also, you’ve got this!! tbh (not to scare you) being nervous is probably the WORST thing because it just messes up your speaking, thoughts, everything you know, yeah!
and if you’re wondering how do i learn all this stuff for my roleplays, then tbh, just do the knowts you would do for your deca tests. or import them from quizlet!
You have 10 minutes to figure out what you will say!
Try to summarize performance indicators through bullet points and summarize the best you can
Make sure to maintain eye contact, follow dress code, talk professionally (while being friendly), don’t wear flashy jewelry, be on time, don’t fidget, have good back posture, etc.
Honestly, as a side note, I don’t know if hair color, piercings, shaved eyebrows have a negative effect on your score, but to play it safe, don’t slit your eyebrows (I really want to)
Give them a smile too! :) :] :-)
When you introduce yourself state your role, company, and purpose of the meeting
Thank them for allowing time to meet with them
Ask them if you can take a seat (depending on the role) (and if they let you introduce yourself in the first place…)
It depends on the role since usually a manager doesn’t ask their employee if they can take a seat
SHAKE THEIR HAND!!! (if its allowed)
Ex. “Hello it’s lovely to meet you today! I’m ____, the owner of ___, and I’m so grateful to be meeting with you today! I heard you had concerns/wanted to know about ___. I’m glad that you have concerns/interest for this since it helps with the company (something along those lines)
Mention each performance indicator! They are the majority of the score (I think)
Use the DECA acronym to fully explain your indicators!!
D - Define
Define what the performance indicator is asking
E - Explain the importance of the solution
Explain why this solution is important or effective
C - Connect to the solution
Connect the performance indicator to the solution
A - Above and beyond, stand out!
Maybe with your innovative solution or with visuals, stand out!
VISUALS!!!! They are so important!!! They give you the creativity point!!!
Here are ways you can include visuals in your roleplay:
SWOT analysis
goods and jobs
benefits vs. advantages
costs & expenses
budget sheet
line graph
pie graph
bar graph
store layout
objects involved in your roleplay (ex. printer)
basically anything you can draw, try too! (don’t overdo it though, make sure focus on your presentation too!)
For statistics you can remember one or two statistics that can be applied to any situation but you can always make stuff up too (they judge so many people I don’t think they’ll double check, just make it seem realistic/reasonable)
Ask if they have questions at the end
Ask for a follow-up appointment or say you’ll bring your finance guy next meeting and email the meeting notes
THANK THEM FOR THEIR TIME!! They are tired of judging the same kids! They’ll feel more appreciated!