chemical elements
Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
all contain carbon
Carbohydrates: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen (CHO)
long chains of simple sugars
2 glucose → maltose
lots of glucose: starch/glucose/cellulose
protein: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen (CHON)
long chains of amino acids
lipid: carbon, oxygen, hydorgen (CHO)
1 glycerol, 3 fatty acids
fats (solid at room temp)
oils (liquids at room temp)
food tests
Reducing sugar (glucose)
Add benedict’s solution
heat in water bath
positive: blue → orange/brick red
add drops of Iodine solution
positive: orange-brown → blue black
drops of biuret solution
positive: blue → violet/purple
mix with ethanol with food sample and cold water
positive: cloudy emulsion