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4th quarter words

1. abrogation – (n) cancellation

2. nonentity – (n) a person or thing of no importance

3. nosegay – (n) a fragrant bouquet

4. obsequious – (adj) servile, obedient, dutiful

5. cosmology – (n) the philosophy dealing with the origin and general

structure of the universe

6. obeisance – (n) a sign of difference; a bow, curtsy, or similar gesture

7. amicable – (adj) characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly

8. niche – (n) an ornamental recess in a wall; a distinct segment of a market

9. beguile – (v) to charm or deceive

10. meretricious – (adj) alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry

11. contrive – (v) to plan with ingenuity; devise; invent

12. predilection – (n) a tendency to think favorably of something in particular;


13. decorous – (adj) characterized by proper conduct, manners,

appearance, or character

14. prevaricate – (v) to speak falsely or misleadingly

15. effluvium – (n) a noxious smell

16. deleterious – (adj) harmful to health; injurious

17. querulous – (adj) full of complaints

18. purloin – (v) to take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer

19. ephemeral – (adj) lasting a very short time; short-lived

20. redolent – (adj) strong smelling

21. matriculate – (v) to enroll

22. zealot – (n) an excessively zealous person; fanatic

23. lugubrious – (adj) sad or mournful

24. fallacious – (adj) deceptive; misleading; logically unsound

25. sanguine – (adj) red in complexion; cheerful

26. lascivious – (adj) lewd; lecherous

27. fop – (n) a man who is excessively vain

28. vacuous – (adj) without contents; empty

29. imbue – (v) to permeate; to saturate

30. puissant – (adj) powerful; strong; potent

31. gasconade – (n) extravagant boasting

32. kinetic - (adj) pertaining to motion

33. uxorious – (adj) overly submissive

34. holocaust – (n) complete destruction

35. juxtaposition – (n) the state of being close together or side by side

36. transcendental – (adj) mystical; being beyond ordinary experience

37. ken – (n) knowledge; understanding; mental perception

38. inauspicious – (adj) unlucky; boding-ill

39. junta – (n) a revolutionary government

40. hermitage – (n) any secluded place of residence or habitation;

retreat; hideaway

4th quarter words

1. abrogation – (n) cancellation

2. nonentity – (n) a person or thing of no importance

3. nosegay – (n) a fragrant bouquet

4. obsequious – (adj) servile, obedient, dutiful

5. cosmology – (n) the philosophy dealing with the origin and general

structure of the universe

6. obeisance – (n) a sign of difference; a bow, curtsy, or similar gesture

7. amicable – (adj) characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly

8. niche – (n) an ornamental recess in a wall; a distinct segment of a market

9. beguile – (v) to charm or deceive

10. meretricious – (adj) alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry

11. contrive – (v) to plan with ingenuity; devise; invent

12. predilection – (n) a tendency to think favorably of something in particular;


13. decorous – (adj) characterized by proper conduct, manners,

appearance, or character

14. prevaricate – (v) to speak falsely or misleadingly

15. effluvium – (n) a noxious smell

16. deleterious – (adj) harmful to health; injurious

17. querulous – (adj) full of complaints

18. purloin – (v) to take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer

19. ephemeral – (adj) lasting a very short time; short-lived

20. redolent – (adj) strong smelling

21. matriculate – (v) to enroll

22. zealot – (n) an excessively zealous person; fanatic

23. lugubrious – (adj) sad or mournful

24. fallacious – (adj) deceptive; misleading; logically unsound

25. sanguine – (adj) red in complexion; cheerful

26. lascivious – (adj) lewd; lecherous

27. fop – (n) a man who is excessively vain

28. vacuous – (adj) without contents; empty

29. imbue – (v) to permeate; to saturate

30. puissant – (adj) powerful; strong; potent

31. gasconade – (n) extravagant boasting

32. kinetic - (adj) pertaining to motion

33. uxorious – (adj) overly submissive

34. holocaust – (n) complete destruction

35. juxtaposition – (n) the state of being close together or side by side

36. transcendental – (adj) mystical; being beyond ordinary experience

37. ken – (n) knowledge; understanding; mental perception

38. inauspicious – (adj) unlucky; boding-ill

39. junta – (n) a revolutionary government

40. hermitage – (n) any secluded place of residence or habitation;

retreat; hideaway
