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AP BIO Chapter 7 - Membrane Structure and Function

Cell (plasma) Membrane

  • Cells need an inside and an outside

    • Separate cell from its environment

    • cell membrane is the boundary

Lipids of Cell Membrane

  • Membrance is made of phospholipids

    • phospholipid bilayer

Phospholipid Bilayer

  • What molecules can get through directly?

    • fats and other lipids can slip directly through the phospholipid cell membrane

Membrane Proteins

  • Proteins determine most of the membrane’s specific functions

    • cell membrane and organelle membranes each have unique collections of proteins

  • Membrane Proteins:

    • peripheral proteins = loosely bound to surface of membrane

    • integral proteins = penetrate into lipid bilayer, often completely spanning the membrane = transmembrane proteins

Membrane Protein Types (you do need to know all)

  • Channel Proteins - wide open passage

  • Ion channels - gated (opening and closing the space)

  • Aquaporins - water only, kidney and plant root only

  • Carrier Protiens - change shape

  • Transport Proteins - require ATP

  • Recognition Proteins - glycoproteins

  • Adhesion Proteins - anchors

  • Receptor Proteins - hormones

Membrane Carbohydrates

  • Play a key role in cell-cell recognition

    • Ability of a cell to distinguish neighboring cells from another

    • important in organ & tissue development

    • basis for rejection of foreign cells by immune system


  • Provides stability in animal cells

  • replaced with sterols in plant cells

Getting Through A Cell Membrane

  • Passive Transport

    • No energy needed

    • move down concentration gradient

    • Non-polar molecules, CO2 and O2

  • Active Transport

    • Movement against concentration gradient (low → high)

    • requires ATP


  • 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

    • Universe tends towards disorder

  • Diffusion

    • movement from highlow concentration

Diffusion of 2 solutes

  • Each substance diffuses down its own concentration gradient, independent of concentration gradients of other substances

The Special case of water

  • Osmosis

    • Movement of water across cell membrance

Concentration of Water

  • Direction of osmosis is determined by comparing total solute concentrations

    • Hypertonic - more solute, less water

    • Hypotonic - less solute, more water

    • Isotonic - equal solute, equal water


Managing Water Balance

  • Cell survival depends on balancing water uptake and loss


  • animal cell in hypotonic solution will gain water, swell & possibly burst (cytolysis)

    • Paramecisum vs. Pond Water

    • Paramecium is hypertonic

    • H20 continually enters cells

    • to solve problem, specialized organelle, contractile vacuole

    • pumps H20 out of cell = ATP

  • plant cell

    • turgid (turgor pressure)

    • cell wall


  • animal cell in hypertonic solution will lose water, shrivel and possibly die

    • salt water organisms are hypotonic compared to their environment

    • they have to take up water and pump out salt

  • plant cells

    • plasmolysis

Water Potential (ψ)

  • Water moves from a place of greater water potential to a place of lesser water potential (net.)

  • As the concentration of a solute increases in a solution, the water potential will decrease accordingly.

Water Potential and Solute Potential

  • Ψ = Ψp(pressure) + Ψs(solute)

    • The unit is (-)BARS

      • Note: the water potential will be equal to the solute potential of a solution in an open container since pressure would be zero

  • Ψs = -iCRT 

    • i= ionization constant (sucrose = 1.0)

      C = molar concentration

      R = 0.0831 liter bars/mole K

      T = temp in Kelvin (273+C)

Facilitated Diffusion

  • Move from HIGH to LOW concentration through protein channel

    • passive transport

    • no energy needed

    • facilitated = with help (from proteins)

Gated Channels

  • Some channel proteins open only in presence of stimulus (signal)

    • stimulus usually different from transported molecule

      • ex: ion-gated channels

        • when neurotransmitters bind to a specific gated channels on a nuearon, these channels open = allow Na+ ions to enter nerve cell

      • ex: voltage-gated channels

        • change in electrical charge across nerve cell membrane opens Na+ & K+ channels

Active Transport

  • Cells may need molecules to move against concentration situation

    • need to pump against concentration

    • protein pump

    • requires energy

      • ATP

How about large molecules?

  • Moving large molecules into & out of cell requires ATP!

    • through vesicles & vacuoles

    • endocytosis

      • phagocytosis = “cellular eating”

      • pinocytosis = “cellular drinking”

      • receptor-mediated

    • exocytosis


AP BIO Chapter 7 - Membrane Structure and Function

Cell (plasma) Membrane

  • Cells need an inside and an outside

    • Separate cell from its environment

    • cell membrane is the boundary

Lipids of Cell Membrane

  • Membrance is made of phospholipids

    • phospholipid bilayer

Phospholipid Bilayer

  • What molecules can get through directly?

    • fats and other lipids can slip directly through the phospholipid cell membrane

Membrane Proteins

  • Proteins determine most of the membrane’s specific functions

    • cell membrane and organelle membranes each have unique collections of proteins

  • Membrane Proteins:

    • peripheral proteins = loosely bound to surface of membrane

    • integral proteins = penetrate into lipid bilayer, often completely spanning the membrane = transmembrane proteins

Membrane Protein Types (you do need to know all)

  • Channel Proteins - wide open passage

  • Ion channels - gated (opening and closing the space)

  • Aquaporins - water only, kidney and plant root only

  • Carrier Protiens - change shape

  • Transport Proteins - require ATP

  • Recognition Proteins - glycoproteins

  • Adhesion Proteins - anchors

  • Receptor Proteins - hormones

Membrane Carbohydrates

  • Play a key role in cell-cell recognition

    • Ability of a cell to distinguish neighboring cells from another

    • important in organ & tissue development

    • basis for rejection of foreign cells by immune system


  • Provides stability in animal cells

  • replaced with sterols in plant cells

Getting Through A Cell Membrane

  • Passive Transport

    • No energy needed

    • move down concentration gradient

    • Non-polar molecules, CO2 and O2

  • Active Transport

    • Movement against concentration gradient (low → high)

    • requires ATP


  • 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

    • Universe tends towards disorder

  • Diffusion

    • movement from highlow concentration

Diffusion of 2 solutes

  • Each substance diffuses down its own concentration gradient, independent of concentration gradients of other substances

The Special case of water

  • Osmosis

    • Movement of water across cell membrance

Concentration of Water

  • Direction of osmosis is determined by comparing total solute concentrations

    • Hypertonic - more solute, less water

    • Hypotonic - less solute, more water

    • Isotonic - equal solute, equal water


Managing Water Balance

  • Cell survival depends on balancing water uptake and loss


  • animal cell in hypotonic solution will gain water, swell & possibly burst (cytolysis)

    • Paramecisum vs. Pond Water

    • Paramecium is hypertonic

    • H20 continually enters cells

    • to solve problem, specialized organelle, contractile vacuole

    • pumps H20 out of cell = ATP

  • plant cell

    • turgid (turgor pressure)

    • cell wall


  • animal cell in hypertonic solution will lose water, shrivel and possibly die

    • salt water organisms are hypotonic compared to their environment

    • they have to take up water and pump out salt

  • plant cells

    • plasmolysis

Water Potential (ψ)

  • Water moves from a place of greater water potential to a place of lesser water potential (net.)

  • As the concentration of a solute increases in a solution, the water potential will decrease accordingly.

Water Potential and Solute Potential

  • Ψ = Ψp(pressure) + Ψs(solute)

    • The unit is (-)BARS

      • Note: the water potential will be equal to the solute potential of a solution in an open container since pressure would be zero

  • Ψs = -iCRT 

    • i= ionization constant (sucrose = 1.0)

      C = molar concentration

      R = 0.0831 liter bars/mole K

      T = temp in Kelvin (273+C)

Facilitated Diffusion

  • Move from HIGH to LOW concentration through protein channel

    • passive transport

    • no energy needed

    • facilitated = with help (from proteins)

Gated Channels

  • Some channel proteins open only in presence of stimulus (signal)

    • stimulus usually different from transported molecule

      • ex: ion-gated channels

        • when neurotransmitters bind to a specific gated channels on a nuearon, these channels open = allow Na+ ions to enter nerve cell

      • ex: voltage-gated channels

        • change in electrical charge across nerve cell membrane opens Na+ & K+ channels

Active Transport

  • Cells may need molecules to move against concentration situation

    • need to pump against concentration

    • protein pump

    • requires energy

      • ATP

How about large molecules?

  • Moving large molecules into & out of cell requires ATP!

    • through vesicles & vacuoles

    • endocytosis

      • phagocytosis = “cellular eating”

      • pinocytosis = “cellular drinking”

      • receptor-mediated

    • exocytosis