Pharm GU

     GU Pharm


     GU Drug classes

Alpha 1 adrenergic antagonists [Tamsulosin, Doxazosin]

5 Alpha-reductase inhibitors [Finasteride]

Anti-spasmodics [Oxybutynin]


     Will have difficulty urinating [frequent infections too]

     Dribbling of urine

     Elevated PSA levels


     Will treat with medication first, then TURP

      Bladder irrigation!

      Long term foley cath


     Alpha 1 antagonist- Tamsulosin & Doxazosin

(Selective Alpha 1 blocker)

     Immediate shrinkage of prostate tissue

     Take with food

     Watch for orthostatic hypotension

     Careful with use in PDE5 drugs (Viagra)



     Causes dilation peripherally

     Relieves obstruction caused by BPH

     Work immediately on symptoms



A nurse is teaching a client following a cystoscopy about his new prescription for tamsulosin. Which of the following adverse effects should the nurse include in the teaching?

                  Temporary loss of libido



                  Burning with urination

     5-Alpha Reductase inhibitor: Finasteride

     Prevents thinning of hair (caused by increased DHT) so will treat male pattern baldness

     Effective for BPH because it BLOCKS the transformation of testosterone to DHT) = more testosterone= shrinkage of prostate

     NOT for women (teratogenic!) Wear gloves!

     Combine with OTC Saw Pelmetto for enhanced effects

     Could take weeks-months to see full effect

     May cause ED, breast enlargement, testicular pain

A nurse is teaching a client who has benign prostatic hypertrophy and has a new prescription for finasteride. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

                  Avoid drinking grapefruit juice when taking this medication

                  Expect to see a response from the medication within one week

                  Decreased libido is an adverse effect of the medication

                  PSA levels will increase while taking this medication


     Used as anti-spasmodic (Anti-cholinergic)

      Less spasms in the bladder (overactive bladder)




