pathology of the digestive system

Anorexia: lack of appetite

  • Anorexia nervosa is loss of appetite or desire to eat due to anxiety, anger or irrational thought of weight gain

Ascites: abnormal fluid in the abdomen area happens due to too uch fluid buildup in blood vessels

Borborygmi: the rumbling or growling sounds your stomach makes

Hematochezia: passage of blood from the rectum usually bright red

Jaundice: yellow or orange coloration of the skin due to hyperbilirubinemia

  • Icterus: another medical word meaning jaundice

Melana: black, tarry stool : feces containing digested blood

Nausea: unpleasant sensation in the stomach with a tendency to vomit

Steatorrhea: fat in the feces

Oral cavity: 

Upper Gastrointestinal tract: begins with the oral cavity

Oral: pertaining to mouth

Achalasia: failure of the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) muscle relax

Esophageal cancer: malignant tumor of the esophagus

  • Barrett Esophagus: pre - malignant caused by gastric reflux all the time

Esophageal Varies: enlarged esophageal veins with danger of hemorrhage that tend to happen due to cirrhosis of the liver

Cancer gastric: malignant tumor of the stomach

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Solids & fluids return to the mouth from the stomach

Hernia: protrusion of the an organ or part through the tissue & muscle normally contain

  • Hiatal Hernia: happens when the stomach protrudes upwards into the diaphragm

  • Inguinal Hernia: happens when a small loop of bowel protrudes through weak lower abdominal wall

Peptic Ulcer: open sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum

  • H- Pylori is a bacterium that causes peptic ulcer

Anal Fistula: abnormal tube- like passageway near the anus

  • Fissure or a break in the wall of the anus or rectum from an abscess

Colonic Polyps: polyps(benign growth) from the mucous membrane of the colon

  • Colorectal cancer: adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum or both

Crohn disease: chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract

Diverticulosis: abnormal outpouching (diverticula) in the intestinal wall of the colon

  • Diverticulitis: complications of diverticulosis which would be severe pain and or rectal bleeding

Dysentery: painful inflammation of the intestines - often caused by a bacterial infection

Hemorrhoids: swollen, twisted varicose veins in the rectal area they can be internal or external of the rectum

Ileus: loss of the peristalsis that will result in obstruction of the intestine

Ulcerative Colitis: inflammatory bowel disease

  • Inflammation of the colon & the small intestine this could be crohn’s or ulcerative colitis: chronic inflammation of the colon with the presence of ulcers in the colon

Irritable bowel syndrome: these are a group of G1 symptoms that happen without any evidence of abnormalities

  • Symptoms: abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation & spastic movement

Intussusception: telescoping of the intestine

Volvulus: twisting of the intestine on itself

Cholelithiasis: gallstone in the gallbladder

  • Calculi=stone (or gallbladder stone)

Biliary Colic: pain from the blocked ducts of the gallbladder

Cholecystitis: inflammation & infection of the gallbladder

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: performed to remove the infected or inflammatory gallbladder or the gallbladder stones

Gallstones: removed from the gallbladder

Cirrhosis: Chronic degenerative disease of the liver

  • Results due to alcoholism viral hepatitis & overload of iron

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): commonly caused by hepatitis B&C or chronic alcohol use

Pancreatic Cancer: malignant tumor of the pancreas

  • The treatment for a tumor / cancer is Whipple procedure which is a pancreatoduodenectomy

Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas

  • This occurs because enzymes attack the pancreatic tissue 

  • This can be caused by drug toxicity bothe prescribed & illegal

  • Gallstone blockage & viral infection

Viral Hepatitis: inflammation caused by a virus

Nash= Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: fatty liver & inflammation of the liver not due to alcoholic
