Types of Business Organisations
Define and examine the advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship form of organization.
Identify two types of partnership and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
Describe the corporate form of organization and cite its advantages and disadvantages.
Organisational Design & Structure
Define organizational culture and structure, and explain their relationship in developing organizational structures.
Describe how specialization and departmentalization help achieve organizational goals.
Determine how organizations assign responsibility and delegate authority.
Compare and contrast common forms of organizational structure.
Categories of Business Ownership:
Two categories:
Owned by individuals or partners.
Owned by the government.
Four types of ownership:
Sole Proprietorship
Private Limited Company
Public Limited Company
Mixed Economy Characteristics:
Balance of private and government-owned resources.
Private Sector:
Unlimited liability:
Sole Proprietorship (1 owner)
Partnership (2-20 owners)
Companies (limited liability):
Private Limited Company (2-20 owners)
Public Limited Company (2 to unlimited owners)
Public Sector:
Owned and operated by the government.
A business is organized for trading products and services to customers for profit.
Majority are privately owned and operated, often facing unlimited liability.
One owner; must be a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident.
Must register with the Registrar of Business (ROB) in Malaysia.
Ramly Burger Stall
Nasi Lemak Stall
Dog Walking Services
Babysitting Services
Comprises two to twenty partners who combine resources to operate.
Requires registration with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
A partnership agreement is usually created, not taxed as an entity but taxed at the individual level for partners.
Organizations formed for profit by providing services or products.
Key Distinctions from Businesses:
Limited liability protection for owners.
Corporations are separate legal entities from their owners.
Private Limited Company (Pte. Ltd./Sdn. Bhd.):
Cannot publicly offer shares.
Public Limited Company (Plc/Bhd.):
Can issue shares to the public and trade them on the stock exchange.
Required by law to disclose financial accounts.
Sole Proprietorship / General Partnership:
Not a separate legal entity; owners have unlimited liability.
Companies (Sdn. Bhd./Plc):
Separate legal entities; limited liability protection.
Owners of businesses manage directly whereas companies appoint a Board of Directors.
Sole proprietors and partners carry unlimited liability; directors/shareholders in companies only liable up to their unpaid shares.
The structure of relationships among staff.
Organisational Culture:
Shared values and practices influencing workflow.
Organisational Structure:
Distribution, coordination, and integration of work across teams.
Delegation of Authority:
Authority is granted from superiors to subordinates, including responsibility for tasks.
Accountability for performance outcomes falls on delegates.
Concentrates authority at the top levels with little delegation.
Delegates decision-making authority throughout the organization.
Wide Span of Control:
Fewer organizational layers; decentralized decision-making.
Narrow Span of Control:
Many layers; centralized decision-making.
Line Structure:
Direct authority from top to bottom.
Line-and-Staff Structure:
Includes specialized managers assisting line managers.
Multidivisional Structure:
Groups departments into larger divisions.
Matrix Structure:
Integrates team members from different departments to collaborate on projects.