What was the holocaust?
How many Jews did during the holocaust?
Know the following terms
Concentration Camp-
What was the final solution?
List two rights that were restricted for the Jews
What was Kristallnacht?
AFter watching Schinlders list which part of the movie affected you the most? Why ? Must have at least one paragraph,
What happened during the Bataan Death march?
Why was the battle of Midway important?
Name and explain the allies strategy for getting the islands in the Pacific,
Why were the Doolittle raids significant?
List three conditions of the war in the Pacific. Why was it so terrible fighting there?
Why did so many Japanese die in the Mariana islands battles?
What is a kamikaze and what was it used for?
What was the bloodiest battle of the Pacific?
What battle was this from?
What was the Potsdam conference and who was there?
What was the Manhattan project?
Who was the leader of the project?
Where did they test the project?
Names of the two atomic bombs?
Where was each bomb dropped?
What were the repercussions of the bombs?
What happened to the USS Indianapolis?
What happened to the men that survived?
What were the casualties in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
What were the four effects of the atomic bomb?
What was VJ Day?