suffer
Confronting limits
Changes: separation, liminality, incorporation
Liminal: between before and after, strange making own path between doctor and soceror
Separation-doctor strange, car crash
Liminal-try to cope, kamartaj
Incorporated-sorcerer, fight kaecilius
Life cycle of butterfly, in shell and come out
Journeys and what happens on the way
Too much, can't describe, kinda like religious stuff
1. Ineffability-no language to describe
2. Noetic quality-knowledge only from experience, no other place
3. Transiency-temporary, brief, not forever,
4. Passivity-can’t decide when, drugs/deliriumjust happens,
Religion in marvel
Trauma, don’t choose, make sense, who am i now?, fight or flight, overwhelmed
Pastoral, help others in trauma, shape identities
Trauma and religion
Eurocentric bias: divide eat and west, boundaries, outside of europe/center
Romanticise east in 60s by stan lee, all asia in one, mysterious
Sold as magic and kungfuSlide 2 villains in the spotlight
Villains to understand what hero stands for
Larger than life, cartoonish villains, snappy names THE something, one-liner, distorted, over accentualized, character flaw,
Villains caused to act out, batman responds
Villain MO? What can batman do
Later Inspired by original
1st time superhero (batman) on walk of fame, characters before but superhero first time
Important enough, physical, material culture
Different roles to appease
Bruce wayne can’t act as batman
Function of symbol as fear
Fear as tool, larger than life
Use criminals as guinea pigs, mask
Does batman exploit fear like scarecrow
Batman exacerbating?, dent is good
Downfall of good, duality, happenstance?
Heath ledger Good portrayal, just died, won posthumously
Usually played good now villain
Menacing and facade
Maybe batman needs to be pushed, right choice? Utilitarianism? (best for most) or manipulated by emotions, batman just human
Utilitarianism, kill 1 save 5
Maybe lay down on tracks or donate organs, conform to ethics
Bruce won’t kill and join shadow people, but lets al ghul die, “don’t have to save you”
Letting him live causes chaos, must choose
Ethical relativism-multiple views
Ethical absolutism-good or bad
Ethical skepticism-no answer
Make fun of joke, laugh at assumed comfortability, not black and white
Ledger joker like satan/devil, question morals
Angel and demon binary, more options
Move past old: god says…, restricting human potential
Why like joker? What do we get
Joker reveals batman flaws, can’t save everyone
Struggles socially and internally
White face, red lips, clown makeup, exaggerated, circus/vintage
Hide features, emphasize comedic attributes like smile
Something off, bold and menacing eye contact
Off Putting laugh, disrupt, bubble up, isolate
Disfigured by acid, permanent
Ledger no laugh
Menacing, not as great
No leto joker, bad guys do good
Focus in suicide squads, sidekick, in love with joker
Margot robbie, lady gaga, start as animated
Animated first then tv, branch off from joker?
Desires filled?
Winds down to tragic
Trained, tries to make people laugh spontaneously, goal to laugh/perform
Spiral when bomb, internal instability when you laugh before they do, scares
Intense desire for human interactions, forced smile
Projects himself to be on show
in on joke or being laughed at
2 step joke, set up and punchline-funny or shock
Narrative is arc
Send in the clowns, train scene and beat up by 3 finance bros
Why violent as reaction to bullying
Acts unethically, not self defense but rage/anger, runs down bully
Wants his moment on the show
Admits to killing, maybe responsible for riots
Not a joke, nothing left to lose, life is comedy
Murray says not funny, arthur thinks it’s funny, subjective, system decides
Relates to ethics
Start movement to be symbol,
no, guys were bad, makes people crazy,
ethical relativism, bit of skepticism-subjective humour
Ledger joker not crazy
Not everyone’s bad, good people out there don’t deserve
Murray is bad, laugh at him
Kill murray, tipping point
Defend himself, was ridiculed/self defense, sympathize/root for?
Joker comedy,
Hijinx then good place
Worse than before
batman different soundtracks,
Movie (michael keaton/tim burton, theatrical) vs tv (fun, nananananana batman)
Iconic moments on screen
Different aspects
Myths and narratives,
ethics (how to behave),
social institutions (communities like churches/synagogues),
material (objects like bible?),
experiential and emotional (soundtracks, overwhelmed, caught up, suspension of disbelief)
Feel for joker, but maybe not ethical
Extrapolated, underlying stuff that’s religious
Acts and emotions give rise
(despair, loneliness, excited to project in superhero)Slide 2 review what is the nature of power? What is justice?
Abstract concepts like justice
Ethical consideration how they appear, comic or big screen
Superman origin
100 years old, what did it say in 2013 and now in 2024
Origin and golden age of comics
Batman, wonderwoman, superman
Changed origin story
Superman from other world, abilities from scifi
More origin added later
How Birth father presented later and before
Different ways of seeing the world, clark kent his identity and actions
Ethical and identity considerations
Kansas or alien from krypton
Semiotic symbols
Narrative plot, connections of what audience has
cultural/historical, context of when made or edited, immigration, refugees, global warming, climate change
Not s, krypton symbol for hope, ideal of house, virtues
Ally vs friend
Ethics of family, kents in smallville
Reporter and sources
Adopted, outing, should lois out him
What’s happening, how it’s staged
Clark in gathering place of worship, church
Stained glass of jesus
Priest costume, not named but can assume
Give himself to authorities? jesus vulnerable, mirrors
Childhood flashback, fight back? Or protect family, be aggressive, what happens? Ethical concerns
Larger than life characters
We’re not superheroes but we emphasise with larger scenarios
Superhero model for action, best example, or unknown, fear of his power, human nature
Look for saviours why?
Fantasy of good people
Project desires of future, fall into complacency and apathy
We don’t take action, rely on others
Whole world fears him, lose something
Cold, distant perspectives, separate himself from politics
Who’s our people
Captain america only save americans? American interests
Not great models
Consequence of standing up with a lot of attention
Commissioner gordon says a lot of attention, someone likes theatricals
Superheroes make supervillains
Bill finger later, action
Bob cane-detective
More personalities, robin sidekick
Adam west, characters come to life
Yourself in action, become batman
Control arkham asylum
Products created to liberate us to take on challenges, immerse ourselves
Some with blood, some without
Pow, no real contact, allude, staged on screen
Over the top, larger than life, gloominess, fantastic world
What it takes to turn movies into feature films,
How much production studio want for budget
Costume, makeup, capture imagination, worldbuilding
Less successful movies
Villains capture attention, lose seriousness
Balancing act between cartoonish and very serious and constricted
Larger than life and realistic problems
One iteration
Inherited, nepo baby, center of gotham, legacy
Fill in the blank between the two
Why bruce wants to workout
Flashback, traumatic childhood experience, dream
Young and adult at same time
Wake up in prison, maximum security, rage, violence
Bruce chose to be in prison, why choose to live like or be among criminals
Ducard comes in, mysterious
Like trying drugs
Violence for own code of ethics, bruce dismisses option
Al ghoul, aloof, whole society of fighters
More than man, something else, a legend that can’t be killed
Don’t understand, unknown causes fear, trepidation
Bruce opposite problem, everyone knows him
Celebs don’t want to be known
Use power of fear to deceive or intimidate
Fear, grief, anger, duality
World just, make sense
Violence, corruptions, tragedies
Fear, use, exploit, cultivate
Answers to injustice
Use fear against those who prey on fearful,
master own fears, mind over matter
Tools to be larger than life
Scary, theatricality as tool, make opponent or audience think something
Death of parents change him
Remember batcave in opera, go out, puts parents in harm’s way, die
“Don’t be afraid” from father, focus on afraid
What bruce wants to do, legacy, memories, ideals
Alfred left behind
What does don’t be afraid mean, what to do
Follow in father’s footsteps
Ducard manipulate in training, what will he do, direct emotions
Death of father is father’s fault
Look for fault
Responsibility of murderer, father should’ve done something
Maybe bruce’s fault, afraid of opera
What ifs? Who’s at fault
Guided meditation, fear exploration
Be fear, bask in fear, become idea, fear what don’t see, feer is power, seize
Embrace fear=one with darkness, master sense, face fear
Bats afraid of you-father
Bruce doesn’t kill
Just, innocent vs criminal
Criminal captive, “not an executioner”
Can be destroyed as human, incorruptible and everlasting as symbol
What symbol? bat
Symbol for idea
Bats scare bruce, alter ego protect family
Obscure, no one knows, secret fear
Batcave from childhood
Types of strengths
Strength from wealth and connections
Batmobile, suit
Nefarious, weapons, bruce uses extra
Wealth imbalance, ethics not addressed
Manipulate and exploit
Use position to exploit, ulterior motives
Obscured face, imagine worst fear
Try to be asshole to get out of harm’s way
Could ask nicely but uses skillful means
Batman tech and psychology in shadows
Alfred-get lost in the monster
Batman not helping people he hurt
Vigilante? Become criminal
Ducard is al ghul
Bruce bring al ghoul to gotham if didn’t save him
Action and inaction
Father don’t act, killed
League of shadows behind everything bad
Restore balance, poor and rich, snuff out
Dad brings bruce out himself
Being there, emotional care
Why bad things happen to good people
Tragedy, evil
Fall to make stronger, empathy for others, our limits, reflect after
Action makes the man
Other Roles in society for justice
Batman with alfred and robin, fox
Vs. dark knight, duality
Good and bad, by the book vs at night
Is he really acting ethically at the limit?
Al ghoul and batman trolley problem
Batman save ships of people or people he cares about
How to live, what to do
Force batman to show ethical canvas
• Ethical relativism
What’s right according to social context, cultural relativism, determined by culture
Multiple factors, time and place
Batman beat up: was person holding a gun, bad person, bad things
• Ethical absolutism
Ideals, absolutes, yes or no
What god knows in religious texts
Batman beat up: never violence, batman bad, be nice, no action
• Ethical skepticism
How to determine what’s right, you can’t
Only human
Batman beat up: idk
Slide 2 review why study superheroes?
Pop culture, narratives about exemplary people, virtuous, worthy of emulation
Marvel mythology
What were creators thinking?
On purpose or accidental
Who not to be, cautionary
How to categorize villains
Who they want to be in relation to others, duty, responsibilities
Abstract concept, right and wrong
How it works
Branded to sell, out for consumption, marketing
How we encounter in real world, collect?
Authentic faith, real religion? How value is understood
Where do we find/expect to find religion
Multiple ways to engage
Religion in pop culture, jewish or christian in superman
popular culture in religion, Music in church
pop culture as religion, geeks, dedicated fans, star wars, “i’m a jedi”
religion and pop culture in dialogue, how to pray, violence in video games
S. brent plate essays
Religion creates worlds
Films make worlds, suspension of disbelief
Part of the action
Imagine type of world
Epic narrative, recreate biblical story, explicit
Star wars, debate what’s canon
Man of steel not out yet
Role on earth
Same themes as old movie, new cultural context
no word “superman” for awhile, don’t know name
Powers from earth radiation, adapt from overloaded senses
Origin story, discovers powers
Leaping not flying
Taglines, man of steel, bulletproof
Explanatory narrative, because he had to adapt to different gravity, scifi
Horrific ideas of what alien means
Alien movies, monstrous not normal
Superman fits in, looks human
Why react strange when different?
Out of extraordinary circumstances get extraordinary beings
Think beyond krypton
Community die for better chance of others
How to prepare
Control, coup
What to do with son, we don’t think it’s extraordinary
First birth in generations, eugenics, incubated
Natural birth, private
Not normal
Extraordinary action for different path, deviation from norm
Future not ourselves
Want to keep child, no room to escape
Lara-they’ll kill him
Frequent God talk
Providence: Religion to explain
Act to preserve, need to keep secret, negative consequences, expectations, demand, fear
Must be a reason, how to parent child, parents saw the ship, don’t know krypton
Seek birthplace for himself
Interpretation of signs and symbols, metaphor, analogy of character and object
In time, place, and story
s=superman but just what people call clark
jor-el , s=family insignia, means hope, different symbol different culture
Look beyond, bigger concept
Slide 34 jor-el you can embody the best of both worlds
Ethical duty, force for good, what’s good
Same as clark and on codex
Let clark engage with father and ship systems,
key, opens up knowledge from father and kryptonian tech of ship
What happens, plot, not images
Characters navigate through scenarios, choose
Role of reporter
Observe action and communicate
Who is clark
What’s buried in ice
Who should know,
ethical, protect sources, reveal clark and shift
Duty to, what to say, proof
Love story
After saving
Lois is threat, expose him, ally?
Let in world in kansas, what does she do?
Trust, work together
Romantic connection, desire, kiss
Different goals
Lois find out
Clark fit in, glasses
Welcome to planet
Daily planet
Planet earth,
Lois knows his identity
Skill to navigate what she knows
Double speak
Lois welcomes because he has a place
Ethics of clark
Turn in?
Bigger themes, major events
Climate change, krypton and earth’s resources
Terraforming, exploit climate
Films speak to audience lived experience even in fictional smallville
2011-13 events
Not just general themes, real world
Kryptonians use earth and turn to krypton
Gravity, atmosphere
History of exploitation alluded
Abandoned outposts, death
Zod tried to salvage, scraps
Conquering, exploiting resources, leaving destruction behind
Zod calls kal-el refugee, he’s the codex
Flourish on his death, only need body for info
Don’t need person, just dna
Man of two worlds
One world sent to another
Home destroyed, mercy of new world
Ethical dilemma, clark is exposed
Single shot analysis of clark’s dilemma
Who’s in the scene
Lighting for tone
Music for tone, message
Think through dilemma
2 scenes
Flashback, bullied in childhood
Could’ve struck back
Can’t hurt him, not the point
Type of man he wants to be, strength to seriously hurt
Inaction is action
jesus on stained glass kneeling
Behind clark
Going to death
Surrender for others
Tone, religious, seeking help
Shot, not just bust, also art
Bleak bullying scene
Vulnerable boy
Bleak weather, not bright or happy
Highlight themes
What if clark punched?
What to do?
Hopeful message
Protector of humanity
Symbol of hope
National, patriotic
You’re not one of us- i’m from kansas
Enlists in experiment to be super soldier
Bulked, cloaked in america
Petit to supersoldier
Rahrah america?
70s, not popular
Rip-off captain america
How we envision patriotism
Uneasiness, too much power, trust?
Batman v superman, maybe not our hero
Like superman, anxiety
“Superman is real and he’s american”
Builds himself from nuclear experiment, puts himself back together
Choose to become what he is
Flew to mars
Rely too much on him, people around him get cancer
More ethical to go to mars?
Multiply, do whatever he wants
How to critique
OTHER, what we owe, others we fear, xenophobiaLecture 1 Introductions and Origin Stories
Hagiography: legend about person so exemplary you need to talk about it
Stained glass - how mediaeval christians encounter saints in visual form “be like this person”
heretic=villain - popular narratives
How humans should behave
Didactic texts - designed to teach
Don’t want liars
Tales in different forms: Written material and oral
Want truthful people like george washington and cherry tree-folk tale
Buddha achieving enlightenment
Joker about to go on stage and make people laugh
Fake lip makeup-artificiality, a mask/persona to perform
Not one goal
Multiple narratives and examples
Conflicting of ideal way of being- how one should live
Batman v superman- different ideas, no consensus
Legal hierarchy-who can arrest someone, who can determine a sentence?
Batman is a vigilante-beat up someone to death?
What role does superman fill in american cultural context?
What does it mean to have superpowers?
With great power comes great responsibility
Larger than life-needs to be checked and balanced eg homelander
How to operate with vulnerable people: captain america civil war
Comical context but important discours
Coke and value: coke or pepsi hegemonic (ruling or dominant in a political or social context.)
Can’t get away, ubiquitous
Is deadpool a virtuous character? Intertextuality? -Call out one narrative to another
Reference to little mermaid eg.
callout to type of character she is,
representation in live action
virtuous, religious, political figures, trickster
How religion is depicted eg biblical narratives, sacred texts
How he’s portrayed by an actor
Star wars, jedi code, sith
Focus on
Semiotic analysis - signs, symbols, objects, colour, vibrancy
Narrative analysis-what’s referenced, images, stance, no slouching, human body as symbol
What’s just, what’s moral
Fight to be free
Suspended disbelief
Whats if people had superpowers, this was the state of the world etc
Rapidly establish world and set the scene
Ideal world, How to avoid dystopia
No standard definition- fallacy, different cultures, places in time
Who becomes black panther?- a role
Why interesting in 2016
why does comic character spark imagination
Real black panthers-civil rights
Diaspora-dispersed, try to come back into a community
Imagine and feeling reunited
themes of no apartheid,
living better off from tech advancements,
No problems of today
kept from the world,
no one knows how advanced,
low profile
Spies but don’t reveal hand
Crisis of succession
T'challa step into father’s shoes
Capable individual
Seen as legitimate?
Contrasting views
Killmonger wants to open up
Two views of utopia
Killmonger grew up outside
T'challa wants to maintain father’s status quo, stay closed
Killmonger says wakandans are not to be messed with
Descendents of slaves-unbroken tradition?
Marcus Garvey tells african people to take pride even if brought to jamaica and not connected
Look for unconquered king-prophecy
Haile selassie (formerly Ras Tafari Makonnen) crowned emperor of ethiopia
Prophesied king from unconquered nation (ethiopia)
Greater than human
New idea, ethiopia is promised land
Powerful god, like jesus for christians
T'challa like haile selassie
Black superhero own movie-not side character
THE black panther movie-magnum
Fictitious, unconquered land
Snoopdog buys out theaters to inspire young black children
not enough for perfect figure,
needs to be human,
Church goes to watch movie
How important?
Gods?, too big to be mere mortals? Deities? Mythic?
Difference between god and human, where does superhero/demi-god fall, mutant
Retelling old mythologies?
Real world inspo
Orishas-lower gods, more able to engage with humans, intimately
Humans take attributes and become gods through connection
Black panther taking on previous black panther powers
Inspo from orishas
Real human models posing as and depicting gods
Subconscious images, inspiring
Small and big screens: art gallery and movie
Political and social
How people choose to go to movies?
Barbie phenomenon-dressing in pink, going with friendsSlide 2 Why Study Religion? Why Study Superheroes?
Like villain, ethics what they’re like, script, apply to won life, role models
Religious figures in other format
Morally grey/dark knight, white knight better? What to learn
Don’t need to wear cape
Self preservation, responsibilities, humans in micro and macro scale role
Sacrifice, scapegoat-symbolic like arthur fleck, different representations
No definition, what they mean or leave out
Ninian smart comparative 7 dimensions, different types
William james psychological approach-internal, emotions, mind
David chidester’s functional definition-coke, pop culture
Cliffor geertz’s anthropological approach-round egg thing, maria statue
Different disciplines
pratical/ritual, -costumes, light candle
experiential/emotional, -feel, soundtrack
narrative/mythic, -story, arc, human origin stories, identity,
doctrine/philosophical, -real stuff, soul, body
ethics/legal, responsibility
social/institution, government, superman and kansas
Material, merch
How characters act, comic or film, fanmade stuff, what types of media mean
World on screen,
god makes world, secular or religious
Interpret, semiotic, narrative, cultural/historical, mise en scene
S in man of steel, krypton, family, hope, fear
Type of narrative, overall theme/arc to be hero or villain, origin, broken
Ethical relativist, skepticist, absolutism
Different statuses, transformation,
spiderman bitten by spider, great power great responsibilities
Becoming new person, rite of passage, different social status
Change yourself, lose capabilities, what’s left, different role
Belong to different cultures, sources of power and knowledge
Buddhism, pilgrimage
Impose and exploit resources
Untouched, no exploitation, resist
Slave trade, diaspora
Good vs bad girl, hero vs villain
Feminine limit, be good, less good
More than one way to be hero
Leap of faith, live for one self
Material culture, engage with, brand, cool, choose, matter what’s on it
Object to fetish, more than it is
Maybe make own stuff, maybe sell
Legacy, companies as brands
Stan lee-hero helps people, right thing, must do
Stan lee, person help cus should, must, right thing, ethical position?
Relativist, should
Black panther, religion, definition, dimensions, how understood
2 types of commodity fetishismRyan Smock’s “Who Are You? René Girard, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Black Panther” In Marveling Religion: Critical Discourses, Religion and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Not a lot of minority superheroes until civil war-black panther
How to overcome satanic blame, victimization, scapegoating?
Sense of self with no desire, conflict, violence?
Black panther unique cus hero is above social and political adversity, just himself
Humanitarian and teacher, not just warrior, answers “who are you”
Consequence of rivalry between t’chaka and brother prince n’jobu
stolen vibranium, want to use for own ends, see each other as enemy, kills brother
Could’ve avoided killing and knocked out gun
Rene girard-deceit, desire, and the novel: triangular/mimetic desire
Copy desires from others
Boy 1 looks at giraffe to choose what he wants, boy 2 immediately wants giraffe
Boy 2 gets giraffe but boy 1 refuses even if he wouldn’t have cared cus didn’t want
Boy 2 is subject, giraffe is object, direct line
Other toys but wants giraffe cus boy 1 is holding it, boy 1=mediator or model of desire
Maybe boy 1 knows which toy is best, reason he’s holding it
tutelary belief-effect on subject more important than true value
If boy 2 thinks boy 1 has giraffe for a reason, it’s desirable
Desire is imitated or mimetic
Boy 1 sees desire and wants to copy
Boy 2 get giraffe-shift in relationship, rival in way of getting the object
Triangular relationship between
T’chaka mediator, n’jobu subject, vibranium desired object
Girard analysis of max scheler: difference between hatred, jealousy, and envy
Hate: someone models desire but prevents us from fulfilling it
Jealousy feeling when rival has desired object and we want
Tchaka hoards vibranium to keep safe, n’jobu can’t use to free oppressed
By stealing, n'jobu threatens tchakas ability to keep secret safe
Each deprive the other of object that makes them rivals
Each wants to defeat or remove each other
Two triangles, each sees other as rival, conflict, stronger till violence
Envy: efforts to get object failed and we feel impotent
N'jobu failed, lost vibranium, fights then killed
Analysis confined to internal mediation: limited is mediated by someone in social sphere, drawn to conflict
Positive mimesis in external mediation-role model outside social circle makes desire away form objects and to ideals,
like jesus, heaven to save everyone from sin, no imitate actions like others but resemble
Eg detached generosity, be nice and give without favoritism or prejudice
Internal mediation-materialistic or acquisitive, jesus-compassion and care
Heal, preach, and support anyone
By being nice, no mimetic rivalry and violence
But satan acts as model for desires, easier to imitate
Abandon ourselves, defy morality and prohibitions
Presence not being, invitation to think that not want what others had is not to have a good time
False sense of liberation cus then we just want to copy and be hateful when in way
Tchaka exclusively tchallas role model, meet spirit, wanna be good king like him
Action not ideal, wanna hoard vibranium like him, consumed by his identity
No warrior need king but he’s “satanic”
Satan is accuser, people who desire something fought over, scandal
Everyone wants same thing but prevents anyone else from getting it
War of all against all/mimetic crisis
Community express collective violence but can’t attack itself so has scapegoat
Blame all on them, satan is violent contagion who makes scapegoats guilt
Make them driven out by community
Tchaka rivalry revealed, show false model, njadaka was scapegoat
Lift shadow of father but njadaka comes back and pits wakanda against each other
Satanic cycle of violence, blame, and victimization
Complex villain, consider part of global community while tchalla is only wakanda
Erik as product and commentary on african american history, slave trade
Vickie mays-human identity must be examined, relationship in social and historical development of society
No human immune from ideologicalizing influences of social context
Fit in, live up to others’ standards and expectations
Good, honourable, just- collective abstract desires
Black culture teachers that theyre inferior, mediation
Transmission in mimetic process, borrow everything not just desire, fuel conflict
Racial ideals-wanna be better than others, selfish-mimetic violence
But can’t go against society like a rival with internal mediation, can’t change mind
Change thoughts, external mediation but only works with scapegoat
Reaffirm own ideas, both vilified
Negative stuff makes black people have double consciousness
Look at yourself through another’s eyes that don’t like you, slaves, coping
Internalized racism-less violence, dual identity, real and pseudo-self-feel bad
Like njadaka, born in us, racially bound to racism but prince of wakanda
Live in poverty while watch relatives thrive
3 names, eric, kilmonger, njadaka, 2 for pseudo-self, 1 real, inner conflict
Wants violent retribution cus from satanic stuff
Authentic desire, your own, but allmediated
Don quixote surrenders fundamental prerogative, agency=individual
But obsessed with others-vaniteux, vain, rely on others to determine their desires
Luca di blasi-give up a promethean egotism for autonomy,
inseparable from mimetic desire, more I, more me-victorious-mimetic conflict
Accept mimetic desire, overcome illusory autonomy and have it real instead
Woken up by jesus, as new model, or anyone outside mimetic triangle
When aware of models of desire, autonomously choose which to follow
T'challa wants to be good king like dad but needs own place in world as himself
Humanitarian nakia is outside, help others, be own person
Split from dad
Agent ross is 2nd outside person, protected nakia, would sacrifice himself to protect wakanda
David fleming: Catholic-conscience is call to goodness, follow god
Law has 3 parts
Call to do good, no evil
Want moral truth
Actic in a way
Deepest conscience is call to responsibility, with other
Conatus essendi, latin for being tired
Scruple- part of human nature, tired to differentiate between good and bad
Other makes scruple move, can’t ignore, pebble in show, call to responsibility
Conatus chose between yourself and other=good, pre-intentioned to be good
Conscience counters selfishness of internal mediation
Responsibility has own meaning, just there, commanding, intentional
Easy to dismiss nakia for helping others cut they are distant and vague
But ross is urgent and immediate, t'challa mimetic process makes confrontation
T'challa vs nakia and ross, good or bad, so save life instead of keep wakanda secret, duty
Choose own subject of desire-brotherhood
Tchalla motivated by conscience to right the wrongs of ancestors
No mimetic violence, try to save killmonger, help others, is himself, not father, no cycle of violenceJeffrey Scholes, “The Coca-Cola Brand and Religion.” In Understanding Religion and Popular Culture, edited by Terry Ray Clark and Dan W. Clanton, Jr., 149-166.
Brand logos ubiquitous, corporate brands, commercials, labels, billboards, product placement
Annoying or helpful
Corporate brands are unique cultural expressions, identity of product or service
In pop culture on purpose, carefully constructed to make meaning for consumer loyalty, brand makes it popular not product
James twitchell: religious deep, cluster around like sacred, loyal, live through and around, part of man
Act like religion, religious power
Pop culture product, religion, brands and religion
Brand, sign to distinguish, successful when there’s story/narrative
Customers, critics, sellers, or company itself
Into personal narratives from story without notice
Plots, characters, metaphors, make conventions in everyday life
Brands do something that can’t be done or didn’t need to be done,
meaning of product not product itself
Embody ideas people admire, express who they want to be, “identity brands”
“Iconic brands”, appeal to much of society, contribute to identity of community or nation, apple, nike, budweiser, mcdonalds, coke
Make identity, mythical aura
Historical, founding
character-driven, who’s running it or buying
Functional, what it can do
From legendary stories, real or not
‘Mac person’-story, add to it, bridge people, identify with
Not necessarily part of pop culture, need to be liked by many, quantitative, iconic brands, john storey
Coke is popular, powerful, and rich
Logo conveys happiness, american patriotism, Community that drinks coke
Participate in coke, participate in those ideas
Popular and in culture, mass audience-into pop culture, john storey
General and deep needs for the most people-mass audience, john storey
Corporations only want mass audience, others just want to appeal, not whole goal
Pop culture is from people-john storey but now everything is commercial, not spontaneous, “top-down”
Consumers can make or break brands with purchasing power
Pop culture: struggle between resistance of subordinate against incorporation of dominant, producers vs consumers
Top-down: look and feel, psychological tactics, brand saturation, control brand
Use focus groups but corporations final say
Consumers can manipulate brand image, struggle-pop culture
Chidester functional definition of religion: being human in human place
What religion does not what it is
Limits of being human, cope with suffering and death
Transcendent (above), sacred (different), ultimate (final, unavoidable)
Perspective of human in human place, community, desire, exchange
Pop culture between humanity and religion, mediator
Pop culture changes, do religious work-authenticity
Ask if something is religion, pop culture help to arrive at truth, even fake
Even fake religion has community, maybe real religion
Coke as religious work cus global fetish
Fetish: something that has power beyond original properties,
Marx: fetishism of commodity-material products for consumers
Logos, who they are or should be-human in human place
Commodity is religious object-extraordinary, attention, desire, reverence
Coke had sacred aura, secret formula, national and personal narrative
Wwii, santa, peace
Coke in culture, movie, literature, art, lyrics, relationship to sacred with object
Icon of west, modernity, desire, communal bonds-fetish, goal of religion
Fetish unstable-made or material
Clifford geertz religion definition
System of symbols
Powerful moods and motivation
Order of existence
Like fact
Moods and motivations seem realistic
Inauthentic coke can make religion, anything can be religion
Mine pop culture for religion, describe religion to contrast
Cocacalonizaiton: desire for something you don’t need, ads, not religious
But ignore pervasive and brand saturation and penetration
Don’t need to overcome to find real religion, religion in pop culture
Religion mediated by culture, pop culture not too shallow or artificial
Religion needs to be meaningful otherwise just a whim
Coke is unstable fetish, not long-lasting motivation, not transcendent truth
Can worship material fetish like statues
Coca cola not sacred, just corporation make into fetish
Brand more important than needs of consumers
Drink can’t be social, uses brand
Double instability: made object and not long lasting fetish, just bottom line
Not sacred cus is fetishized product created by humans motivated by human stuff (money=religion)
Human in human place is broad, can include coke
Needs to be transcendent and immanent
Fetish can do religious work
More inauthentic it seems, more we ignore, “real thing” not real thing, want actual real thing
Ritual is actions, treasured and iconic or not
egg= darner, lady=doll=statue in church, both wood, ritual
Decorated statue, egg abandoned in attic, not “she”, before cinderella
Virgin mary: hispanic and latino, cultural identity, our mother, conquistadores, “my children”
1st person, intimate, “writes” own books, “speaks” directly, roman catholics
In processions for family reunion and remembering dead, over city and ethno familial
Overall to all residents, privately only devotees who regard her as mother, family property
Makes city cooperative based on good will, be included is complement and obligation
Rituals to go to dead, interethnic violence into sibling rivalry, fathers look over
Egg is plain, passed around during class, no meaning, maybe have nicknames
No meaning to passing around but students ask about it,
can’t throw it out cus everyone handled it
Know it’s trash but got attached,
practices, like objects, have history, cycle up or down
Be careful to make claims about it, what it can do
People died for statue but bad for indigenous, power difference
no animist, I play animateur saying, “Stuff has mind of its own” and “Things are people too.”
Regardless of how declarative ritual authorities sound or how imperative they act, all ritual is performed in the subjunctiveJohn C. McDowell’s “Marveling at Captain Danvers, Or, What Is So Super about Our Heroes?” In Marveling Religion: Critical Discourses, Religion and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Edited by Jennifer Baldwin and Daniel White Hodge, 197-215.
Mlk jr: inequity and violence in injustice, sincerity and conscientiousness not enough
Turn to vices, ignorance and stupidity is dangerous
Jesus executors blind, be insightful and honest in self-examination/enlightenment
Moral responsibility to be intelligent
Theodor adorno: culture industry
With max horkheimer: hollywood makes moral blindness that distract from life
Henry giroux: mass deception bakes workings of own ideology indiscernible
Entertain not educate but storytelling is political
Make social stuff that limits range of meaning that can be taken
Film is range of cultural understanding, barometer for social change and issues
Movies manufacture plausibility, subjects, and moral and political judgment
Christian steinmetz: comics promote nationalism, conservative,
no utopia so fighting continues
No change in status quo
Power fantasy for teen boys
Matthew costello: political commentary un comics in 21st century
2 years after 9/11, comics question US culpability,
US no longer virtuous for progressiveness
Superheroes became problematic, can’t save US
Mcu, post 9/11 cinema, cultural trauma through cathartic compensation
Susan sontag: reflect world-wide anxiety, try to soothe
9/11 isn’t just a date, but knowledge and power exchanged
Kevin wetmore: pre and post 9/11 to categorize viewing the world and what to do
Cultural shift
War on terror’ less politically sophisticated and nuanced
rupture=need to comprehend, explain, and restore
Terrence mcsweeney:
mcu replays and perpetuate mythological values part of american identity
Focus on feminist potential cus female lead
Mcu women support cast
Nods to male gaze in captain marvel, more subtle than all female team up
Lucia stasia: anxiety about changing gender roles, no anxiety for post-feminism
Convince that it’s oist-patriarchy
White, middle-class, no politics,
1. Global Terror threat
Range is global, world-changing/threatening
Threat to life itself, apocalyptic catastrophism
Frank kermode: apocalypse show how we make sense of world
Elisabeth ford and deborah mitchell: disaster in all film genres,
Wheeler winston dixon “romance of armageddon”, fear a romance
Earth in danger in captain marvel
Ernest becker: hero saves society from evil of death
Robin rosenberg: want larger-than-life heroes, be inspired and rescued by them
Can’t imagine peace, plan well, be fair, heroes not from society but freak of tech
Vigilante violence shape american imagination
Superhero represent americans, fantasy of global superpower saving the world
heroes=social catharsis, carol part of american military-industrial complex
Jason dittmer:american ness of superheroes intensified cus superhero genre is global
Paul petrovic: american national victimhood from 9/11, only certain conditions
Captain marvel post 9/11, skrull is terrorist threat,
us/earth is innocent, accidentally in conflict
Slavoj Žižek: Go back to basics, basic ideas,
Nothing innocent with getting rid of historical guilt and irony preventing national identity
Politics of purity is simplifying
Citizens Are zealous cult to state
Nostalgia for values and virtues of state
Purifies national memory
Mcsweeney: perpetuate narrative of 9/11 instead of asking questions
Uncritical and unreflective narrative of american victimisation
Disconnect from geopolitics
Erasure of political and historical context
No social, no action for change and responsibility
Douglas kellner: manichean mentality, other is evil,
deny own violence and aggressions
Other is sub-person, can’t speak, us vs them
Presence, role, importance, and subjectivity erased
Athena athanasiou, abnormal life, derealize violence, can’t be human
Boundary, getting rid of other is hygiene and social therapy
Pharmakon, justifies immoral stuff as collateral damage
Other is pure threat in captain marvel but it subverts
Fury worked in cold war, alien threats, training to eliminate, no emotions
Associate skrulls as villains first, voiced by villains, ominous, chameleon abilities
Paranoia, no trust
Žižek: political struggle is making image of enemy or else they're invisible
Looks like us, can’t be recognized
Features as target for hate and strugle
Resistance so need redemptive action, holy terror-terry eagleton
Kellner: violence to solve problems and empower males, trope
Binary imagination gives american fantasy where no ambiguities, just good vs evil
“Myth of good war” more destructive than retaliatory biblical smiting
Sontag: enemy worse than murder, no restraints, anything justified,
No moral problems, no moral qualifications
Dittmer: america simple morals, limitless violence like dominant and assertive heroes
Superhero narratives: discourse through which world is understandable
Žižek: conflict doesn’t resolve itself, must break out
Kree as victims, genocide, but did human experiments, genetic purity, military, imperialistic
Kree vs skrull
Skrull shapeshifting induce panic and violence
Skrulls are peaceful midway through captain marvel, unarmed, reveal truth about kree
Terrorist and war to mean state action against terrorism are idological constructs
Žižek: terms for present conflict are false terms, mystify perception, can’t think
Freedom to mask, lead to unfreedom
Terry eagleton: war on terror, “evil” label hides explanation
Terrorist are irrational abstract agency
explanation that evokes social circumstance is justifying terror
Žižek: retaliate on “terrorists” is sad duty, USA police, don’t like US cus no power
Kree are genocidal not other way around, skrulls like virus, heal means killing them
Humanize skrulls, with their family, humans as friends
Enemies recognized through empathy and sympathy
Pop Culture in disciplinary technology of self
Mcsweeney: Post 9/11 produce, prolong, shapes, give meaning to possible responses
Ironman is antithetical, rejects and perpetuates US identity, military industrial
Captain marvel contests post 9/11
Not male hero
Challenges dominant political issues of power excluding “other”
Unlearn inherent dominative mode that alienates and excludes
Crisis of subjectivity, separate consciousness and what’s learned
Relearning restores who she was, challenges how she was with others
Refugees as result of kree
Žižek: threat to common way of life is global capitalism not refugees, price for economy, production of ‘redundant people’
Not totally anti-hegemonic
Lot of violence to subvert, superhero genre
Legitimize violence for politics
Women’s role in violence, subjects of violence and sacrificial death
Binary of other as villainous,
Henry giroux: violence so normal no longer part of history
Fed by fear in US, surveillance, incarceration, security
Undermines trust, breeds hatred of other, no compassion
Doesn’t undo fear even if it has compassion, just change object of fear
US as saviours, morally unambiguous certitude
Superhero conventionality
Only official story of good USA
No hospitality for skrulls, only a ship, just want home
Sympathy but keep them on margins, back into margins
No integration, alliance, mutuality, only difference
No home cus displaced indigenous people
Terry eagleton: culture says some humans don’t deserve compassion
Needs cultural sophistication
Captain marvel tries to disrupt but not really
Still kearney’s challenge against us and them
Mlk, moral intelligenceJ. Oropeza. “‘Behold! The Hero Has Become Like One of Us.’ The Perfectly Imperfect Spider-Man.” In The Gospel According to Superheroes: Religion and Popular Culture.
Growing pains, bullying, unlucky
Old character, many movies, comics, even female version
Popular cus human, : poor, personal problems, people don't like him
Like us, coming of age, human problems but superhuman
Raised by uncle and aunt after parents killed, new york=realism
Powers bit by spider, spider sense
Use for showmanship and money
Uncle killed, then starts to fight crime
Question why things go wrong
Can’t perform for money cus reputation bad after in the news, public menace
Can’t join fantastic four cus they’re nonprofit
Popublic don’t like him, has enemies
Can’t cash spider-man cheques
Bullied by flash thompson, friends in college, reconcile later
Help pay rent and aunt’s medical bills, tries to be photographer
Rooms with harry osborn
Dock ock is aunt may’s tenant
Aunt may hated spiderman, almost marries dock ock until exposed that he’ll steal her money
Emphasize life is complicated and confusing, want community, belong, love
Acceptance, significance, life's calling,
Spiderman like looking into mirror, no money even if work hard, accused as criminal
Who am i? Why do it if bad consequences
Betty brant, wants to reveal identity but hates him when brother died, dates ned leeds
Gwen stacy but but hates spiderman for dad’s death, acts as redeemer cus loves him
Then died, first time leading lady dead, big part, good guy not always wins
Mary jane, knows he’s spiderman
Should share anxieties with loved ones
Keeps identity as insurance so personal life not affected, loved ones would be in danger
Almost exposed many times
Tragedies avoided like harry osborne into greengoblin and dead if revealed identity
Could’ve been like jesus, keep secret with close people till ready, avoid deaths
Didn’t understant true love, mercy forgiveness, anger but no rejection
Want him alive rather than not, like bible: love covers sins
Later is black and white not red and blue, is venom, attaches to eddie brock
Becomes villain, also carnage both from spiderman’s suit like 2 dopplegangers
What spiderman is without morals
Dark side after gwen’s death but no killing just hitting
If bad end up like green goblin
jackal/professor miles warren makes clone of gewn and peter
Clone gwen leaves peter, clone peter becomes ben reilly, became real spiderman
Peter no longer teen, better life, then ben killed off
Bring back old villain, green goblin back, peter was real spiderman all along
Goblin as anti-christ, returned like in revelations,
Crucified by glider then rose again, recond coming
clones=nothing is certain, characters revive
Releauched spiderman but never uncle ben cus other wise change character
Was actor then ben died, track down murderer who he refused to help before
Change purpose to fight evil, blames himself for death, motivated by guilt
Great power comes great responsibility
Orphan to find identity, journey himself
Unamed burglar as mirror to emphasize peter’s own fault
Responsable for aunt, almost kills her, nothing left but prayer
When recovered, freed from guilt of her condition but still guilty over uncle
Gives up spiderman for a bit cus unhappy then restarts cus people can’t be harmed
Then lost gwen, blames himself, she’s victim of his double life, no grace
Nothing overcomes guilt, wants revenge on himself like orphan, neurotic
Powers like curse, bad life
Fight villains cus it’s right, give up dreams to do good cus great responsibility
Like bible werse, save life will lose, lose life will save
Do unto others what you want done to you-bible verse
Faces burgler who killed ben, spares him,
Aunt may was kidnapped, closer with peter, love greatest medicine-bible
As spiderman, more justice and hate crime
Responsible not cus guilt but chosen by god to help others
Was misguided, good can’t erase bad, needs to believe in god, his sacrifice
Then crucified and dead, like jesus sacrifice for humanity
Adam and eve sined, lose connection with god
Jesus as one of us to rescue and bring us back to god
Both selfless to help humans
Peter like apostle peter not jesus, both suffer from guilt, no grace
Like whom christ wants to save
Spiderman needs to suffer and sacrifice for us to relate
Like jesus was carpenter
Reflect in humanity not christ, see what’s human about jesus which is what we love
Thought traditional narratives had no authors, just from ethnic consciousness
Stories stayed same, people that old it changed
Understand traditions, understand group, ur-narrative
Primordialism-outdated ethnic identity, Stable tradition=stable ethnic identity
Traditions and identities change, rethink how traditions inherited, stories retold
Still look for truth, tradition inheritance has rules
Marvel has source material,
norse myths for thor, afro-futurism black panther, american patriotism and history-captain america
Draws on other movies from before and after
Individual creativity in telling stories, reformulate and retell
Mcu-story is what’s acceptable
Ragnarok-loki’s theft is wink, pretend to be odin
Really, thor stole odin’s part as leader and role in norse myths, lose eye, hanging
Marvel different source materials like memes, and myths, how did I end up here?
3 sources: mcu, thor comics, norse myths
Memes is individual imagination, specific to time and place of premiere
Internet culture
Usually miss it, voice, no analysis, from writers
Pop culture aesthetic-another source material
What’s appropriate depends on author
Myths: stories from past, not always true, cultural significance
Marvel movies not myth, taika waititi feel different than comic or myth author
Authors play by rules how they understand, anything possible
Fluidity from new meanings not changes=taxonomy, ordering system/hierarchy
Or vocabulary, meaning from arrangement, emphasis, and style
Shrek uses fairy tales but interesting delivery
Vocabulary less limiting
Mcu source material, hammer from stone like sword from stone from arthur
Vocab reference from source material, analogy, interesting cus available
Thor and arthur both medieval but different cus different vocab
Troy movie, myth elements to other materials, made up stuff too,
from roman aeneid, based on greek iliad
Both classic mediterranean, looks like can can mix
What belongs together shapes retellings
Constrained by what’s traditional but not always, group choice, who we are
Available is up to individual, don’t care much then do whatever
How fast stuff is tradition, don’t need source material knowledge
Comics become canon like myths
Oral storytelling more changes
Individuals only respond to authority,
what is thought to be traditional/canonical may be innovative, individual imagination
Stories told differently, changes not discussed as author expressions, just world shift
Communication contexts-why created, for what, do stuff for time, place, audience etc
Thor has myth and mcu narrative constraints from before and after, also not constrained
From previous movies but then goes on own path,
space for individual imagination
Original myth elements modified
New installments, more available traditions, vibranium wa only shield, now more
Sacred, more control, make tendencies not rulesJennifer Baldwin’s “‘Open Your Eye’ Psychedelics, Spirituality, and Trauma Resolution.” In Marveling Religion: Critical Discourses, Religion and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Edited by Jennifer Baldwin and Daniel White Hodge, 179-194. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022.
Threat or Trauma before superpowers, fuels and guides for growth into power
Response to crisis, threat, or trauma depends on resources post-crisis
“Sufficient” support: traumatic response, recover resilience, traumatic growth, super
No support: overwhelm, ptsd, “villain”
Trauma response determines if villain or hero
sdasc=safety-dependent altered states of consciousness
Arrogant and superficial neurosurgeon, reputation over patients, crash, bad hands, no surgery
Kamar-taj for therapy but goes into new world, consciousness, time, space, spirit
Gets powers and becomes Sorcerer supreme
Not every bad thing becomes traumatic
Fight or flight, trauma when overwhelms coping
Dr. strange, losing hand function, lose wealth, expertise, connections, trauma and destabilise
Can’t process sensory, narrative, and relational input, what’s left out triggers ptsd
Affect sense of time, embodiment, affect, or thought,
Turns to different state of consciousness=survival response from hormonal response, “trauma-related altered states of consciousness” (trasc)
Less trauma less trasc
Intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, negative thinking, hearing voices, hyperarousal, feeling body parts not real, negative emotions
Strange: lost sense of time, posttraumatic body dysmorphia, rage
Who’s strange without his hands?
Identity, purpose and how to cope with trauma is part of spirituality and theodicy
“normal “ treatments don’t work, unravels strange’s western, and medical view, overwhelming
Move and change, decenter being or crisis of faith
Kamar-taj for bleeding edge solution and ancient one
Reference to Life pre-trauma less important,
remember and process trauma
Make new way of being with past, threat, and survival
Mordo “forget everything you think you know”, unknown spaces
Strange tries to be a surgeon an starts quizzing, ancient one reorients from western keyhole, spiritual stuff, strange rejects, ancient one puts him in astral form, strange confused
Other states of consciousness= new perspective, not always healing but can help trasc when used well,
psychedelics for spiritual stuff and healing, more western research after banned in 70s
Trust between therapist/guide and patient/client
Client more awareness and connection to god or divine
Ketamine, weed, lsd kinda legal, be careful
New psychological and spiritual space like apocalypse (uncovering) and revelation (learn new stuff)
Sdasc: transform norms and structures
Structure overwhelms trauma survivors
Trauma causes dissociation
sdasc=clarity, courage, compassion
Ritual theory, track transformation
Separation-ordinary to ritual state
Liminality-in between before and after
Incorporation-new status or way
Different after
Psychedelics, prayer, meditation, diets, can cause ritual theory
Strange going to kamar-taj
Psychedelics in ceremonies, rites of incorporation-strange: plea to learn
Trasc: liminal is like dissociation, not different, sdasc: liminal with a “trip”
Social, personal, and neurophysiological changes,
“time out” from norms, disrupt default patterns
Normal: “doing” leaves no room to process, post-trauma: “doing” in time loop
Like dormammu and strange
Perspective, find new response, new understanding of concerns, release burdens, interpret
Not alternate, but widening keyhole, see more=neuroplasticity
Neurons that fire together, wire together, generate new connections, think and feel differently
Keyhole narrow in trasc, replay trauma response, good biologically cus keep us away
Rigid learning, erode trust, driven external or internally
Feel safe, seek new stuff (sdasc), feel threat, don’t change (trasc)
Different interpretation of divine based on spiritual tradition and culture
Use drugs at rituals, spiritual growht, more awareness
Religious experience
Can’t describe mystical experience “ineffability”
“Noetic quality” learned something
“Transiency”, short time
“Passivity”, can be induced
Mystical doesn’t mean religious/spiritual like trauma doesn’t mean ruined
Seeds that can be cultivated or ignored
Not experience but how we respond
Can go back from trauma or have darkness and have new path, origin story, dr strange
Ancient one
“Open your eyes” disrupt
“To show you just how much you don’t know” trip
4 elements of religious experience,
ineffability, this can’t be happening, confused, whirlwind
noetic, ancient one teaches that there’s more
transient, only a few minutes
Passivity, can go back, ancient one make him experience again, “teach me”
Perception opened by mystical/psychedelic experience
Experience isn’t life’s meaning and purpose, just 1st step
Return from altered space to connection, safety
Identity experiences and lessons, learn
Implement wisdom, live
“Study and practice…years of it”
Can move on after trauma
Altered consciousness as trauma response, mystical awakening, or drugs
Must be safe, no threatsJamey Heit’s “No Laughing Matter: The Joker as a Nietzschean Critique of Morality.” Vader, Voldemort and Other Villains: Essays on Evil in Popular Media. Edited by James Heit, 175-188. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 2011.
Mobs have clear good or bad, easy villain, violate morals
Binary of good triumphs evil
Maroni in batman but joker robs bank, new breed of criminal, not same evil
Steals from mob
Joker offers to get rid of batman,
he’s not crazy, but not interested in material or moral values
Subvert expectations
Evil not easy, don’t know how to categorize, look away
Not interested in money, bruce doesn’t know why he isn’t greedy
Just watch the world burn, doesn’t care
Crime is joke, evil is game, don’t care for outcome/consequences
Make sense of someone who can’t be categorized, binary
Why does joker’s evil appeal
Joker like devil
Nietzsche: joker diverts from moral binary
Deviation is evil and appealing
Manipulate like devil, satan tempt adam and eve
Adam and eve can be good like god, won’t punish, snake subverts god
Nuanced discussion in binary
Misdirection paradise lost, rebellion
Conflict when satan expelled from heaven
Blames god, rift
Satan will be justified, not god
Batman is facade
Institution is bad, no phone call, batman into cell
Good is product of utility, not trusted
What's evil?
Alternative, batman may need to kill, batman considers
Joker like snake is powerless, but subverts notion of good, that frames whole conflict
Doesn’t claim evil is better than good but whole paradigm is flawed
Those who adhere fracture self-identity
Labelled good or evil to dismiss
Nietzche: morality believes in realities that don’t exist, misinterpretation, ignorance, nonsense
Binary distorts reality to justify
Joker subvert paradigm to undo, expose institutional distinctions
Doesn’t deny reality=ahead of the curve, chilling because true
Human, all too human, feel bad being not doing, misunderstand choice obscures consequence
Become who you want to be
Not free so feels remorse, problem
Consequence according to framework
No one responsible, judge is to be unjust
If you judge, others judge you
Unlike jesus, reject him
Will of god and humility is cowardice to be decisive
Joker bombs 2 ships, wants to dissolve binary but people failed, clung to good, timid cowardice
Freedom is act without prohibition, joker doesn’t surrender
Thus spoke zarathustra, only god knows good and evil
Dream where distinctions make certainty
Nietzsche uncertainty, god doesn’t affect others, decide for themselves
Freedom when don’t accept others’ standards
Joker makes circumstances to get rid of good
Do this, do that and be happy, immoral unreason
Harvey and rachel bomb, no right answer
Happiness and morals limit freedom and fractures clarity
Don’t take reason’s ability to address stuff for granted
Saving dent gives consequences
Original sin in interpretative response to decision not disobedience
Dent wants pain, good didn’t save rachel, disassociate from good
Reject binary, two-face
Joker- no one panics when stuff goes according to plan even if same thing
Chaos is fair, two face flips coin, shift in good and evil
Chance is fair, independent from morals like joker
Zarathustra: risk and danger, dice-playing for death
Chance is morally neutral, ground freedom
Joker doesn’t care if two face shoots him, just that he abandons framework
Release from false certainty, immortal sin of reason
Joker is evil because doesn’t care about hospital, subvert paradigm
What kind of derange person does that
How to respond to someone who rejects binary
Unhinge from binary=unsettling, actions and consequences no moral worth
Nazi no morals like joker
Only watch if normal
Evil acts normal, ability not willingness
Banality of evil, support or observe
Evil in culture can be unchecked, not individual
Joker evil but seduce good
Evil not monster, maybe clown
Clown hurt trial and suffering, not noticed or reported
Clowns resist standards, divert, distract, amuse, obscure dark reality
Joker exposes batman shortsightedness
Villains exploit space from good
Joker exposes us for relying on people telling us good and bad
Evil doesn’t follow good, good fails
Evil thrives when ignoredSuperman most ubiquitous symbol of american pop culture
Created by 2 jewish teens in 1938
Always had religious or scriptural references, jewish or christian
Religiously multivalent: different interpreters find different symbols and themes about same thing
Meaning comes from interaction between interpreter and text
Clues in text and reader experience
No one fully responsible
Distant planet destroyed by age
Scientist puts infant son in hastily made space ship and launches to earth
Passing motorist finds it and puts in orphanage
Child gets powers and decides to use it for good
Little religious symbolism, nothing specific
Alien with great power decides to use for good and not dominate
Any connection is not very useful
Jor-l and lora, krypton scientists birth kal-l
Earthquake threatens to topple home, family is fine
But planet will explode
Jor-l wants to make big ark to move everyone to safe place but government refuses
He still secretly builds a small ship to test flight
but planet gets destroyed and superman is put on it to go to earth
Parents are self-sacrificing
Passing motorist picks him up and puts in orphanage
Ark-noah’s ark in torah, rescue entire populace
Ark for moses
all male hebrew children killed in egypt
Moses put in basket “tevah” down the river
Safe future for sun like noah in alien culture
The kents advise him to use powers for good but hide alien identity
Krypton just experimental ship, no family background
Kents replace passing motorist
After dropping him in orphanage, kents come back to adopt
Kents give love and guidance
Dad says hide identity
Mom says do good
Kents explain why superman does good
Kents death makes superman more determined to do good
Kent’s advice adds ethics
Can draw parallels between moral actions and religious ethics,
superman can be “claimed” as religious symbol
Influence pop culture, convert
Mother named mary, christ parallel
Christ as alien come from heaven but looks human
Too many details missing for a good link
What details signifies one religion more than another
How do people understand superman religiously
Godlike nature of name
kal=with lightness, swiftness, vessel, voice
jor-el , white colour, divine
Immigration for sake of survival, dual identity
New world, remember heritage
Superman passes as normal, refugee
Clark kent-jewish male stereotype, timid socially inept, weak, clumsy, not sexual, nebbish
Superman jewish, mixes “old world” sensibility and anti masculinity with superman physical prowess=new home in america
Old testament and jewish heroes, moses
Singled out by god like superman’s dad
12 year tutelage with robot dad in fortress of solitude
Dad says to use powers for good
“Commission narratives”
Confronted by divine when discovering green crystal and watching creation of the fortress
Introductory word- jor-el introduction
Commissions- by dad to do good
No objection so no need reassurance and sign, can still be represented by uniform and powers
light=divine presence
Killing First born=kryptonian
Both sent away for protection
Raised in foreign cultures
Help people
Hide true identity
Jews make illustrated books, haggadah
Heavenly father
Sun becomes father, father the sun
Jesus lives in you, paraclete
Moses parallels with christ too
12 year tutelage with robot dad in fortress of solitude
Dad says to use powers for good
Jesus also fled because male infants would be killled
jesus=new moses
Mostly moses over samson and hercules (physically strong peopl)
Only son for divine mission with secret identity
Earth people lack the light - jor-el
light=jesus, light of the world
Clark will change humans and shine his light and make other good
Christ figure himself
Dad says “my only son”
fulfillment for hope of messiah, saviour figure
Commission is incarnation, servitude, could be torah too
Echoes bible
Chsitomorphic, transfigures story of jesus
Whole movie shows possibility of incarnation of divine love
God makes servants suffer and triumph for humans
4 Issues
Difficult subject, very interdisciplinary
Different understandings of same text, relationship between text and reader
Pursue knowledge of history, older origin stories, appreciate changes, holistic view
Open to analysis and critique, no one is rightReligion appears in pop culture like music and tv shows
Yoga and hinduism
occult phenomena like angels, demons, witches, vampires, zombies (haitian vodou)
Superhero good vs. evil
Crucifix pose on posters
Shortened workshops to accommodate short attention span from tv
Super bowl festivities=religion
Learning about religion thru pop culture helps us
learn role of religion in everyday lives and its perception
How religions change by culture
High/elite culture
gourmet meal
Transmitted in written form eg literary magazine, music score, cookbook
Limited audience by intention
Aimed at people with perceived superior backgrounds or sophisticated taste
Folk culture
Passed orally eg family recipes, legends, customs
Limited audience from oral communication
Popular culture-
mcdonalds hamburger
Widespread and popular from mass media eg tv, radio, movies, books, magazines, social media
Larger audience
Culture: neutral term, range of human products and thoughts that surround us and provide context
Some say culture should only be for sophisticated and quality stuff eg symphony not polka band
Analysts say it doesn’t make judgments on value, quality or taste
How indispensable are the mass media to the concept of popular culture?
Ray Browne, a key figure in the founding of the Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association.
“Way of life of a people”
“Existed since primitive times”
Before printing press and mass media
Eg laughing at play
Discuss pop culture through all of human history
Merges with folk culture but in contrast with high culture
Russel Nye, also a central figure in the development of popular cultural analysis as an academic field.
Needs mass audience from urbanisation and democratization
Mass distribution eg printing press and mass media
“Cultural condition that didn’t appear in western civilization before late 18th century”
Mass mediation?
Both agree pop culture is what’s accepted by a large group of people
Important in its transmission eg tv, movies, music, coms, social media, video games, magazines, popular fiction
How widespread?
Top 40 but also specific categories of music=subcultures/sub-universes
Why some pop culture flourishes?
No clear difference between between levels of culture eg old folk music is high culture
Notion of “pop culture” brings attention to common commercial and entertaining parts of cultural context as worthy of attention and reflection
Why pay attention? It both reflects and shapes us
General public makes stuff popular
Producers manipulate tv and we decide what we like
Why is stuff popular? Figure out why and learn about ourselves
Jack Nachbar and Kevin Lause, in their introduction to popular culture analysis at the beginning of Popular Culture: An Introductory Text, “pop culture formula”
Popularity of something is proportional to how much it reflects our belief and values
We don’t examine things themselves but the meaning in the culture as a whole
Quest for meaning for popularity
Mirror and reflects but it’s distorted and only reflects back a portion
Influenced by intentions of creative forces
Funhouse mirror
Reflection reinforces our values and deepens our connection to them
Only show certain images and alters perception of reality
eg no african americans in 50s
White people forget them
Internalize message that they’re marginal
Michael Real Mass-Mediated Culture
Mass mediated culture serves interest of elite
Programs mass consciousness
“Give people what they want”-maximise profits, restricts choice, fragments consciousness, hides alienation
Kenneth Myers, an evangelical Christian and a journalist
Pop culture: “erosion of character, spoils innocent pleasure, cheapens life itself”
All include hope that if we analyze pop culture and raise them to a level of consciousness, it affects us less
Activists try to blunt pop culture and change its production to something more appropriate
Conflict between pop culture creators and critics: both reflects and shapes
Encourage materialism, prompt violence, demean women vs. merely reflections of society
Video games Make violent society vs. society already violent
Both may be true but one claim can be more significant
Some discussions only limit to intention of creators and nature of object itself
need to focus on audience reception : how and why public receives and responds
Eg. bts of star trek but needs how and why star trek is popular
Learn more by examining patterns rather than examples
Single example focus on creative uniqueness
Patterns have broader themes and popular response
founding of the Popular Culture Association in 1971
the American Culture Association in 1979,
Pop culture text in 1992, no religion
American Academy of Religion in 1995, topic of religion exploded
Levels of religion
Institutional religion eg. christianity, islam, judaism, etc and smaller groups
Broad societal assumptions about holiness and what’s valued eg wealth=success, value of family, individualism
unique/personal beliefs and practices
“religion”=institutionalized group
“spirituality”=general movements and private expressions
“Spiritual but not religious”
Scholars use “religion” to include everything
Definition of religion
Christian theologian Paul Tillich :“ultimate concern,”
undergraduate text: “any person’s reliance upon a pivotal value,”
Organizing principle in life, what’s important and everything else is subordinate
Includes religion and other passions/priorities eg nationalism, materialism, sports
Popularity is what public values, could be “religion”
Also human expressions closer to traditional religions
Julia Mitchell Corbett’s Religion in America “ system of belief, lifestyle, ritual activities, and institutions that individuals give/find meaning to their lives by living by what they think is holy, sacred, or of the highest value.”, more restrictive definition
Religion is spectrum, present in superheroes, struggles of life, celebrity, tv
Catholic nuns, monks, preachers
Redeemer played by comic heroes, apocalypses, witches, angels, vampires, zombies
Movies focus on religion eg ten commandments, chosen, little buddha
Explicit representation eg nuns, monks, muslim prayer rugs, exorcisms
Implicit appearances eg christ allegories like
ET, come down from earth, loved and misunderstood, died and resurrected
Superman returns
Man of steel, zach snyder wanted to add christ-like parallels, superman metaphor
Jewish themes in superman
Neo in matrix either christian, buddhist, jewish or gnostic
Plot structures: ‘classical monomyth”
Hero goes to supernatural
Encounders forces
Comes back
Eg ulysses, aenas
“American monomyth”
Paradise threatened by evil
Institutions fail
Superhero victory from fate
Goes back and fades
Westerns, comics
Secularization of Judeo-Christian redemption
Heroes replace christ
Hope of divine bigger than science
Films have cross-cultural forms, the way hollywood reshapes, invents, rejects archetypes
Pop culture stories like themes of love, meaning, sin, death and resurrection, forgiveness
Ask questions of identity
How the world poses question, parallel own faith
Andrew M. Greeley, a Catholic priest, sociologist, and prolific author. Find god in movies because the art is fine and lively and vivid
Also in music videos, movies, comedies, stories, comics, books etc
Appropriation of pop culture by religion, impact and influence on what they believe and how they operate
Popular music styles in church
Pop culture slogans/icons
Does pop culture change religion?
Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
Change in thinking from print to tv
Marshall McLuhan’s “ medium is the message,”
print=serious rational discourse
tv=image-based culture, exploding pics, fragmented, sensation/feeling over rationality, entertainment first, anything on tv is entertainment
“The danger is not that religion has become the content of tv shows, but that tv shows may become the content of religion.”
Even more different with tech
Religion as self help?
Marketing religion?, good or bad?
Pop Culture in religion least examined
3 types of religion
Inner core/essence/ nature
Thing in itself
Relationship with gods
Favoured by philosophers/theologians
Effects in life
Systems and how it helps people deal with stuff
Favoured by scholars in social sciences
From comparative study and presence of religion
Stories, rituals, morals, communities
Favoured by historians of religion
Pop culture is mostly functional and formal, a little substantive too
Fandoms and conventions
devotion to stories and people Eg graceland is elvis pilgrimage
Religion? Meaning and purpose? Interpret the world? Belief systems?
American pop culture as religion like worship services
Belief system, problems (evil), deliverance, future, resolutions
Westerns are rituals to americana like casablanca
Basic storyline
Evil from outside
Worships already held beliefs
American worship less explicit but still persuasive
Focus on beliefs
Similar function
Cope with problems, find meaning
Religion for most devoted followers
Things that don’t fit in other categories
eg. violence in media,
religious leader debate is dialogue
Violence has no religion
Just in media and society
Connects religion and pop culture
Religion and pop culture not separate
Dialogue, used broadly
Talk to and about others
Conversion in shared interest
Religious denunciations most publicised
Awareness to culture and diversity and less fortunate too
Pop culture speak on religion negatively
Abuse in spotlight movie
Religious hypocrisy in east jesus nowhere
Affirms religion too
Country albums with hymns
Heart warming movies and tv
Only general issues
Religion approves of pop culture?
Pop culture criticizes or affirms religion?
Ethical ares that religious values pertain
Gender, race, success, etc
Mostly jewish and christian
More than 4 categories, not exclusive but interactive
Use pop culture to promote religion
Use religion in marketing and media
Discussion of religious and cultural assumptions
Fluidity in categories
Get interested unapologeticallyPeter parker, was only spiderman
Miles morales, other spiderman, same universe?
Fun movie style
Smart, entered a lottery, uncle bad, maybe satan?
Hidden in plain sight
Meets gwen
Foreshadow spiderman, moving in the dark after getting to class late
Tries to fail on purpose but can’t fail that bad
Gwen likes him
Spray painting when avoiding homework with uncle then stung by spider
Gets powers
Tries to hit on gwen but is “sticky”, everyone knows
Overthinking, loud thoughts
Two spiderman, doesn’t think possible
Miles like spiderman like jesus?
Wants to actually tell someone and not keep to himself
Why happening to me
Peter spiderman opened a portal, saved by peter
Kingpin Opened 5 dimensions, exploded
Needs to destroy portal
Real spiderman killed and identity revealed, mary jane
Uncle sent to kill miles but escape
Counting on miles
Use comics as guide, text in text
Other spiderman came when miles was visiting other peter’s grave
Peter b spider failed, sucked into mile’s universe
Miles can’t swing
Saves then Captures peter b to question
Doesn’t wanna teach, better not to be spiderman
Go through portal before bad stuff
Needs mile’s help, agrees to teach
Miles turns invisible
Female dock ock wants them to study
Gwen! Went to mile’s school after, knew he was there
Kingpin lost his family, from other universe
Make machine to bring back family
Visit aunt may, make another usb after broken
Meet more spidermen, dark, spiderman, pig
Not ready, no powers
Uncle disappeared, fight as villain, soft spot for him, finds out it’s uncle!
Was followed by kingpin’s henchmen
Uncle finds out it’s miles, shot by kingpin, uncle ben moment
Dad is cop, wants spiderman
Other spidermen leave him behind cus can’t prove himself
Leap of faith to know when ready, faith-christianity stuff
Kingpin party, Waiters dressed as spidermen, Peter b saw mj
Miles help the spidermen at portal, 3rd act fight sequence
All spidermen leave except miles who fights kingpin on his own and wins
Reconciles with dad
Anyone can wear the maskThor trapped, gods not all-powerful and holy, uncouth humour, still sound godly
Mythical figures and events into pop culture
Combine with earth, guy went to earth, got guns
Memorable soundtrack evoke emotion for other religions
Story in story
Gods still “human”, dumped by jane
Different higher powers coexist, dr strange’s magic and mythology
Gods can be made a fool of, physical comedy
Gods can die
Hela flipped the script on loki, kneel
Not all gods equal
Subdivided jobs, god of___
Mix religions, norse gods with halos, catholic frescos
Reshape history, history told by victors, no peace treaties, won by battles
Gods as entertainment, maybe in real life/distraction? Fighting each other
Gods as sex symbols?
Try to defy fate: stop ragnarok
Flashback Crashes, bleeds blue
Power and chip in neck
Fights cus can’t sleep, needs to let go of past, makes vulnerable
Has to control power, cus emotional
Can’t see supreme intelligence
Memory wiped
Mission to retrieve spy
Captured by skrulls, going through memory, looking for lawson for engine for home
Fights them, blows out of ship, lands on earth
Contacts team, told to stay
Meets nick fury and phil coulson, don’t believe her
Scrull finds her and attacks, fights grandma
Coulson is skrull, fury kills, him, turns to skrull
Steals bike and table
Dissect skrull
Makes friends with fury at empty bar
Meets goose, infiltrate government hangar
Look for records of lawson
Lawson was kree, crashed testing light speed engine, danvers crashed
Head shield guy is skrull
Meets with rambeau who fills her in
Talos in house
Kree shot her down
Blow up energy core gave her powers
Everything i knew was a lie, wrong side of unjust war
Find coordinates for lab, invisible
Lawson was hiding skrulls, talos family
Kree capture her, no power, with supreme intelligence
Breaks out of trance, takes out chip
Flurkin takes tesseract
Ronin wants to take her down and tesseract but they leave
Goose eats fury’s eye
Carol will find home for skrulls, tesseract should stay on earth
Gives fury pager
Fury needs to find more heroes, start avengers initiativeCaecillius steal stuff, caught by ancient one, fight in other parallel realm?
Dark vs light
Light is hypocrite
Ancient one uses prohibited dark magic
caecilius escapes
Dr strange arrogant, likes christine palmer, other doctor,
Operate on guy with bullet, wants to take out full bullet free-hand, show off
Car crash on way to speaking while calling, glass damage hands
Tries to fix hand, people and western medicine won’t help, expensive surgeries, poor now
Finds someone healed with mind, then healed body, kamar-taj
People try to rob strange, rescued by kamar taj people
“Forget everything you think you know”
Look through keyhole, try to widen, but reject other ways to widen, don’t believe
No such thing as spirit, just matter
Astral projection stuff, then kicked out
Reminds like caecilius, wants to use stephen against him, teaches him
Dropped off on everest, learns it’s not his hands that’s problem
Finds eye of agamotto, time stone
Caecilius stole dormammu stuff, could make time loops and stuff
Caecillius comes back to fight strange
Strange gets cape
Caecillius wants to live forever, use dark magic, tempts strange
Stabbed, goes to christine, astral project after defibrillation
Fights other guy in astral projection?
Ancient ones draws dark power to stay alive
Strange becomes new guardian cus other one died
Won’t kill cus doctor like batman
Caecillius back, stabs ancient one, meant to die
Strange fears failure
Could go back to surgery but chooses not to
Mordor turns quits and turns dark, blames ancient one for caecilius
Sanctum already fallen in hongkong but reverses time
Dormammu i’ve come to bargain etc time loop
Draw on evil to defeat evil, not black or white like joker, chaos in between
In charge of sanctum santorium
mid credits, thor and loki come to look for odin, cause chaos strange helps
Post credits, mordor is really evil, kills healed guy cus too many sorcerors
Joker mask, crime
People in clown masks go to rob bank
joker planned heist but not in it, wants cut
Clown backstabs each other when job is done
Puts bomb in hands
Banker with gun fights back, shot when he runs out
Joker actually in heist, kills everyone else
Money in bus blends in with other school busses
Scarecrow back, sells bad drugs
Fake Batman kills mob but gets sprayed
Real batman comes in
Rachel and da in court, guy took over falcone tries to shoot da but not full
Scientist gets chinese company
Batman wants new suit
Rachel and bruce dinner
Die hero or live long enough to be villain
Joker stole from chinese company/mob bank
Joker infiltrate meeting
Joker card, like bat signal but for joker, also he plays the card, leverage, advantage of card
dent=da, want lau (chinese mobster)
Joker plays games, gets mob
Why so serious, why no joke
fox/science guy, goes to hongkong to meet lau
Batman goes into hongkong building, gets lau
Arrest bad government people, judge has joker card
Fake batman body from joker
Batman, symbol not to be afraid of people
Joker card that batman needs to turn himself in like superman
Bruce throws fundraiser for dent
commissioner and wife poisoned or blown off, joker goes to bruce party for dent
Joker plays about his backstory
Joker throw rachel off roof, bruce saves her
Joker just wants to watch the world burn and have fun
Batsuit, evolution of power and influence over city
Joker gonna kill mayor
Joker sole security uniform set bomb
Good cop dead, Batman’s fault
Rachel next, hides with bruce
Batman gets bad government guy
Dent playing games, gets caught up with games
Joker gets arkham patients
Rachel cheats on dent since bruce will give up batman
Dent claims he’s batman
Police diverted and run over
Batmobile dead, self destructs, turn to motorcycle
Joker wants to play with batman, tips his truck
Good cop survived
Not monster just ahead of the curve
Batman talk to joker
Joker wants bruce to kill him, dent missing,choose between rachel and dent
Rachel wants to marry dent
Batman comes for dent, rachel dies
Joker planned to be caught and locked up
Harvey becomes two face
Joker burn money
Joker gonna get hospital, they evacuate
Coin, chance, two face, luck, game, fear, i make my own luck, fairness, equal chance
Harvey survives, starts spinning/flipping coins
Too much power for one person
Science guy will resign cus bruce tapped everyones phone for surveillance
Dent wants to know who picked up rachel
Ferries gonna blow
Boats blow up each other, civilians or prisoners
Good cop family to leave to get kidnapped
Joker tricks police into killing wrong hostages, hostage and bad guys switch clothes
Batman caught, takes swat down the building
People on boats volunteer to kill others
No one’s like joker
Joker and batman won’t kill each other
Joker wants fun, batman self righteous, dance forever
Joker made harvey mad
Harvey gonna hurt good cop’s family, son
Joker wants to prove even good guys can be crazy like dent
Harvey shoot batman but bulletproof
Joker won, dent’s work is undone
Hunt batman cus he can take it and he’s not a hero, silent guardian, watchful protector, dark knightBad city
Joker tries to smile
Kids steal his sign, hit him with it, beat him up
Laughs weird?
“Death more sense than life”, in therapy?
Was locked up in hospital
Wants more meds, wants to feel better, laughing condition
Lives with mom
Wrote to the Waynes, who’s running for mayor will save city
Late night show, goes on stage, in his head
Guy gives him gun to protect, not supposed to have one, owes him
Gotta payback sign,
Mom thinks wayne will help
Follows someone he made smile
Makes joke wants her to come to his standup
Guy who gives him gun gets him fired
Guys on subway make fun of him, beat him up, he shoots them
Starts dancing? Folie a deux, makes out with neighbour?
Hide behind a mask, envious, won’t show face - wayne
People don’t care, he thinks they do
Good standup
Girl thinks clown is good
Wayne is his father not really mom is delulu
Tries to entertain rich kid/bruce wayne, chokes alfred butler
Comes back mom sick
Police interrogated mom, gave her stroke, asks about gun, says it’s a prop, make fun of laughing condition
Late night guy makes fun of his condition
Wayne says people are clowns, smt wrong with them, protests and fight
Joker sneaks into benefit, confronts wayne in bathroom
Joker is a adopted, wayne punches him
Joker’s gonna go on show
Goes to arkham finds out mom was crazy, steals files, is adopted, abused, maybe brain damage
Deluded about neighbour being in love with him
Kills mom, life is comedy
Plans to off himself on the show
Dyes hair green before show and puts on makeup, transformation
Clowns come to cheer him up from mom death
Stopped meds, stabs guy who gave him gun, he wanted to get stories straight
Runs from police on way to show, blends in with crowns on way to protest,
clowns fight police reverse uno
Murray call as joker when introduce, joker’s gonna be laughing stalk
Weird sexual theme in whole movie
Confesses to murders
Everybody is awful these days, it’s enough to make you crazy
Blows murray’s brains out
Likes Causing chaos, gotham is burning, arrested, isn’t it beautiful
Rescued by clowns, police car rammed
Waynes out of movie, parents killed, mother’s pearl necklace
Joker causes batman
Clowns cheer him on
In arkham asylum, leaves blood(y footsteps) behind himBat
Playing with kid in garden finds smt
Bruce falls down well, BAT, fear, trauma, nightmare
Falling down into bats, nightmare
Bruce in jail? Prisoners don’t like
Practice? Fighting
Very good, guards take bruce away to protect prisoners
Bruce wayne is trying to disappear
Ducard spies
Ra’al ghul, league of shadows
Vigilantes lost for struggle of own gratification
Look for blue flower carry to mountain for purpose
People tell him to go back
Meets al ghuland ducard
Seeks means to fight injustice
Blue flower, symbol that he’s chosen?
Manipulate fears of others, master your own, bats
Death isn’t fair, ducard fights him after he climbed a lot
Old arrow, childhood curiosity, adventure, arrow, fear pierce down, ancient acting, human nature stuff
Pearl necklace, for mother
Wayne tower, center of gotham, resources
Bats, seriousness, in opera
Gets out of opera, shoots parents, pearl necklace broken
Dad says don’t be afraid
Bats, reason for parents death, his weakness
Pearl necklace, family, wealth, old life broken when snatched
Gun, weapon, ends lives
Wallet, wealth, resources, passport to high society
Coat, police gives as comfort, shield, warmth
Umbrella, shielding, grief as shield
Wayne manor, safe house, bit of old life
Alfred, comfort, reassurance, control, sanity, voice of reason
Learns stuff
Back for hearing, talks with rachel, old friend
Man that killed parents might get early parole for ratting
Someone shoots the guy walking out of court, bruce was gonna kill him before someone else did
Revenge and justice isn’t the same
Gun, tool for revenge
Falcone mob guy inciting crime causing parents death
Gun, revenge, throws it off bridge before confronting falcone
Fear what you don’t understand bats
Falcone insults him, gets thrown out
Trades jacket with homeless
Starts living homeless, experience common people
Thrill of success, never became of of them
Blue flower, change to get batman powers? Black panther moment, breathe in fears and face them
Become fear
People simulate bats
Commit to justice, kill prisoner
League of justice kill gotham, not justice league lol
Doesn’t kill, sets off explosives instead
Mentor person died, bruce rescues as tower thing is falling
Trapped on cliff, pulls him up
Picked up by albert of a fucking private plane
Father wanted to help poverty, murder made people help, big events spur people
As a symbol i can be incorruptible, elemental, terrifying, bat
Gone 7 years, someone wanted to take public liquidate shares
Cillian murphy scarecrow HOT
Sees bats, unfazed
Explores batcave
Scarecrow doing operation
Bruce shows up at shareholders meeting, rachel finds out he’s back
Wants to do science
Gets armour from science department
Orders stuff
Police that helped him gives info to take down falcone
Gets batmobile and fabric stuff from science department
Bruce intercepts drug stuff first time as bat
Bat, use it to incite fear in others now, boomerang thing
I’m batman, he’s fear
Falcone sent people to kill rachel, batman helps get leverage
Falcone makes bat signal, justice, criminals in fear
Police don’t like because they didn’t do their job
Billionaire playboy genius philanthropist
Wayne enterprises shipping weapon, someone turned it on, destroyed ship, weapon gone
Sees rachel again after being weird
Scarecrow makes falcone scared and insane
Falcone guy shoots person investigating
Inspires kids?
Scarecrow burns a house?
Scarecrow makes him scared, lights him on fire, fears back
Blood poison? Out 2 days, wakes on birthdays
Rachel find boss killed, bruce suits up and follows
Scarecrows rachel
Batman comes
Scarecrow working for al ghul
Batman takes good cop
Crane dumping medicine into water supply to kill gotham per al ghul’s wishes
Weaponizes bats against others
Drives into batcave with rachel gives her antidote
Gives antidote to rachel to give to others and replicate
Get lost in monster, father didn’t prove to others
Ras al ghul was good guy whole time dundundunnnnn
Doesn’t like compassion
Toxin from blue flowers, too good to be true trick
Gonna destroy city, restore balance like thanos
Burns mansion
Prisoners out
Bruce burning and trapped, albert rescues
Poison Spray, control
Rachel finds out it’s bruce
Scarecrow mask, protection, feer device,like other masks from poison
Darkness, cover, evil, bad etc
Water pressure gonna blow, filed with poison
Train keeps going maybe sacrifice
Break pipes stop train
Lets him run down train, die but not kill by himself
Bruce buys company
Batmans’ just a symbol rachel
He himself is also mask, criminals fear his face
Stethoscope, doctors thing, heal, rebuild house, rebuild lives/relationships
Joker card, joker foreshadowingAlien, freak
He’ll be like a god to them
Mary kent=martha kent, both biblical
Only chance, people’s only hope
Holds info, like jesus, codex=bible/word of god,
zod/villain/satan/egyptians, temptation to join bad side
Boy child, first natural birth in centuries, miracle like jesus, free, heresy, religion theme
Future with the child, like moses and israelites
Zod banished like satan, won’t kill him but banish for eternity like god
Will find the son like satan
Assimilated like moses and jesus
Using powers like jesus
New name like moses?
Call him names like moses
Superman and moses has romance, not jesus
Act of god for saving school bus
Save enemies like jesus
Gonna change everything when they find out real identity,
Afraid of what they don’t understand, bible stuff
“did god do this to me”
You’re the answer to are we alone in the universe, higher power ish
sent for a reason
Other father, other name, god
Find reason like moses
Fights back, unlike jesus and moses
Non Believers in supernatural (superman’s powers, moses, jesus, god)
Clark doesn’t know identity, other do
Genesis chamber
Predetermined role, slavery in egypt, something greater? Freedom?
Dual identity
Keep testing your limits, inspiring superhero shit
Superman inspire kids like jesus inspire followers and moses inspire israelites
Ideal to strive towards, race behind, join in time, accomplish wonders: freedom
Cover tracks unlike moses and jesus
Guardian angel
Jonathan kent, biblical
Wants no credit like, disappear unlike others
“Not my dad” jesus?
Dad’s sacrifice
Told not to act, had to wait, world not ready
Do you know how they’d react, lois lane paper, form following
Found my people
Farm in kansas, manger for jesus, israelites farm?
Villain back, journey across ocean of stars, red sea egyptians
Surrender himself, like jesus ish
Hold anger
Take leap of faith to trust zod will keep promise
S means hope
Can’t control
Hand over to zod, betrayal like judas but less extreme
Believers are important to superman, jesus stuff
Enemy makes threats
Enemy in other land
Wants people to help but needs to run its course
Destruction freed villains
Instrument of damnation became salvation
Krypton live again on earth, jews move to israel
Can’t be part of it, what can be part of,
Father as guidance, god
Protect loved ones
Being persecuted
Sense of morality
Evolution always wins
A good death is its own reward
Father and zod, god and satan
He saved us