Disorder: | Symptoms: | Prevalence: |
Bipolar | fluctuations between episodes of depression and mania |
SAD (seasonal affective disorder) | Consistent depression associated with a particular season, common in areas with little sunlight in winter (north latitudes) |
Depression | 2 weeks of continually being in a bad mood, having no interest in doing anything, and getting no pleasure from activities they used to like |
Paranoid | Pattern of distrust & suspiciousness Perceiving others as having evil motives |
Histrionic | Excessive personality and attention-seeking Individuals behave as if they are “on stage” |
Narcissistic | pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy appearing by early adulthood |
OCD | Excessive/intense interest in being neat and orderly, achieving perfection and having control |
Dependent | Pattern of being submissive and clingy; excessive need to be taken care of |
Avoidant | Avoidance of social contact, lack of friends due to feelings of inadequacy and fear of rejection |
Antisocial/sociopathy | Pattern of disregarding the rights of others without feeling guilt or remorse |
Borderline personality disorder | intense emotional instability efforts to avoid abandonment Experience minor problems as major crises May express anger, frustration, and dismay through suicidal gestures and threats, self-mutilation and other self-destructive acts. unstable self-image and find it hard to trust others. unstable and explosive relationships with others. | 2% |
schizophrenia | Disorder of thoughts, attentions, and perception (hallucinations) Motor disorders Emotional (Affective) disorders | 2% |
Dissociative/"Split Personality" Disorder | disruption, split, or breakdown in one’s normal integrated self, consciousness, memory or sense of identity