A set of actions or tactics used by a company to promote its brand or product.
Consists of the 4Ps: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place.
The marketing mix is a combination of product offerings used to reach target markets.
Represents optimum combinations of internal controllable marketing variables optimizing customer needs.
All four elements are interrelated; decisions in one area affect actions in others.
Marketing mix is dynamic, changing according to market conditions (customer demand, competition, etc.).
Product Mix
Definition: Sum of physical and psychological satisfaction provided to the buyer.
Components: Product range, brand, package, physical attributes, psychological benefits, warranty, service, special features.
Based on tangibility: Tangible and Intangible.
Based on durability: Durable and Non-Durable.
Based on usage: Consumer and Industrial.
Price Mix
Definition: The monetary value of a product.
Considers consumer expectations (discounts, terms of credit).
Place Mix (Distribution Mix)
Smooth flow of goods from producers to consumers.
Includes channels of distribution and physical supply.
Promotion Mix
Persuasive communication about the product to prospective customers.
Two forms of communication:
Personal (Direct Selling)
Impersonal (Advertising, Sales promotion, Public relations).
Comprises physical, economic, social, and psychological benefits offered to a market.
Various forms are components that serve as selling points for that product:
Physical Attributes, Psychological Benefits, Brand, Brand Image, Warranty, Service, Special Features.
Consumer Goods:
Convenience Goods: Frequently purchased with minimal effort (e.g., bread, milk).
Shopping Goods: Compare quality, price, style before purchasing (e.g., clothing, furniture).
Specialty Goods: Unique features, significant brand identification (e.g., luxury cars).
Unsought Goods: Not commonly considered for purchase (e.g., insurance).
Industrial Goods:
Materials and Parts: Directly enter the finished product.
Capital Items: Long-lasting goods facilitating product development/managing the finished product.
Core Product: Basic need or want satisfied by consumption.
Generic Product: Basic attributes necessary for function.
Expected Product: Attributes expected by consumers.
Augmented Product: Additional factors setting the product apart from competitors.
Potential Product: Future augmentations and transformations expected.
Process of identifying market segment needs and optimizing product strengths.
Involves considering product plan characteristics such as product line, mix, branding, and packaging.
Method adopted by a firm to set selling prices based on average costs and customer's perceived value.
Involves factors influencing marketing decisions, sales volume and profit margins, and product image.
Vital importance due to its influence on production, distribution, consumption.
Objectives include:
Early Cash Recovery
Preventing Competition
Price Profit Satisfaction
Market Share
Sales Maximization and Growth
Cost Oriented Pricing: Mark-up, full cost, marginal pricing, break-even pricing.
Customer Demand Oriented Pricing: Market skimming, penetration pricing, stabilizing strategy.
Competition Oriented Pricing: Right pricing, market plus, market minus pricing.
Set of interdependent organizations involved in making a product/service available for consumption.
Involves intermediaries like agents, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers.
Manufacturer-Consumer (Direct Sale)
Market related factors, product factors (perishability, nature, seasonality, unit value), company factors (financial strength, control, past experience), channel related factors, and environmental factors.
Promotion is the persuasive communication aimed at informing, persuading, and reminding consumers about products.
It involves selecting appropriate promotional mix elements: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Direct Marketing.
To inform, persuade, and create awareness.
Advertising: Paid non-personal communication.
Sales Promotion: Short-term incentives.
Public Relations: Focuses on maintaining a favorable company image.
Direct Marketing: Interactive approach for personalized customer engagement.
The marketing mix combines essential strategies in product marketing, pricing, distribution, and promotion to meet organizational objectives, enhance customer satisfaction, and secure competitive advantage.