vierk 3.1-3.4


  1. Use logic and reason to make society work in a more efficient way 

    1. progressives’ main belief

  2. Progressive criticism of Sherman Antitrust Act

    1. sherman antitrust didn’t effectively limit the abuses of big businesses

    2. wanted government to ban trusts so smaller businesses could succeed

  3. History of Standard Oil

    1. a work written by ida tarbell (a muckraker)

    2. said that rockefeller used ruthless methods to ruin competitors and charge high prices which brought him lots of profits

  4. Keatings-Owens Act

    1. this banned child labor in all states 

    2. 2 years later the court deemed it unconstitutional 🙁

    3. much later congress completely banned child labor

  5. Galveston Plan

    1. when galveston, texas suffered huge hurricane so in an emergency measure the city replaced the mayor/board with just a five person commission

    2. each commissioner was knowledgeable about different city affairs

    3. proved to be very efficient so galveston adopted it officially the following year and nearly 500 other cities followed suit - called the commission form of government the galveston plan

    4. benefits: limited powers of bosses and political machines, got city utilities so citizens wouldn’t have to pay high rates

  6. Progressive governors

    1. theodore roosevelt (pushed for progressive reforms, expanded power of presidency) -- annoyed republicans

    2. roosevelt invented the square deal: keep the rich from taking advantage of the poor or small businesses

    3. roosevelt set maximum shipping rates on railroads

  7. % of college students that were women

    1. by 1900 ⅓ of all college students were women

  8. Ida B. Wells

    1. african american woman journalist/teacher

    2. anti-lynching campaign through writing/speaking tours

    3. formed national association of colored women (NACW) - help families succeed and help ppl less fortunate, use money from educated black women to set up daycares

  9. NWP

    1. formed by alice paul

    2. first group to picket outside white house - did lots of bold protest stuff like this which made ppl angry

    3. women arrested in protests went on hunger strikes in jail

    4. in the end they did draw a lot more attention to suffrage


  1. 17th Amendment

    1. 1913 constitutional amendment that allowed for the direct election of u.s senators by citizens

  2. ‘Society plan”

    1. Carrie chapman catt’s plan to recruit wealthy, well educated women

    2. She and her army of workers signed on women of all levels of society (including african americans, jewish immigrants, mexican americans) 

    3. All these women (suffragettes) helped promote suffrage in their own areas

  3. Margaret Sanger

    1. First coined the term birth control in a pamphlet she published in 1914. 

    2. A medical organization she founded, the Birth Control Research Bureau, evolved into Planned Parenthood in 1942

  4. Progressives attitudes toward ethnic and religious minorities

    1. Most progressives were white anglo-saxon protestant reformers who were indifferent or actively hostile to minorities. 

    2. Tried to make the US a model society by encouraging everyone to follow white, middle class ways of life

    3. Supported americanization, believed in social darwinism + science about how immigrants were dumb

  5. Booker T. Washington views versus W.E.B. Dubois views

    1. BTW said blacks should move slowly toward racial progress

    2. BTW said that by working hard and waiting patiently they would gain white ppls respect and would eventually be able to exercise their full voting and citizenship rights

    3. BTW thought that African Americans had to achieve economic independence before civil rights. They had to tolerate discrimination while they proved themselves equal to white ppl. 

    4. WEB was like no we need to demand all the rights guaranteed by the constitution immediately 

    5. WEB thought that if they didn't demand rights immediately, they would become permanent victims of racism. 

  6. 1922 Supreme Court ruling Japanese

    1. In 1922 a japanese immigrant, takao ozawa, fought the law in court that blocked asian americans from becoming citizens

    2. The supreme court ruled against him

    3. The japanese had no hope of becoming citizens now

  7. Niagara Movement

    1. Group of African american thinkers founded in 1905 that pushed for immediate racial reforms, particularly in education and voting practices

    2. Did not agree with BTW about anything (basically this organization was just BTW haters + WEB was in it)

    3. They said that black ppl should be taught history, literature, philosophy not just trade skills

  8. NAACP

    1. National association for the advancement of colored people

    2. Interracial organization founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination and to achieve political and civil rights for African Americans

    3. It was created by white reformers + leaders of niagara movement

    4. Aimed to help African Americans be physically free from peonage (forced/low paid labor), mentally free from ignorance, politically free from disfranchisement (the state of being deprived of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote), and socially free from insult.

    5. Included black and white progressives that worked in other areas of reform

  9. African American leaders educated at Harvard

    1. W.E.B Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter were both raised in New England and educated at Harvard University 

    2. Both were BTW haters, part of Niagara Movement, and part of NAACP


  1. When did Theodore Roosevelt become president

  • 1901, he was only 43 years old

  1. “New Nationalism”

  • Program to restore government’s trustbusting power

  • Roosevelt wanted to serve a third term to do this

  • Declared himself as a “strong bull moose”

  1. Graduated income tax

  • Wealthy people pay a higher percentage of their income than do poor people

  1. Hepburn Act

  • Law passed by roosevelt that allowed the ICC to set maximum shipping rates

  • For railroads, ferries, toll bridges and oil pipelines

  • Gave any ruling by ICC the legal force of a court order

  1. Price fixing and Sherman Antitrust

  • The sherman antitrust outlawed monopolies and practices that restrained trade (price fixing)

  • Price fixing - entering secret agreements to divide up nation’s freight

  1. Square Deal

  • Goal was to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor

  • Roosevelt’s idea of fair govt was that he didn’t want any unfairness in opportunity (like a deck of cards)

  1. First time federal government helped workers in a labor dispute

  • Pennsylvania coal miners strike in 1902

  • They wanted a raise and less hours

  • Roosevelt tried to get mine owners to listen, when they didn’t he threatened to send federal troops

  • The threat forced the owners to give a small raise and a 9 hour workday

  1. Reason why business leaders feared government regulation for business 

  • They thought it would interfere with workings of a free enterprise system and hurt competition

  1. Jane Addams Hull House

  • Settlement house- community center that provided social services to urban poor

  • Hull house = 1st settlement house in chicago

  • Over time it grew to be 13 buildings and made significant social and economic contributions to the lives of the poor


  1. Direct primary

  1. Election where citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections

  1. Groups opposed to women’s suffrage

  1. Liquor industry: due to women support of temperance movement (no drinking alc cuz it take hard earned money away and men neglect/abuse fam)

  2. Textile industry: feared women would favor laws limiting child labor

  3. NAOWS (national association opposed to women suffrage): effort to win the vote would take womens’ attention away from family/volunteer work that benefited society 

  1. Strategy that linked women’s suffrage to Progressive reform

  1. Linked thru goals (improve education, reform corrupt govt., labor reforms         ex: passing child labor laws)

  2. Said suffrage was not only an expansion of the democratic process, but also a way to help solve many of society’s problems (exactly what progressive ppl wanted)

  1. Muller v. Oregon

  1. Supreme court limited # of hours a woman could work to 10 hrs a day

  2. Argued long working hours harmed working women/their families (women still had to look after the children/family)

  3. Didn’t apply to men cuz they didn’t have role of being mothers 

  1. “Is it a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote”

  1. Susan B. Anthony speech in 1872 (toured nation giving this speech while awaiting trial for illegally voting in an election)

  2. Stated “our govt. is based on the natural right of every individual member to a voice and a vote in making and executing the laws”

  3. Speech failed to convince the nation to enact a women’s suffrage amendment

  1. Florence Kelley

  1. Said women were hurt by unfair prices for goods that needed to be bought for their homes

  2. Helped found the NCL (national consumer’s league) which gave special labels to goods produced under fair/safe/healthy working conditions; urged women to buy these and not avoid products without these labels

  3. Helped form the WTUL (women’s trade union league): tried to improve conditions for female factory workers 

  1. “Winning plan”

  1. Carrie Chapman Catt’s 2 part plan

  2. 1. Teams of women lobbied congress to pass constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote

  3. 2. Other teams used new retention process to try to pass state suffrage laws

  1. Economic and social issues working class women faced

  1. Difficult jobs/long hours/dangerous conditions and were expected to hand over their wages to husband/father/brothers

  2. Women doing these labor filled jobs had little-no education; could be easily cheated/bullied by their employers

  3. Had little influence on choosing politicians who could look after their interests since they couldn't vote

  1.  Anti-defamation League

  1. Strived to defend Jews/others against physical/verbal attacks, false statements, and to secure justice/fair treatment for all citizens 

  1. American Indian Citizen Act of 1924

  1. Made all American Indians citizens of the US with full voting rights

  2. Law was an important step towards political equality with other Americans


  1. Carlos Montezuma

    1. a Native American from Arizona

    2. 1911: helped establish the Society of American Indians

      1. the first org to promote Indian rights and protest federal Indian policy

    3. A doctor who treated Native Americans living on reservations

    4. urged Native Americans to preserve their cultures and avoid dependence on gov

  2. Urban League

    1. African Americans migrate from rural → urban

    2. Local black clubs and churches set up employment agencies and relief efforts 

      1. Help them find work

    3. In 1911, more than 100 groups in many cities joined this network

    4. focused on poorer workers

    5.  helped buy clothes/books, children’s schooling, factory workers and domestic servants

  3. Plessy v. Ferguson

    1. upheld Jim Crow laws

    2. After this, states across in North and South passed segregation laws

    3.  1910, segregation was the norm

    4. 1914, gov was segregated (approved by President Woodrow Wilson)

  4. National Reclamation Act

    1. Congress passed in 1902

    2. Gov decided where and how water would be distributed

    3. Gov build dams and reservoirs, generate power, and direct water flow

    4. water management projects created reservoirs and lakes in dry canyons 

      1. Examples: the Salt Valley Project in Arizona and the Roosevelt Dam/Hoover Dam on the Colorado River

  5. Mann-Elkins Act

    1. Taft (Secretary of War) pushed Congress to pass this in 1910

    2. Gave the government control over telephone and telegraph rates

  6. Who took advantage of the split between Republicans and Progressives 

    1. Democrats’ candidate Woodrow Wilson

    2. Won 4 times the  Electoral College votes than Roosevelt and Taft

  7. Gifford Pinchot forest policy

    1. Gifford Pinchot led the Division of Forestry in U.S. Department of Agriculture

    2. forests be preserved for public use

    3. forests should be protected so trees mature into good lumber

      1. Then: logged for wood to build houses and new areas should be protected

  8. Ludlow Massacre

    1. Fall 1913: coal miners in Ludlow, Colorado demanded safer conditions, higher pay, and the right to form a union

    2. coal company refused and they walked off the job

    3. Removed from company housing, the miners were in a tent city near mines

      1. The strike continued through the winter

    4. April 20, 1914: the Colorado National Guard set the tents on fire

      1. Killed 26 men, women, and children

    5. Wilson sent troops to break up the strike, and miners’ attempt failed.

  9. “Rule of reason”

    1. relaxed the hard line set by the Sherman Antitrust Act

    2. allowed big monopolies if they don’t squeeze out smaller companies

    3. Taft supported this, but Roosevelt didn’t

  10. Venn Diagram page 202 “Taft and Roosevelt”
