Lesson 1: Kitaabul Hudud (Page 3)
Lesson 2: Had li Shurbil Khamar (Page 9)
Lesson 3: Had ul Sukar (Page 11)
Lesson 4: Had ul Qazaf (Page 13)
Lesson 5: Had ul Sariqah (Page 18)
Lesson 6: Had li Qati Tariq (Page 20)
Lesson 7: Kitaabul Jinaayah (Page 24)
Lesson 8: Kitaabul Diyyat (Page 30)
Lesson 9: Salaah (Page 35)
Lesson 10: The style of the building of the masjid (Page 41)
Lesson 11: The reward of building a masjid (Page 46)
Lesson 12: Persons who will take care of the masjid (Page 53)
Lesson 13: The duties of the mutawalli (Page 56)
Lesson 14: The mutawalli (Page 63)
Lesson 15: Women going to the masjid (Page 68)
Lesson 16: The aadaab of the masjid (Page 72)
Lesson 17: The uses of the masjid (Page 84)
Lesson 18: The occasions when it is permissible to miss salaah with jamaa'ah (Page 89)
Had (singular) / Hudud (plural):
Literal meaning: Boundary or limit.
Shariah terminology: Fixed punishments for the violation of Allah's commands to maintain law and order.
Execution of Hudud:
Applicable in an Islamic country.
Through a guilty verdict in an Islamic court.
Executed by an appointed state official.
Nullified if there's ambiguity in the case.
Types of Hudud:
Had ul Zina: Adultery.
Had ul Shurb il Khamar: Consumption of intoxicants.
Had ul Sukar: Intoxication.
Had ul Qazaf: Slandering a chaste woman.
Had ul Sarqah: Theft.
Had li Qati Tariq: Highway robbery.
Had for drinking Khamar (alcohol): Enforced when caught drinking or seen by two witnesses.
80 lashes for a non-slave, 40 lashes for a slave.
Condition for enforcement:
The smell of alcohol must be present at the time of admission or witness.
Definition: Intoxication (not limited to Khamar).
Evidence: At least two witnesses or confession required.
Punishment: Moderate lashes are prescribed; intoxicated persons cannot be punished while intoxicated.
Definition: Slandering of a chaste person.
Punishment: 80 lashes for free individuals, 40 for slaves.
Definition of conditions under which slander is punishable.
Definition of Sariqah: Theft of secured property; minimum value must be 10 dirhams.
For first theft: Right hand cut.
For second theft: Left foot cut.
Conditions for enforcement:
Must be committed in an Islamic state by a sane adult.
Qati ut tariq: Armed robbery and its punishments vary based on severity (imprisonment to execution).
Definition: Refers to any offense causing damage to a person or loss of life, including various forms of murder.
Types of killing presented with conditions of Qisaas (retaliation) and Diyyat (blood money).
Definition of Diyyat, types related to various killings, and the specifications for compensation.
Importance of Jamaa'ah (congregational prayer): Sunnah Muakkadah; held in the masjid as per teachings of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam).
Types of masajid: Masjidul Jaami', Masjidul Mahalla, Masjidul Shaari', Masjidul Bait.
Guidelines on constructing and maintaining masjid respecting its sanctity.
Statement on benefits of donating for mosque construction and intentions.
Role of the mutawalli in managing the masjid's affairs.
Qualifications required for a mutawalli.
Outline of responsibilities and scope of authority regarding waqf and masjid maintenance.
Rights and duties associated with the mutawalli's role.
Historical context and contemporary views on women attending masjids, preferences for praying at home.
List of etiquettes one should observe while entering and remaining in the masjid.
Description of the masjid's role in community and worship, including various types of worship and education it supports.
Situations outlined under which attending the congregational prayer may be forgiven depending on valid reasons.