
Part 1

  • Guy Montag (protagonist), a fireman that burns books, is introduced

    • reading books is illegal

    • for Montag, its a pleasure

  • Montag is walking home, when he senses the presence of someone at the corner of the street

  • Montag meets Clarisse McClellan, who talks about the many strange things in her family (her uncle that was arrested for being a pedestrian and for driving at 40 mph on a highway); she tells him things that she knows about how things used to be (20 feet billboards, dew on grass in the mornings)

  • she mentions that people are afraid of firefighters, but she isn’t (implies that firefighters have an intimidating presence)

  • she asks Montag questions about himself, and when she goes home, she asks “are you happy?”; Montag thinks about it and realizes that he really isn’t happy

  • Montag gets back home; a dark and cold, almost tomb-like place

    • he thinks how strange the girl was

    • realizes that he isn’t happy

  • Montag walks into his bedroom and can hear the earbuds (or something to listen to music) buzz and imagines how his wife lays in bed

  • he felt his way to his cold bed; his foot hit a bottle that was (in the morning) filled with 30 sleeping pills, and was now empty

  • He runs to Mildred’s bed and crashes out

    • he screams really loud, but the sounds of jets zooming above his house are louder

    • may have been suicide

  • calls the emergency hospital

    • they used a stomach pump to take out the tablets; negative connotation

    • another machine was taking out old blood and pumping fresh blood into her body

    • cases like these are very common; real doctors aren’t appointed for this job, just handymen

  • Montag opens the curtains and thinks to himself about how everyone in Clarisse’s house is laughing and happy; he wants to experience that

  • Mildred wakes up at 9, making breakfast with her earbuds in

    • Montag asks how she feels, but Mildred doesn’t remember it (or maybe she’s just acting like she has no idea what happened)

  • Montag leaves the house in the rain and meets Clarisse again

    • she rubs a dandelion on his chin (if it blows away, it means you’re in love), without asking him, even though Montag said that he is in love

    • the dandelion didn’t rub away; he says that its because Clarisse wasted the dandelion on herself first

    • Montag is upset

  • Clarisse asks about his job, and how he became who he is today

    • she tells Montag that he looked at her while she was talking, and when she talked about the moon, he looked at it; she doesn’t think that he was meant to be a firefighter

    • Montag just tells her that she should be going

  • Montag gets to the firehouse and touches the mechanical hound; it growls back at him

  • Montag and Clarisse talk everyday; she’s always talking about something new

    • Montag seems more relaxed and thinks more

    • no one talks about anything anymore; people don’t care about anything

      • the police doesn’t care what you’re doing as long as you have 10000 insurance

      • people her age are killing each other

  • later, he doesn’t see Clarisse when he’s going to work

  • when he gets to work, a radio says “…war may be declared any hour.”

  • he notices that all the firemen look the same and they were all mirror images of each other

  • the alarm rings as the an old lady’s neighbor makes a report and they go to burn the books in the old lady’s house

    • she doesn’t want to leave when told to

    • she had a match in her hand and said something about Master Ridley and about 2 men that were burnt alive in 1555 and she dies there

  • Beatty knows about this

  • Montag hides a book in his equipment and takes it home

  • his wife comes over to his bed and touches his face; he’s crying

  • he asks Mildred when they met; neither of them remember

  • Montag reflects on his life with Mildred

    • she’s so detached with reality that he when he thinks about her, all he sees is a girl lost on a plateau

  • Mildred’s “family” is the people on the TV walls in the living room

    • she doesn’t really know who is related to who, or what is really going on, but she watches anyways

  • Montag asks Mildred is she’s seen Clarisse; Mildred tells Montag that she was run over and her family moved away

  • Montag wakes up sick the next morning

    • he spent all night thinking about how he burnt the old lady and her books

    • he felt guilt for burning books that people spent their whole life writing

  • Beatty comes into his house

    • he explains the origin of firefighters’ job

      • was never started by the gov

      • started by technology, not gov censorship

    • he explains how everything that is crucial in our world today (like now) is being forgotten and thought of as obsolete

    • more tech = less need for books

    • gov stepped in an censored information → firemen had a new job

      • everyone is =

      • nobody has more than the other, everyone should be the same

    • there’s no room for sadness

    • after Beatty leaves, Montag pulls out a bunch of books he’s been hiding for the past year and convinces (forcefully) Mildred to not burn them

      • he wants to understand what’s so special about books

    • Beatty comes back and knocks on the door but Montag doesn’t open it

Part 2

  • Montag starts reading

  • Mildred thinks it’s pointless and has no meaning; at least her “family” tells her things

  • Montag gets mad at Mildred and the rest of society for not caring

    • complains about the current war, and how there are constantly bombers and planes flying above

  • Montag thinks about an old man (Faber) that he talked to about a year ago

  • Montag gets on the subway with a Bible and goes to Faber’s house to learn more

  • he gets to Faber’s house and shows him the Bible

    • Faber believes that books store so much information that could be shown on the parlor, but the gov won’t

    • Faber says that society is missing 3 things: quality information, leisure to understand the information, and the right out carry out actions based on what is learned

  • Montag wants Faber to help him bring books back

    • Faber says that nobody even wants books anymore

    • people are “happy”

  • Montag rips a few pages of the Bible out

    • it convinces Faber to help Montag

    • Montag asks him to help him understand the things he’s reading + history

  • Faber gives Montag a 2-way communication “airpod”

  • Faber asks Montag to bring money

    • Montag goes home

    • makes a visit to the bank otw

  • the sky is giving war vibes

  • Montag gets home and eats dinner

  • Montag asks Mildred’s friends about their husbands

    • Mrs. Phelps says that her husband told her to forget about him and remarry if anything ever happens to him in war

      • they don’t have any knowledge about how serious war actually is

    • it’s her 3rd marriage

      • they don’t have any genuine feelings for each other

  • Montag unplugged the parlor; everyone feels uncomfortable

  • Montag asks about their children

    • they say that no one in the right mind would have children

    • people only have children to continue the generations

      • just a burden; send them to school and put them in the parlor when they’re at home

  • Montag hates how they’re talking about people as totally se

  • Montag brings out a book full of poetry

    • Faber tells him to act like it was all a joke and just throw it into the incinerator

    • Montag doesn’t listen

    • Mildred explains (makes up a story) that firemen get to take 1 book home a year to show their families how foolish the books were

    • Mildred tells Montag to read one of the poems

  • Montag reads it and Mrs. Phelps cries

  • everyone goes home out of hatred for Montag

  • Montag hears Mildred go into the bathroom and swallow a bunch of sleeping pills

  • Montag goes to his night shift at the firehouse

    • Montag tells Faber that he feel guilt for making the women the most miserable they had ever been

    • Faber tells Montag to make mistake, because it’s all a process

    • Montag walks into to firehouse

  • Beatty asks Montag to play poker since he was feeling better'

  • Montag gets up to wash his hands 2x

  • hands have their own mind doing dirty work; he is trying to wash off the dirtiness

  • Beatty tells Montag about his lil dream he had

    • Beatty and Montag are fighting over books

    • each quoting famous literary scholars

  • Faber realizes that Beatty is dangerous; he knows too much

  • an alarm rings

    • they gather their equipment and get in the truck

    • Beatty is driving (he normally doesn’t)

      • he’s really happy; grinning “ear-to-ear” sorta thing

  • they stop in front of Montag’s house

Part 3


Guy Montag - Protagonist

  • firefighter

  • burns books (and takes pride in his job)

  • married to Mildred

  • is not happy

Clarisse McClellan

  • white; pale

  • eyes full of curiosity; asks lots of questions

  • 17; crazy

  • dies in a car accident

Mildred Montag

  • married to Guy

  • ate 30 sleeping pills

  • disconnected from reality

  • burnt hair, weirdly pale, really skinny

Mechanical Hound

  • device of terror; a machine that is perversely similar to a trained killer dog but has been improved by refined technology

  • can track down and capture criminals by stunning them with a tranquilizer.

Captain Beatty

  • captain of the firehouse

  • has a phoenix on his hat

  • very educated; he knows what’s going on and what brough the world to what it is in the book


  • a retired English college professor



1st time mentioned → Montag saw his true self reflected in a mirror (referring to Clarisse)

2nd time mentioned → all of the fireman look and act the same
