Meeting with Hans Christian Delos Reyes-20250225_191355-Meeting Recording


  • Asynchronous session to keep us on track despite no classes today.

  • Discussion will focus on employee selection: recruitment and interview processes.

  • Importance of placement according to competencies.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how to recruit applicants.

  2. Recognize why traditional unstructured interviews fail and learn to construct valid structured interviews.

  3. Prepare effectively for interviews.

  4. Write compelling resumes and cover letters.

Employee Recruitment

  • HR Role: HR assists in the talent management process but does not simply hire employees.

  • Talent Management Process: Begins with application and ends with exit interview—encompasses the entire lifecycle of an employee in the company.

  • Main Goal of Recruitment: Attract the best talent, focusing on quality over quantity.

  • Importance of Quality: High-quality talent contributes significantly to the company's strategic goals.

Recruitment vs. Talent Acquisition

  • Recruitment:

    • Short-term focus; needed for immediate vacancies.

  • Talent Acquisition:

    • Long-term strategy; creates a pool of potential candidates for future openings.

    • Helps manage costs associated with ongoing recruitment processes.

Types of Recruitment

  1. Internal Recruitment:

    • Looking for candidates within the organization.

    • Familiarity with company culture and operations helps in performance and morale.

    • Promotion as a common form of internal recruitment boosts employee morale.

  2. External Recruitment:

    • Attracting candidates from outside the organization, especially for specialized positions.

    • Brings in fresh ideas and perspectives.

  3. Passive Recruitment:

    • Engaging working professionals who are not actively seeking new job opportunities (often referred to as poaching).

    • Offers better compensation or benefits to attract already employed talent.

Employee Selection Steps

  1. Job Analysis: Foundation for creating a job description.

  2. Select Testing Methods: Validation tools to identify suitable candidates.

  3. Recruitment: Attract applicants for the vacancy.

  4. Screening: Filter candidates based on qualifications and job fit.

  5. Initial Interview: Identify potential candidates for further assessment.

  6. Testing: Conduct relevant assessments (e.g., IQ tests, aptitude tests) to further evaluate candidates.

  7. Final Interview: Conducted by the hiring manager to make the final selection.

  8. Job Offer: Extend an offer to the selected candidate.

Recruitment Methods

Media Advertisement

  • Involves using various media channels for advertisements, including newspapers, posters, and online platforms.

  • Traditional Forms: Newspaper ads specifying how applicants should respond (e.g., call, apply in person, send resumes).

    • Calling: Self-explanatory; convenient for both parties.

    • In-Person Applications: Common for jobs requiring physical presence such as modeling or flight attendants.

    • Sending Resumes: Easier for candidates; allows recruiters to screen applications.

    • Blind Box Ads: Anonymous ads that do not disclose company names, encouraging applicants to apply based on job description alone.

Online Recruitment

  • Increasing trend in electronic media recruitment using digital platforms and social networks.

Important Considerations for Writing Recruitment Ads

  • Provide realistic job previews to avoid misleading candidates.

  • Advertise selection process and application expectations clearly.

  • Ensure detailed descriptions give potential applicants an accurate understanding of the company and job.


  • Effective recruitment strategies involve a mix of internal, external, and passive methods, combined with thorough job analysis and structured interviews to identify the best candidates.
