WWII and Cold War

Diplomacy and WWII (Amsco 559-569)

  • U.S. had isolationist policy in the 30’s

    • Hoover pulled U.S. troops out of Nicaragua and Haiti

    • Neutrality Acts of 1935, 36, and 37 forbade selling of arms to belligerents and either side of the civil war in Spain

  • Japan Set up a Puppet government in Manchuria called Manchukuo

    • Stimson Doctrine → The U.S. would not recognize aggressive regimes

  • FDR Good Neighbor Policy

    • Reversed Roosevelt Corollary

    • Nullified Platt Amendment (U.S. had right to interfere with Cuba politics) and only kept rights to Guantanamo Bay

  • FDR Economic Diplomacy

    • Recognized Soviet Union to boost trade

    • Tydings-McDuffie Act → Gradual independence and removal of U.S. troops from Philippines

    • Lowered tariffs

  • Fascism Abroad

    • Mussolini in Italy attracted dissatisfied war veterans, nationalists, and those afraid of communists

    • Nazi Party in Germany grew from resentment over Treaty of Versailles

    • Nationalists in Japan persuaded emperor the best way to access materials was invading Asia

    • Franco won the Spanish Civil War and set up Fascist gov’t

  • As Fascists gained power Britain and France adopted an appeasement policy

    • Let Mussolini invade Ethiopia

    • Let Hitler march troops into the Rhineland

    • Ignored U.S. gunboat in China getting sunk by Japan

    • Let Hitler take Sudetenland at Munich Conference

  • Stalin and Hitler alliance and blitzkrieg Poland, starting the war

    • France and Britain became allied powers and went to war against Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, and Japan

  • FDR felt it was necessary for the security of the U.S. to give Britain aid after France fell

    • Cash and Carry Policy → Britain could buy arms from the U.S. if they used their own ships and paid cash

    • Destroyers for bases deal → U.S. gave Britain destroyers and in exchange got rights to build military bases on Caribbean Islands

  • FDR wanted the U.S. to be an arsenal of Democracy

    • Wanted to defend four freedoms: speech, religion, want, and from fear

    • Lend-Lease Act → U.S. could lend Britain arms

    • Navy was to attack all German submarines they encountered while escorting British ships

  • Disputes with Japan

    • When Japan joined the axis and started conquering European colonies (Dutch East Indies, British Burma, French Indochina), the U.S. stopped selling oil and froze Japanese credits in U.S. markets

    • U.S. declared war on Japan after they bombed Pearl harbor

  • Stalin joined the allies after Hitler ordered an invasion of the U.S.S.R.

Postwar Prosperity and the Affluent Society

  • Bretton Woods

    • United Nations Monetary Conference that created World Bank which provided loans for reconstruction of Europe

    • Also made International Monetary Fund (IMF) which would stabilize national currencies

  • Military-industrial complex → Dwight D. Eisenhower farewell address to warn against growth of military establishment and defense contractors, which he felt had too much power over the gov’t

  • Sputnik → First satellite put into space, was made by Russians, Americans felt they had to catch up

  • National Defense Education Act (1958) → Funded universities to become leading research centers in the world

  • Large corporate firms grew greatly

    • Coca-Cola, Gillette, IBM, Mobil

    • Top 4 automakers produced 91% of vehicles

    • Sold products abroad to make extra profit

    • Replaced high wage manufacturing jobs with machines

      • “How are you going to sell cars to all of these machines

  • Despite this, economic inequality was at an all time low, inflation was 2-3%, a 25% rise in income occurred in post WWII - 1960’s

  • “The Affluent Society (1958) → argued that despite prosperous middle class, the poor were an afterthought

  • “The Other America (1962) → Highlighted the persistence of poverty in the United States “economic underworld”

A suburban Nation

  • William J. Levitt applied mass-production techniques to construction

  • The FHA (Federal housing administration) reshaped home mortgage market making home ownership more accessible

    • Very little down payment and interest

  • Minorities, blacks in particular, were barred from home ownership

  • Shelly v. Kraemer → Outlawed restrictive covenants (can’t be racist when selling house)

  • National Interstate and Defense Highways Act → Eisenhour authorized $26 Billion for a vast highway system

    • Needed for easy evacuation in case of nuclear attack

  • Shopping malls and fast food rose

  • Sunbelt → South and Southwest states which grew as a center of defense industries and non-unionized labor

  • Automation of cotton farms sent millions of blacks to northern cities while northern white were moving to the suburbs

  • Kerner Commission → National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders which investigated the 1967 Urban riots

  • Mexicans came to the U.S. under the Bracero program to ease WWII work shortages and didn’t leave after their contracts ended

  • Puerto Ricans came by air bc of mechanization of sugar farms

  • Cubans came fleeing Fidel Castro