Scriptures Final 1

Theology 10: Scripture Literature, Fall 2024

Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide


Objective: Multiple Choice, Matching, Chronology, Fill-in-the-Blank, True or False

Medium Answer Question: You get to pick your choice of one question to respond to on the exam

Scripture Analysis: Read a passage and apply art criticism, interpretive lenses, and unit themes


Unit 1: Intro to the Old Testament Terms/Skills

·       Canon

·       Salvation history

·       Inspiration

·       Deposit of faith

·       Contextualist approach

·       Fundamentalist approach


·       Cite a biblical passage

·       List the Old Testament categories

·       Describe how Catholics are encouraged to approach scripture

·       Explain the steps of Old Testament formation

·       Identify the religious communities that consider some/all of the Bible as sacred

  • Discuss the value of using the contextualist approach when reading the Old Testament

Unit 2: The Matriarchs and Patriarchs Terms/Skills


·       Biblical Exegesis

·       Exegete

·       Literary Criticism

·       Legend

·       Genealogy

·       Patriarch/Matriarch

·       Covenant

·       Hebrews

·       Israelites

  • Describe God's commitment to humanity in the patriarch and matriarch stories.

  • Identify motivators (faith, power, hope, or despair) in the choices of the characters in a scripture passage

·       Abraham

·       Sarah

·       Hagar

·       Ishmael

·       Isaac

·       Rebekah

·       Jacob/Israel

·       Esau

·       Rachel

·       Leah

·       Joseph

·       12 Tribes

Unit 3: The Exodus Terms/Skills


·       Book of Exodus

·       Passover

·       Sinai/Mosaic Covenant

·       Ten Commandments

·       Historical Criticism

·       Source Criticism

·       Art Criticism

·       Idolatry

·       Interpretive Lenses

·       Liberation

  • Describe God's commitment to humanity in the Exodus story.

  • Apply art criticism to a scripture passage.

  • Apply interpretive lenses to a scripture passage.

  • Identify what a scripture passage conveys about liberation

·       Moses

·       Aaron

·       Jochebed

·       Pharaoh

·       Pharaoh’s daughter

·       Miriam

·       Zipporah

Unit 4: Leadership in the Promised Land Terms/Skills


  • Historical Books

  • Book of Judges

  • First and Second Samuel

  • First and Second Kings

  • Judge

  • Wisdom Literature

  • Psalms

  • Messiah

·       Cycle of Apostasy

·       Temple of Solomon

·       Jericho

·       Apostasy

·       Nazarite

·       Ark of the Covenant


  • Describe God's commitment to humanity in the stories of the judges and kings.

  • Identify what a scripture passage reveals about effective leadership


  • Bathsheba

  • Delilah

  • Rahab

  • Joshua

  • Deborah

  • Jael

  • Samson

  • Samuel

  • Saul

  • Ruth

  • Naomi

  • David

  • Solomon

  • Gideon

Unit 5: The Prophets Terms/Skills


  • Prophet

  • Social Justice

  • Major prophet

  • Minor prophet

  • Preexilic prophet

  • Exilic prophet

  • Postexilic prophet

  • Non-writing prophet

  • Describe God's commitment to humanity in the stories of the prophets.

  • Apply the prophetic themes of tending to the poor, believing God is loving and merciful, acting justly or staying hopeful to a scripture passage

  • Elijah

  • Elisha

  • Amos

  • Hosea

  • Isaiah

  • Micah

  • Jeremiah

