Subject: Physics (পদাথিব�ান)
Exam Code: 136
Exam Year: 2026
Total Marks: 100
Written Portion: 75 (50 for descriptive part + 25 for multiple choice)
Practical Portion: 25
Understand fundamental and derived units.
Explain physical quantities and their measurements.
Familiarize with the measurement of fundamental quantities (magnitude and units).
Discuss the significance of measurements and units.
Identify and differentiate between scalar and vector quantities.
Learn about the importance of units in measurements.
Measure physical quantities accurately and maintain precision.
Use basic instruments to find areas, volumes, and lengths.
Physical Quantities
Discuss physical concepts and definitions.
Contribution of civilizations (Indian, Chinese, Islamic) to physics.
Units of measurement and their significance.
Derived Quantities
Distinct types of derived quantities (mass, volume, etc.).
Instruments for Measurement
Use of scales and rulers.
Practical Applications
Measurement of various physical quantities.
Measure and analyze various properties like mass, volume, and density using appropriate methods and instruments.
Discuss the carbon footprint and sustainability.
Explain the concept of inertia and its relation to Newton's Laws.
Understand the relationship between force and motion.
Describe the different types of forces and their effects on moving objects.
Analyze the dynamics of motion under various conditions.
Identify and apply Newtons First and Second Laws in practical scenarios.
Force and Motion
Examine inertia and how it differs in various contexts.
Applying Newton's Laws
Use laws of motion to explain practical phenomena.
Friction and Forces
Analyze various frictional situations in everyday life.
Learn methods to reduce friction in practical applications.
Define work, energy, and their interrelationships.
Describe types of energy (kinetic, potential) and conservation principles.
Explore the impact of energy transformations in physical processes.
Discuss the concepts of efficiency and power in the context of energy usage.
Discuss various forms of energy and their transformation.
Calculation and application of work done in various contexts.
Explore physics behind work-energy theorem.
Practical Applications
Assessing energy efficiency and sustainability in energy sources.
Activities such as measuring physical properties in practical settings.
Engage in experiments to understand physical laws.
Prepare for evaluating advanced physics problems and real-world scenarios.
Ensure a practical understanding of concepts to apply them effectively in examination settings.
Familiarity with theoretical principles, equation manipulation, and critical thinking in problem-solving scenarios is expected.
Collaborate with peers and utilize various resources for better understanding the syllabus.