Publication Overview: The Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 3-24, Assault Support, serves as a comprehensive guide for developing and employing assault support assets across all military operations, emphasizing vertical lift support in Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) operations.
Scope: This doctrine is applicable in various contexts, from peacetime operations to general warfare, and is rooted in Marine Corps doctrinal principles outlined in the MCDP 1, Warfighting.
Purpose: Designed for commanders and their staffs, it aids in planning assault support missions and provides the foundation for accompanying tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP).
Marine aviation plays a critical role in supporting the ground combat element (GCE) by providing firepower and mobility to engage and destroy the enemy efficiently.
The aviation combat element (ACE) is organized to enhance the MAGTF's capabilities, acting as a force multiplier.
The six functions of Marine aviation (antiair warfare, offensive air support, electronic warfare, air reconnaissance, control of aircraft and missiles, and assault support) are crucial not for the capabilities of specific aircraft, but as broad mission areas.
Assault Support: Involves the use of aircraft for tactical mobility and logistical support. It allows MAGTF to concentrate forces swiftly against vulnerabilities exhibited by the enemy.
Key Objectives: To leverage speed, surprise, and concentration of combat power at decisive moments. This capability enables rapid mobilization and sustained combat power across challenging terrains and distances.
Combat Support Functions: Assets include personnel transport, cargo movement, inflight refueling, and air evacuation, all enabling enhanced ground maneuverability for MAGTF forces.
Successful assault support operations necessitate comprehensive planning utilizing METT-T (Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support, Time Available). Detailed coordination is vital for effective execution.
Combat Assault Support: Provides mobility by deploying forces to counter enemy threats and optimize positioning for engagement.
Air Delivery Operations: Logistic transportation of supplies and equipment to remote areas via parachute airdrops for inaccessible regions.
Key Relationships: The interactions between the MAGTF commander and ACE commander are essential for effective operational execution, particularly in helicopterborne assaults.
Unity of Command: Critical to mission success, requiring clear assignment of responsibility and coordination among ACE, GCE, and combat service support elements.
MCPP consists of six sequential steps for operational planning, adaptable to various command echelons to ensure effective MAGTF support.
Each plan should remain simple yet flexible to accommodate dynamic operational environments while ensuring detailed coordination exists.
The air tasking cycle is structured into six phases that enhance joint operational efficiency, including command guidance, mission development, allocation, tasking, execution, and combat assessment.
Optimizing effectiveness in assault support operations involves gaining air superiority, suppressing enemy defenses, and utilizing terrain advantages.
Intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB) is paramount for understanding the operational context and assessing threats in the execution of assault support missions.
Offensive actions, such as helicopterborne assaults, are defined by speed and surprise, relying on rapid movement of forces to exploit enemy weaknesses.
Specific techniques include hasty attacks for immediate results and deliberate attacks for tactical planning and coordination.
Involves proactive measures to counter enemy attacks and maintain operational integrity. Air mobility allows units to move strategically within various defensive sectors.
A MEU(SOC) operates within a rapid response framework, capable of executing special operations with integrated assault support from the ACE, ensuring operational flexibility in crisis situations.
Command and control during amphibious operations involves stringent coordination between various commands to efficiently project combat power ashore,
Marine air command and control systems manage operational elements effectively between sea and land forces, maximizing task force efficiency.
Aircraft Capabilities Guide: Detailed performance metrics and mission specifications for key MAGTF aircraft.
Assault Support Request Form: A standardized documentation process for requesting assault support, encompassing mission categories and coordination protocols.
Glossary: Comprehensive definitions and acronyms relevant to Marine Corps assault support doctrine.
References and Related Publications: Lists pertinent joint and Marine Corps doctrinal publications that support assault operations planning and execution.