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Proofs of the External World

Physical Objects

  • Doesn’t rely on our experience

  • We see physical things through vision, but judge that it’s present through understanding

  • Understanding of the concept of physical objects is a priori

Wax Analogy

  • If you melt a piece of wax it loses all primary qualities

  • We can’t think of the wax as it’s sensory qualities

  • I can image the wax can undergo more changes, like changes in extention

  • My concept of the wax as extended and changeable cannot come from my perceptual experience

    • I know it has the capability of changing extension, even if I’ve never seen it change

I perceive the wax by my mind alone.

Only the thought of the wax is clear and distinct - not the actual experience.

We see physical things through vision, but judge that it’s present through understanding → a priori

External World

  • Our sensations are not subject to our will and are uncontrollable

    • Ex. can’t choose what to hear

  • Our will is part of us as thinking things

    • Our sensations don’t come from within but from a different power

  • Our sensations are extended - representing things with size & shape

  • Our minds are unextended

    • Spatial things can’t come from an un-spatial thing

    • It must come from something external

God Is No Deceiver

  • Either sensations must come from the material world or God

  • He already has a strong inclination that the physical world exists

  • God wouldn’t allow him to believe that, if it were false

    • God is omnibenevolent and no deceiver

  • His sensations must originate from material objects


  • We all have a clear and distinct idea of objects as extended and changeable

  • We tend to think that objects exist

  • We already know God is no deceiver so guarantees the truth of my clear & distinct ideas

  • We know that the external world exists


Concept of extension is from Sense Experience

  • It is not clear and distinct

  • It’s derived from sense experience & abstraction of our changeable experiences

Berkeley - Mind-Independent Substance

  • We dont experience mind independent SUBSTANCE

    • All qualities are experienced mind-dependently

  • Experience doesn’t support the existence of substance

    • Surely it’s confused and not real outside the mind

Descartes hasn’t proved that physical objects exist mind-independent

Empiricists - Best Hypothesis Russell

  • The external world is imply the best hypothesis of my perception

  • It explains the coherency and involuntary nature of my perceptions

  • This doesn’t mean it’s certain but is supported by Okam’s Razor

Hume - Confusion of Simularity & Identity

  • Because a table looks the same each time we see it, we assume it’s the same table

  • Therefore we mistakenly derive the concept of a physical object

  • Goes against Locke, Russell & Descartes




Perceptions of an apparent external world but be true beccause God is no deceiver

I can trust what I percieve and


Proofs of the External World

Physical Objects

  • Doesn’t rely on our experience

  • We see physical things through vision, but judge that it’s present through understanding

  • Understanding of the concept of physical objects is a priori

Wax Analogy

  • If you melt a piece of wax it loses all primary qualities

  • We can’t think of the wax as it’s sensory qualities

  • I can image the wax can undergo more changes, like changes in extention

  • My concept of the wax as extended and changeable cannot come from my perceptual experience

    • I know it has the capability of changing extension, even if I’ve never seen it change

I perceive the wax by my mind alone.

Only the thought of the wax is clear and distinct - not the actual experience.

We see physical things through vision, but judge that it’s present through understanding → a priori

External World

  • Our sensations are not subject to our will and are uncontrollable

    • Ex. can’t choose what to hear

  • Our will is part of us as thinking things

    • Our sensations don’t come from within but from a different power

  • Our sensations are extended - representing things with size & shape

  • Our minds are unextended

    • Spatial things can’t come from an un-spatial thing

    • It must come from something external

God Is No Deceiver

  • Either sensations must come from the material world or God

  • He already has a strong inclination that the physical world exists

  • God wouldn’t allow him to believe that, if it were false

    • God is omnibenevolent and no deceiver

  • His sensations must originate from material objects


  • We all have a clear and distinct idea of objects as extended and changeable

  • We tend to think that objects exist

  • We already know God is no deceiver so guarantees the truth of my clear & distinct ideas

  • We know that the external world exists


Concept of extension is from Sense Experience

  • It is not clear and distinct

  • It’s derived from sense experience & abstraction of our changeable experiences

Berkeley - Mind-Independent Substance

  • We dont experience mind independent SUBSTANCE

    • All qualities are experienced mind-dependently

  • Experience doesn’t support the existence of substance

    • Surely it’s confused and not real outside the mind

Descartes hasn’t proved that physical objects exist mind-independent

Empiricists - Best Hypothesis Russell

  • The external world is imply the best hypothesis of my perception

  • It explains the coherency and involuntary nature of my perceptions

  • This doesn’t mean it’s certain but is supported by Okam’s Razor

Hume - Confusion of Simularity & Identity

  • Because a table looks the same each time we see it, we assume it’s the same table

  • Therefore we mistakenly derive the concept of a physical object

  • Goes against Locke, Russell & Descartes




Perceptions of an apparent external world but be true beccause God is no deceiver

I can trust what I percieve and