Unit Introduction Dr. Vincent Dalbo Questions For Me • If you have a specific question for me ask me during class or via email. If the question is applicable to the class I will post the question and answer on the News Forum Lecture Schedule • For those who attend live lectures (which I think is the best way to attend class) view the Lecture Schedule under the heading Virtual Classes as some classes are recordings such as week 1, lecture 2 Assessments • Complete each assessment – preferably on-time • The vast majority of CQU students who fail classes do not complete one or more of the assessments Assessments • Written assessment 1 (30%) • Answer questions regarding content learned in the unit • Written assessment 2 (40%) • Answer questions regarding content learned in the unit • Portfolio (30%) • Introductory counselling video (5-8 min) and critical analysis (30% of portfolio grade) • You will create and counsel a mock client according to the assessment directions • You will have a classmate, friend, or family member act as the mock client you created • Do not script the session, give them a character to play but they control the decisions/actions of the character • You will record the counselling session • After viewing the recording of your counselling session, you will identify aspects of the counselling session you performed well and aspects that could have been improved • Counselling session (15-20 min) (70% of portfolio grade) • You will find a real client to counsel • Your client cannot be a classmate or the person you counselled in the first part of the Portfolio assessment • You will video record your counselling session lasting 15-20 min • It is your goal to provide the client with the best possible guidance to help them engage in activity • Your session does not have to result in a successful outcome , if it were easy to help people engage in activity less people would be inactive • Additional information about assessments is located on the unit profile and the Moodle page in the section listed Assessments Assessment Tips Assessments • View all the lecture videos, complete all readings, and partake in required activities prior to completing the assessments • From grading assessments and looking at Moodle activity, I have found many students who perform poorly on assessments do so because they do not watch the lecture videos • Do not underestimate the unit content • Psychology is not common sense • If it were easy to get people to partake and remain engaged in exercise obesity would not be an epidemic Assessments • Read the assessment directions and grading rubric prior to completing each assessment • Watch the lectures for assessment tips Written Assessments 1 and 2 • Question based assessments • You will be asked exercise and sport psychology questions primarily regarding ESSA criteria to prove you have learned the content required by ESSA Introductory Counselling Video • You create a fictional character that meets the assessment requirement described in the assessment instructions • Have a friend, family member, or classmate play the character you created • Do not script the session, give them a character to play but they control the decisions/actions of the character • Ex. Your name is John, you are a 28 yr old man who does not exercise because xxxxx • Decisions the character makes from that point on are made entirely by John • You will have a 5-8 minute session with your client in which you employ motivational interviewing • You will critique how did in your counselling session • Practice– You need to practice live counselling sessions before completing this assessment and before your second video recorded counselling session • You will not be good at this without practice • You will have to practice your counselling skills at home on your own time Counselling Session – With Real Client • You find a real client to counsel who is in the pre-contemplation or contemplation stage of the transtheoretical model of behaviour change • Look at the rubric ahead of time and during your practice sessions to ensure you are able to perform the content being assessed to the best of your ability • Important: This is a real counselling session, thus you are unlikely to help promote a meaningful change during one session • Ex. My mother does not exercise despite me using the techniques you will learn in this class • There are multiple models of behaviour change as the ability to each to help others change behaviour is relatively low • Thus, if you truly do this assessment, helping the client change behaviour will not be easy • To perform well on this assessment you NEED to: • Understand the concepts taught in this unit • Theories of exercise, motivational interviewing, goal setting, etc. • Practice • Practice ( not a typo – you NEED to practice) • It will not be fun to have a counselling session composed of 15-20 minutes of silence Counselling Session – With Real Client • Why knowing the concepts is not enough – importance of practice • My OU exercise physiology unit • I incorporated a lab practical at the end of the year composed of two parts: • Students telling me how to perform the test • Having students take me through the test • What I learned • Students could verbally tell me how to perform a test (blood pressure. 1 RM bench press) • But the majority of students could not perform the test as the experimenter • The question becomes, why can students describe a test but not perform the test? • A couple of possibilities exist • It is easier to memorise what you are supposed to do rather than employ the steps • Telling someone how to do something is easier than doing it • The students could have known and understood the steps but due to lack of practice were unable to apply their knowledge • As a student what is the solution to ensure you can employ the techniques you have learned? • Practice Assessment Tips • For all assessments • Proofread your work • Have someone else proofread your work • All students have access to Studiosity via Moodle • Turn in your assessment on time • Other notes • I am not looking for the longest answer, I am looking for a correct answer • The word count is the maximum number of words allowed • You should be able to answer each question within the required word limit • Read the grading rubric before performing an assessment What To Expect • The unit is called Exercise and Sport Psychology because ESSA wants the units called exercise and sport psychology • However, the ESSA criteria is almost entirely exercise psychology, thus this unit is primarily an exercise psychology unit sport psychology incorporated • Exercise and sport psychology are different topics with some aspects of • If you are interested in sport psychology there is a sport psychology unit offered at CQU ESSA Criteria • Describe human behaviour in terms of personality, motivation, learning, and relate these influences to the behavioural aspects of health, exercise, and sport • Analyse and understand behaviour in health, exercise, and sport contents from an ecological perspective • Identify and describe best practice in the delivery of health and exercise advice • Describe factors associated with realistic goal setting, exercise adoption, and safe participation in physical activity • Describe factors that influence and predict exercise adherence • Explain the role of exercise, physical activity, and sport in mental health and wellbeing ESSA Criteria • Interpret behavioural theories and their constructs that relate to health, exercise, and sport • Apply relevant psychosocial measures and behavioural tools in the delivery of an exercise program • Formulate strategies for behaviour modification to increase the adherence of clients to exercise and physical activity throughout the lifespan • Identify clients in need of additional strategies for behaviour modification and design an intervention accordingly • Evaluate and revise behavioural strategies according the needs of the client and their progress towards achieving realistic goals ESSA Criteria • Listen to and engage with the client and respond appropriately to match their various needs and preferences with realistic goals and safe, progressive, improvement • Demonstrate basic counselling and communication skills The Good Stuff Describing Sport And Exercise Psychology • Sport psychology • Focus is on improving athletic performance • You aim to quantify the effects of psychological factors on physical and motor performance • Exercise psychology • Focus is on increasing exercise participation and exercise adherence • You aim to quantify the effects of participating in PA on psychological development, health, and wellbeing • Job outlook • The job market for sport psychologists is extremely small and highly competitive • The job market for exercise psychologists is large and growing • Driven by the obesity epidemic and low levels of activity in the general population Sport Psychology Examples • How does anxiety affect a basketball player’s accuracy in free throw shooting? • How does the reinforcement strategy (e.g., positive vs. negative) of a head coach influence team cohesion? • Does the use of imagery facilitate the recovery process of injured athletes? Exercise Psychology Examples • Does running reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression? • Does participation in a daily physical education class improve a child’s self-esteem? • Does participation in youth sport support personality development? Job Outlook • If pursing exercise or sport psychology what will I do for a job? • 73% of people with a PhD in exercise or sport psychology work as a teacher/researcher in academia • Others find work as a consultant in health clinics, with industry, or with athletes • Important: Exercise and sport psychologists are NOT psychological services • You cannot treat people with psychological disorders, qualified to provide you must refer those individuals to clinical psychologists Common Stud