Instructor: Yu Yang
Course: CSE 140 - Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms (Section 010)
Class Schedule:
Time: 1:35 PM โ 2:50 PM, Monday/Wednesday
Location: Neville 003
Office Hours:
Instructor: Wednesday/Thursday, 11 AM โ 12 PM
TA/Graders: To Be Decided (TBD)
Main materials available on CourseSite
Use Piazza for Q&A (technical questions)
Sign up at:
GradeScope for homework grading
Primary Textbook:
Title: CSE140: Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms (online)
Publisher: zyBooks
Access code: LEHIGHCSE140Spring2025 (subscription fee: $64)
Supplemental Text:
Title: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 8th Ed.
Author: Kenneth H. Rosen
ISBN: 978-1259676512 (ISBN-10: 125967651X)
Total Course Grades: 100%
Participation (Attendance, zyBooks): 10%
Homework: 30%
Midterm Exams: 30%
Final Exam: 30%
Drop Policy:
Drop 3 unexcused attendance records
Lowest zyBook activity and homework will be dropped
Grade Thresholds:
90% guarantees A-, 80% B-, 70% C-, 60% D-
No makeup exams or extensions for homework without a valid excuse
All assignments must be completed individually
Important to understand the distinction between discussion and writing up assignments
Adherence to the honor code is required
Necessary for degree progression
Prepares students for CSE 340 Algorithms
Relevant for industry, academia, and advanced study in areas such as:
AI, machine learning, advanced algorithms
Understanding of systems related to Internet operations
Topics covered:
Propositional and predicate logic
Logical inference
Sets, functions, relations
Recursion and structural induction
Graphs and trees
Proof techniques (direct, contrapositive, induction, etc.)
Loop invariants
Counting, permutations, combinations
Pigeonhole principle
Basic Representations in Algorithms:
Propositional and predicate logic
Sets, functions, relations, matrices, graphs, trees
Proving Algorithm Correctness:
Logical inference, direct proof, contradiction, induction, and loop invariants
Algorithm Analysis:
Counting techniques, pigeonhole principle, permutations, complexity analysis
Week 1 (Jan 20): Overview, Propositional Logic
Week 2: Continued Propositional Logic
Week 3: Logical Inference
Week 4: Sets and Functions
Week 5: Functions (continued)
Week 6: Exam 1, Review/Catch up
Week 9: Induction (continued)
Weeks 10 to 14: Various topics including Boolean Algebra and Graphs
Week 15: Final revisions and topics on Trees
Topic: Propositional Logic
Feedback form available: (livestreamed until semester ends)