CAUSES of EUROPEAN EXPLORATION [AP World History Review—Unit 4 Topic 2]

Overview of European Sea-Based Empires (1450-1750)

  • Sea-based empire building represented a significant turning point in world history.

  • Emergence of state-sponsored exploration influenced by changes in European power dynamics following the Black Death.

Factors Leading to Sea-Based Empire Building

Population Recovery

  • Post-Black Death population growth led to increased power for monarchs.

  • Monarchs consolidated power, reducing nobility's strength.

Military Advancements

  • Monarchs improved their militaries and adopted gunpowder technology.

  • More efficient tax systems were established to fund exploration and conquest.

Economic Motivations

  • Rising demand for Asian spices, especially pepper, motivated exploration.

  • Control over land routes made spices expensive, prompting search for sea routes.

Pioneer Sea-Based Empires


  • Portugal was geographically constrained, leading to maritime expansion.

  • Prince Henry the Navigator sponsored early exploration aimed at India.

Motivations for Exploration

  1. Technological Developments

    • Use of compass, astrolabe, and development of caravels and carracks.

  2. Economic Interests

    • Initial interest in trans-Saharan gold trade shifted to Asian spices.

  3. Religious Goals

    • Desire to spread Christianity and find the legendary Prester John.

  • Established a trading post empire focusing on self-sufficient posts around Africa and the Indian Ocean.

  • Vasco da Gama's expedition was pivotal in connecting to the Indian Ocean trade network.


  • The Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, sought to establish their own empire.

  • Christopher Columbus proposed sailing west to reach the Spice Islands, secured sponsorship from Spain.

Columbus's Voyages

  • Reached Caribbean in 1492; initially thought he found Asia but discovered the Americas.

  • Subsequent expeditions led to the recognition of the Americas by Europe.

  • Ferdinand Magellan's voyage confirmed the Atlantic-Pacifc route to the Asia.

  • Spanish colonization opened transatlantic trade, becoming more profitable than Indian Ocean trade.

Competition and Expansion among European States


  • Sought westward passage to Indian Ocean; established trade in North America.

  • Samuel Champlain founded Quebec in 1608, focusing on fur trade despite challenges from diseases and Iroquois.


  • Late to exploration due to economic focus on textiles.

  • Queen Elizabeth I supported exploration post-Spanish Armada defeat.

  • Sir Walter Raleigh established Virginia; Jamestown founded in 1607 marked a turn in success.

The Dutch

  • Gained independence from Spain in 1579, emerged as a wealthy state.

  • Competed for control in Indian Ocean; founded trading posts.

  • Henry Hudson's expedition established New Amsterdam as a Dutch presence in the New World.


  • The rise of sea-based empires marked the beginning of global trade networks and established European dominance in world trade.
