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Hematology - MSU PSL 310

Compositon of Blood

Plasma (55%)


  • Water (90%)

  • Plasma proteins (7%)

    • Albumins (60%) → major contributor to osmotic pressure regulation in plasma, also transport protein for lipids, and steroid hormones

    • Globulin (35%) → transport protein for ions (ex: iron), hormones (TeBG → testosterone binding globulin), lipids and had immune functions

    • Fibrinogen (4%) → inactive protein essential for the clotting system, can be converted into insoluble fibrin (active from of fibrinogen)

    • Regulatory proteins (<1%) → enzymes, proenzymes and hormones

  • Other Solutes (1%)

    • Electrolytes → normal extracellular fluid ion composition for vital cellular activities. Also contribute to osmotic pressure

      • most common ones → sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), phosphate (P), and bicarbonates (HCO3-)

    • Organic nutrients → used for ATP production, growth & maintenance of cells, include lipids, carbohydrates, and amino acids

    • Organic waste → carried to cites for breakdown or excretion, include urea, uric acid, creatine, bilirubin and amonium ions

      • most of these are nitrogenous wastes

      • inorganic waste → CO2


  • transport

  • exchange

  • pH regulation

  • fluid volume regulation

  • thermoregulation

    • 90% of it is water → water can absorve a lot of energy without changing temp., aka vasodilation/-constriction

  • coagulation

    • ability to form blood clots

  • immunity

Formed elements (45%)

White blood cells (WBC) (0.1%)

  • Nucleophils (50%)

    • most abundant type of WBC

  • Lymphocytes (25%)

    • same size as RBC

  • Monocytes (2-8%)

    • migrate btw endothelial cells, fuse to make macrophages and gobble up oxidized LDL to form plaques (atherosclerosis)

  • Eosinophils (2-4%)

  • Basophils (<1%)

    • least numerous

Red blood cells (RBC)(99%)

  • make about 1/3 of all body cells (ab 30 trillion in adult body)

  • only living cell without nucleus (anucleate) or organelles

    • make ATP through glycolisis

  • contain hemoglobin

    • O2 transport protein

    • RBC also referred to as “hemoglobin sacs”

  • biconcave shape

    • increases SA

    • barely any hemoglobin in the middle making it not pick up any stain leading to making it look like they have hole in the middle under the microscope

    • capillaries are about the same size (or smaller) as the diameter of RBC this makes them have to fold to cruze through them, this shape facilitates this

Platelete (0.1%)

  • cell fragments

  • huge cells found in bone marrow pinch pieces off their membrane to form platelets

Hematocrit (Hct)

  • % of a sample of whole blood that is occupied by RBCs

  • multiple ways to do it

Manual Hct:

  • derermined by microcentrifugation, followed by dividing the volume of packed RBCs (PCV → packed cell volume) by the total volume of the blood sample

    • Hct = tot. volume RBC/PCV

Automated Hct

  • done through the use of a hematology analyzer

  • this analyzer counts the # of RBCs and determines their mean corpuscular volume (MCV) then it is multiplied by the # of RBCs to get Hcl

    • Hct = # RBCs x MCV

Hct values

  • Males (41-50%) & Females (36-48%)

    • this difference btw males and females is due to testosterone levels

  • What affects the values?

    • androgens

    • estrogens

    • erythropoitetin (EPO)

      • RBC profuction stimmulating hormone

  • Abnormal Hct typically results from changes in the # of RBCs and or Plasma volume

    • topHat question: Could you be anemic and have a normal Hct?

      • Answer: Yes, you can have a normal Hct and be anemic because an anemia can also be caused by issues with hemoglobin or an iron deficiency

Abnormal Hcts

  • Anemia - 30%

  • Polycythemia - 70%

    • primary (polycythemia vera) - bone marrow cancer causing ↑ #RBC and ↑Hct

    • secondary - normal physiological response to ↓ PO2 causing ↑ #RBC and ↑Hct

      • used in high altitude training

      • also artificially done through blood doping

  • Dehydration - 70%

    • lack of watter

Red Blood Cells

RBC production (erythropoiesis)

  • RBC is formed in bone marrow of long bones (sternum, ribs, pelvic bones, and cranium)

    • cranium bones are composed of two layers of bone and in the middle a section of spongy bone (thats where RBC are cranked out)

    • Requires iron & amino acids (for hemoglobin synthesis) and coenzyme vitamin B12

  • Gastric intrinsic factor (GIF) is essential for B12 absorption

    • ↓ GIF → pernicious anemia

      • treated with B12 injections

  • Erythropoietin (EPO) → hormone released by chemoreceptive kidney (JG) cells during hypoxic conditions (↓ PO2) which stimulates erythropoiesis

  • Erythropoiesis is influenced by EPO, Androgens, Estrogen, GH, T3, etc…

Lifespan & destruction

  • On average the RBC lifespan is about 3-4 months


  • characterized by a yellow hue on the skin and sclera (white part of the eye)

    • on white skin it shows yellow skin but in dark skin it is more apparent by the yellow sclera

  • caused by liver unable to convert bilirubin into less toxic forms

    • seen in sorosis of the liver, and pancreatic, liver and duc cancers

    • also found in premature babies

      • liver has not fully developed

      • treated with UV light (synthesizes bilirubin into less toxic form)


  • 4-subunits, quaternaty protein complexed with 4 heme groups (phorphyrin ring-Fe2+)


  • oxyhemoglobin (HgbO2)

  • deoxyhemoglobin (Hgb)

  • carbaminohemoglobin (HgbCO2)

    • carbon monoxide bonded with hemoglobin

    • carbon monoxide has a higher affinity to heme than oxigen

      • it’s a competitive inhibitor for it

      • always outcompetes oxigen, this is why its poisonous

  • maternal (adult) hemoglobin (HgbA)

  • fetal hemoglobin (HgbF)

  • sickle-cell hemoglobin (HgbS)

  • glycated hemoglobin (HgbA1c)

    • glucose bound to the n-terminus of the polypeptide chains in hemoglobin

    • no change in O2 affinity

  • it binds to CO2, H+, 2,3-BPG, NO, CO, glucose, etc…

    • CO2, H+, 2,3-BPG are byproducts of metabolism that bind to hemoglobin and change the conformation of its 3D shape making it lose its ability to bind to O2

    • binding cites:

      • CO2 polypeptide chain

        • forms an amine

      • H+ some R- groups in the amino acids

        • when it binds it changes the confirmation of hemoglobin decreasing O2 affinity (due to change in pH)

      • 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) → center of hemoglobin

two conformations

  • Tense (T-hemoglobin)

    • low O2 affinity

    • favors the unloading of O2

    • induced by CO2, H+, and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate

  • Relaxed (R-hemoglobin)

    • high O2 affinity

    • favors the loading of O2

Hgbs and Sickle-cell anemia

  • Inherited point-mutation in DNA coding for hemoglobin

    • makes it so that it codes for the protein to be nonpolar instead of non-polar thus making it hydrophilic

    • this leads to the sickling of RBCs, sickle-cell crises, premature RBC destruction and anemia

      • this small change makes the hemoglobin sticky which causes the hemoglobin proteins to stick with each other creating sickle-cell crises

      • this anemia can cause ischemia, perfusion and lead to organ failure

Trait vs disease

  • Sickle-cell disease (HgbSS or HgbAS) → has the disease

    • only has sickle cells

      • treatments:

        • monthly blood transfusions (most common)

        • bone-marrow transplants (not common, a few have been completely cured)

        • gene therapy (currently on the horizon)

  • Sickle-cell trait (HgbSs or HgbAS) → carries the gene for the disease

    • also has both sickle and normal RBC

    • 1/13 of African americans in the US are carriers

Malaria and Sickle-cell

  • malaria is a superimposable disease to Sickle-cell

    • the malaria parasite uses human RBC to mature (it gets into them)

    • carriers of the disease have both sickle and normal RBC, meaning that some of their RBC carry low oxygen capacity and it can stick together a little bit

      • Malaria is unavle to live in those and it messes up their lifecycle

      • as a result the individuals who are gene carriers are most likely to survive Malaria in comparison to someone who is HgbSS (disease) or HgbAA (normal)

        • this is why the trait is still in our gene pool → natural selection

          • those who live pass the gene down to their offspring

HgbA1c and diavetes

  • HgbA1c is glycated hemoglobin (i.e. covalently bound to monosacharides)

    • glycated hemoglobin is a high indicator for diavetes (lasts 3-4 months)

RBC blood typing

ABO blood group system

  • blood type is determined by the antigens attached to the end of the base unit

    • type O has no antigens (its only the base unit) but has both A and B antibodies → makes it the universal donor (there are no antibodies for type O)

      • 60% of all blood transfusions are type O

    • type AB has both A and B antigens and has no antibodies → makes it the universal receiver (can get blood from any type)

What happens if you get the wring type of blood?

  • the antibodies attack bind to the surface antigens causing Agglutination and Haemolysis (destruction of the blood cells)

Rh blood group system

  • where we get + or - in our blood types

  • Rh hemolytic disease

    • occurs in mothers who are Rh- that have Rh+ after first pregnancy

      • treatment: at 28 weeks and within 72h of delivery they are given doses of RhoGAM (Rh+ antibody) that will bind to them when the blood of the foetus mixes with the mother during the hemorrhaging occurring during delivery preventing her from getting sensitized

        • her immune cells are unable to detect the Rh+ antigens thus preventing the disease from occurring in the following pregnancy

ABO types + Rh blood

Blood typing: ABO and Rh blood group systems
  • + types can donate only to other + types

  • - types can donate to both -/+ types

    • true universal donor → O-

    • true universal recipient → A-

Leukocytes (WBC)

  • unlike RBC they do have nuclei and organelles

  • function → immunity, removal of waste, toxins and damage cells

  • primary site of action → lose connective tissue (CT)

Types of WBCs


  • Nucleophils (50%)

    • most abundant type of WBC

    • soecualized in attacking and digestin “marked” backteria

    • phagocytosis → lysosomes → respiratory burst (H2O2 and O2)

  • Eosinophils (2-4%)

    • attack and phagocytose objects coated with antibodies

      • will be in high ammounts during allergic or anaphylactic reactions

        • phagocytosis of pollen granules that have antibodies bound to them

      • also common in parasitic worm infections

    • exocytose cytotoxic compounds

      • In parasitic worm infections: eben though they are way smaller than the multicellular parasitic worms they exocytose chemicals that damage them

  • Basophils (<1%)

    • least numerous WBC

    • histamine (inflammation) and heparin (anticoagulant) granules

      • histamine makes blood vessel walls leaky (increase gaps btw epithelial cells) allowing blood to crowl

      • heparin prevents blood clots in blood vessesl

    • analogous to mast cells (resident cells in lose CT)

      • mast sells are in the connective tissue, basophils are in the blood


  • Monocytes (2-8%)

    • largest WBC

    • enter CT to become macrophages (syncytium)

    • phagocytosis

  • Lymphocytes (25%)

    • smallest WBC

    • abundant in CT and lymphoid tissue

    • 3 functional classes

      • T-cells → cell-mediated immunity

        • physically bind to cells to destroy them

      • B-cells → antibody- mediated immunity

        • secrete antibodies into the blood

      • NK cells → immune surveillance

        • Natural Killers, don’t need sensitizing

        • cruise around the body making sure you got normal sugars and stuff

        • sometimes they go haywire leading to autoimmune diseases

WBC production

  • occurs in red bone marrow (just like RBC)

CBC and differential WBC counts

  • CBC count (#WBC, #RBCs, #platetes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc.)

  • differential WBC count provides relative numbers of WBCs (#/100)

  • what does count indicate?

    • ↓ WBC → leukopenia

    • ↑ WBC → leukocytosis

      • could be leukemia (WBC cancer)


Hematology - MSU PSL 310

Compositon of Blood

Plasma (55%)


  • Water (90%)

  • Plasma proteins (7%)

    • Albumins (60%) → major contributor to osmotic pressure regulation in plasma, also transport protein for lipids, and steroid hormones

    • Globulin (35%) → transport protein for ions (ex: iron), hormones (TeBG → testosterone binding globulin), lipids and had immune functions

    • Fibrinogen (4%) → inactive protein essential for the clotting system, can be converted into insoluble fibrin (active from of fibrinogen)

    • Regulatory proteins (<1%) → enzymes, proenzymes and hormones

  • Other Solutes (1%)

    • Electrolytes → normal extracellular fluid ion composition for vital cellular activities. Also contribute to osmotic pressure

      • most common ones → sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), phosphate (P), and bicarbonates (HCO3-)

    • Organic nutrients → used for ATP production, growth & maintenance of cells, include lipids, carbohydrates, and amino acids

    • Organic waste → carried to cites for breakdown or excretion, include urea, uric acid, creatine, bilirubin and amonium ions

      • most of these are nitrogenous wastes

      • inorganic waste → CO2


  • transport

  • exchange

  • pH regulation

  • fluid volume regulation

  • thermoregulation

    • 90% of it is water → water can absorve a lot of energy without changing temp., aka vasodilation/-constriction

  • coagulation

    • ability to form blood clots

  • immunity

Formed elements (45%)

White blood cells (WBC) (0.1%)

  • Nucleophils (50%)

    • most abundant type of WBC

  • Lymphocytes (25%)

    • same size as RBC

  • Monocytes (2-8%)

    • migrate btw endothelial cells, fuse to make macrophages and gobble up oxidized LDL to form plaques (atherosclerosis)

  • Eosinophils (2-4%)

  • Basophils (<1%)

    • least numerous

Red blood cells (RBC)(99%)

  • make about 1/3 of all body cells (ab 30 trillion in adult body)

  • only living cell without nucleus (anucleate) or organelles

    • make ATP through glycolisis

  • contain hemoglobin

    • O2 transport protein

    • RBC also referred to as “hemoglobin sacs”

  • biconcave shape

    • increases SA

    • barely any hemoglobin in the middle making it not pick up any stain leading to making it look like they have hole in the middle under the microscope

    • capillaries are about the same size (or smaller) as the diameter of RBC this makes them have to fold to cruze through them, this shape facilitates this

Platelete (0.1%)

  • cell fragments

  • huge cells found in bone marrow pinch pieces off their membrane to form platelets

Hematocrit (Hct)

  • % of a sample of whole blood that is occupied by RBCs

  • multiple ways to do it

Manual Hct:

  • derermined by microcentrifugation, followed by dividing the volume of packed RBCs (PCV → packed cell volume) by the total volume of the blood sample

    • Hct = tot. volume RBC/PCV

Automated Hct

  • done through the use of a hematology analyzer

  • this analyzer counts the # of RBCs and determines their mean corpuscular volume (MCV) then it is multiplied by the # of RBCs to get Hcl

    • Hct = # RBCs x MCV

Hct values

  • Males (41-50%) & Females (36-48%)

    • this difference btw males and females is due to testosterone levels

  • What affects the values?

    • androgens

    • estrogens

    • erythropoitetin (EPO)

      • RBC profuction stimmulating hormone

  • Abnormal Hct typically results from changes in the # of RBCs and or Plasma volume

    • topHat question: Could you be anemic and have a normal Hct?

      • Answer: Yes, you can have a normal Hct and be anemic because an anemia can also be caused by issues with hemoglobin or an iron deficiency

Abnormal Hcts

  • Anemia - 30%

  • Polycythemia - 70%

    • primary (polycythemia vera) - bone marrow cancer causing ↑ #RBC and ↑Hct

    • secondary - normal physiological response to ↓ PO2 causing ↑ #RBC and ↑Hct

      • used in high altitude training

      • also artificially done through blood doping

  • Dehydration - 70%

    • lack of watter

Red Blood Cells

RBC production (erythropoiesis)

  • RBC is formed in bone marrow of long bones (sternum, ribs, pelvic bones, and cranium)

    • cranium bones are composed of two layers of bone and in the middle a section of spongy bone (thats where RBC are cranked out)

    • Requires iron & amino acids (for hemoglobin synthesis) and coenzyme vitamin B12

  • Gastric intrinsic factor (GIF) is essential for B12 absorption

    • ↓ GIF → pernicious anemia

      • treated with B12 injections

  • Erythropoietin (EPO) → hormone released by chemoreceptive kidney (JG) cells during hypoxic conditions (↓ PO2) which stimulates erythropoiesis

  • Erythropoiesis is influenced by EPO, Androgens, Estrogen, GH, T3, etc…

Lifespan & destruction

  • On average the RBC lifespan is about 3-4 months


  • characterized by a yellow hue on the skin and sclera (white part of the eye)

    • on white skin it shows yellow skin but in dark skin it is more apparent by the yellow sclera

  • caused by liver unable to convert bilirubin into less toxic forms

    • seen in sorosis of the liver, and pancreatic, liver and duc cancers

    • also found in premature babies

      • liver has not fully developed

      • treated with UV light (synthesizes bilirubin into less toxic form)


  • 4-subunits, quaternaty protein complexed with 4 heme groups (phorphyrin ring-Fe2+)


  • oxyhemoglobin (HgbO2)

  • deoxyhemoglobin (Hgb)

  • carbaminohemoglobin (HgbCO2)

    • carbon monoxide bonded with hemoglobin

    • carbon monoxide has a higher affinity to heme than oxigen

      • it’s a competitive inhibitor for it

      • always outcompetes oxigen, this is why its poisonous

  • maternal (adult) hemoglobin (HgbA)

  • fetal hemoglobin (HgbF)

  • sickle-cell hemoglobin (HgbS)

  • glycated hemoglobin (HgbA1c)

    • glucose bound to the n-terminus of the polypeptide chains in hemoglobin

    • no change in O2 affinity

  • it binds to CO2, H+, 2,3-BPG, NO, CO, glucose, etc…

    • CO2, H+, 2,3-BPG are byproducts of metabolism that bind to hemoglobin and change the conformation of its 3D shape making it lose its ability to bind to O2

    • binding cites:

      • CO2 polypeptide chain

        • forms an amine

      • H+ some R- groups in the amino acids

        • when it binds it changes the confirmation of hemoglobin decreasing O2 affinity (due to change in pH)

      • 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) → center of hemoglobin

two conformations

  • Tense (T-hemoglobin)

    • low O2 affinity

    • favors the unloading of O2

    • induced by CO2, H+, and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate

  • Relaxed (R-hemoglobin)

    • high O2 affinity

    • favors the loading of O2

Hgbs and Sickle-cell anemia

  • Inherited point-mutation in DNA coding for hemoglobin

    • makes it so that it codes for the protein to be nonpolar instead of non-polar thus making it hydrophilic

    • this leads to the sickling of RBCs, sickle-cell crises, premature RBC destruction and anemia

      • this small change makes the hemoglobin sticky which causes the hemoglobin proteins to stick with each other creating sickle-cell crises

      • this anemia can cause ischemia, perfusion and lead to organ failure

Trait vs disease

  • Sickle-cell disease (HgbSS or HgbAS) → has the disease

    • only has sickle cells

      • treatments:

        • monthly blood transfusions (most common)

        • bone-marrow transplants (not common, a few have been completely cured)

        • gene therapy (currently on the horizon)

  • Sickle-cell trait (HgbSs or HgbAS) → carries the gene for the disease

    • also has both sickle and normal RBC

    • 1/13 of African americans in the US are carriers

Malaria and Sickle-cell

  • malaria is a superimposable disease to Sickle-cell

    • the malaria parasite uses human RBC to mature (it gets into them)

    • carriers of the disease have both sickle and normal RBC, meaning that some of their RBC carry low oxygen capacity and it can stick together a little bit

      • Malaria is unavle to live in those and it messes up their lifecycle

      • as a result the individuals who are gene carriers are most likely to survive Malaria in comparison to someone who is HgbSS (disease) or HgbAA (normal)

        • this is why the trait is still in our gene pool → natural selection

          • those who live pass the gene down to their offspring

HgbA1c and diavetes

  • HgbA1c is glycated hemoglobin (i.e. covalently bound to monosacharides)

    • glycated hemoglobin is a high indicator for diavetes (lasts 3-4 months)

RBC blood typing

ABO blood group system

  • blood type is determined by the antigens attached to the end of the base unit

    • type O has no antigens (its only the base unit) but has both A and B antibodies → makes it the universal donor (there are no antibodies for type O)

      • 60% of all blood transfusions are type O

    • type AB has both A and B antigens and has no antibodies → makes it the universal receiver (can get blood from any type)

What happens if you get the wring type of blood?

  • the antibodies attack bind to the surface antigens causing Agglutination and Haemolysis (destruction of the blood cells)

Rh blood group system

  • where we get + or - in our blood types

  • Rh hemolytic disease

    • occurs in mothers who are Rh- that have Rh+ after first pregnancy

      • treatment: at 28 weeks and within 72h of delivery they are given doses of RhoGAM (Rh+ antibody) that will bind to them when the blood of the foetus mixes with the mother during the hemorrhaging occurring during delivery preventing her from getting sensitized

        • her immune cells are unable to detect the Rh+ antigens thus preventing the disease from occurring in the following pregnancy

ABO types + Rh blood

Blood typing: ABO and Rh blood group systems
  • + types can donate only to other + types

  • - types can donate to both -/+ types

    • true universal donor → O-

    • true universal recipient → A-

Leukocytes (WBC)

  • unlike RBC they do have nuclei and organelles

  • function → immunity, removal of waste, toxins and damage cells

  • primary site of action → lose connective tissue (CT)

Types of WBCs


  • Nucleophils (50%)

    • most abundant type of WBC

    • soecualized in attacking and digestin “marked” backteria

    • phagocytosis → lysosomes → respiratory burst (H2O2 and O2)

  • Eosinophils (2-4%)

    • attack and phagocytose objects coated with antibodies

      • will be in high ammounts during allergic or anaphylactic reactions

        • phagocytosis of pollen granules that have antibodies bound to them

      • also common in parasitic worm infections

    • exocytose cytotoxic compounds

      • In parasitic worm infections: eben though they are way smaller than the multicellular parasitic worms they exocytose chemicals that damage them

  • Basophils (<1%)

    • least numerous WBC

    • histamine (inflammation) and heparin (anticoagulant) granules

      • histamine makes blood vessel walls leaky (increase gaps btw epithelial cells) allowing blood to crowl

      • heparin prevents blood clots in blood vessesl

    • analogous to mast cells (resident cells in lose CT)

      • mast sells are in the connective tissue, basophils are in the blood


  • Monocytes (2-8%)

    • largest WBC

    • enter CT to become macrophages (syncytium)

    • phagocytosis

  • Lymphocytes (25%)

    • smallest WBC

    • abundant in CT and lymphoid tissue

    • 3 functional classes

      • T-cells → cell-mediated immunity

        • physically bind to cells to destroy them

      • B-cells → antibody- mediated immunity

        • secrete antibodies into the blood

      • NK cells → immune surveillance

        • Natural Killers, don’t need sensitizing

        • cruise around the body making sure you got normal sugars and stuff

        • sometimes they go haywire leading to autoimmune diseases

WBC production

  • occurs in red bone marrow (just like RBC)

CBC and differential WBC counts

  • CBC count (#WBC, #RBCs, #platetes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc.)

  • differential WBC count provides relative numbers of WBCs (#/100)

  • what does count indicate?

    • ↓ WBC → leukopenia

    • ↑ WBC → leukocytosis

      • could be leukemia (WBC cancer)