U.S. had isolationist policy in the 30’s
Hoover pulled U.S. troops out of Nicaragua and Haiti
Neutrality Acts of 1935, 36, and 37 forbade selling of arms to belligerents and either side of the civil war in Spain
Japan Set up a Puppet government in Manchuria called Manchukuo
Stimson Doctrine → The U.S. would not recognize aggressive regimes
FDR Good Neighbor Policy
Reversed Roosevelt Corollary
Nullified Platt Amendment (U.S. had right to interfere with Cuba politics) and only kept rights to Guantanamo Bay
FDR Economic Diplomacy
Recognized Soviet Union to boost trade
Tydings-McDuffie Act → Gradual independence and removal of U.S. troops from Philippines
Lowered tariffs
Fascism Abroad
Mussolini in Italy attracted dissatisfied war veterans, nationalists, and those afraid of communists
Nazi Party in Germany grew from resentment over Treaty of Versailles
Nationalists in Japan persuaded emperor the best way to access materials was invading Asia
Franco won the Spanish Civil War and set up Fascist gov’t
As Fascists gained power Britain and France adopted an appeasement policy
Let Mussolini invade Ethiopia
Let Hitler march troops into the Rhineland
Ignored U.S. gunboat in China getting sunk by Japan
Let Hitler take Sudetenland at Munich Conference
Stalin and Hitler alliance and blitzkrieg Poland, starting the war
France and Britain became allied powers and went to war against Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, and Japan
FDR felt it was necessary for the security of the U.S. to give Britain aid after France fell
Cash and Carry Policy → Britain could buy arms from the U.S. if they used their own ships and paid cash
Destroyers for bases deal → U.S. gave Britain destroyers and in exchange got rights to build military bases on Caribbean Islands
FDR wanted the U.S. to be an arsenal of Democracy
Wanted to defend four freedoms: speech, religion, want, and from fear
Lend-Lease Act → U.S. could lend Britain arms
Navy was to attack all German submarines they encountered while escorting British ships
Disputes with Japan
When Japan joined the axis and started conquering European colonies (Dutch East Indies, British Burma, French Indochina), the U.S. stopped selling oil and froze Japanese credits in U.S. markets
U.S. declared war on Japan after they bombed Pearl harbor
Stalin joined the allies after Hitler ordered an invasion of the U.S.S.R.
Bretton Woods
United Nations Monetary Conference that created World Bank which provided loans for reconstruction of Europe
Also made International Monetary Fund (IMF) which would stabilize national currencies
Military-industrial complex → Dwight D. Eisenhower farewell address to warn against growth of military establishment and defense contractors, which he felt had too much power over the gov’t
Sputnik → First satellite put into space, was made by Russians, Americans felt they had to catch up
National Defense Education Act (1958) → Funded universities to become leading research centers in the world
Large corporate firms grew greatly
Coca-Cola, Gillette, IBM, Mobil
Top 4 automakers produced 91% of vehicles
Sold products abroad to make extra profit
Replaced high wage manufacturing jobs with machines
“How are you going to sell cars to all of these machines
Despite this, economic inequality was at an all time low, inflation was 2-3%, a 25% rise in income occurred in post WWII - 1960’s
“The Affluent Society (1958) → argued that despite prosperous middle class, the poor were an afterthought
“The Other America (1962) → Highlighted the persistence of poverty in the United States “economic underworld”
William J. Levitt applied mass-production techniques to construction
The FHA (Federal housing administration) reshaped home mortgage market making home ownership more accessible
Very little down payment and interest
Minorities, blacks in particular, were barred from home ownership
Shelly v. Kraemer → Outlawed restrictive covenants (can’t be racist when selling house)
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act → Eisenhour authorized $26 Billion for a vast highway system
Needed for easy evacuation in case of nuclear attack
Shopping malls and fast food rose
Sunbelt → South and Southwest states which grew as a center of defense industries and non-unionized labor
Automation of cotton farms sent millions of blacks to northern cities while northern white were moving to the suburbs
Kerner Commission → National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders which investigated the 1967 Urban riots
Mexicans came to the U.S. under the Bracero program to ease WWII work shortages and didn’t leave after their contracts ended
Puerto Ricans came by air bc of mechanization of sugar farms
Cubans came fleeing Fidel Castro