Key terms:
Life Cycle sequence: The ordering of the roles from infancy to death: roles, norms, problems
Socialization: Process of learning norms, roles, and skills
Informal socialization: Process of learning in the family and among peers
Formal socialization: Process of learning in school
General notes:
I. Life Cycle Perspective
Individual life cycle: family → school → transition to work → work → retirement
Career: Entry-level job → job change → retirement
Types of job careers can shape one’s personality
Family life cycle: formation → birth of first child → departure of last child from home → retirement from work → death of one spouse
II. Socialization and work
Parents as socializing agents
Informal → language, basic living skills, values, norms, habits, attitudes
Parents vary by background
Formal → Curriculum, extracurriculars, and hidden curriculum
School context
Socialization in the workplace → on-job training, work ethics social values, and social relationships
III. Entering the Labor Force
Occupation choice - what factors are influential
Ask this in your essay
Barriers to entry…
Types of education
School reputation Personal aspiration
Networks of contact, family background, chance
Dead-end jobs → little skill, low pay, few benefits, no promotion, less responsibility, high turnover
Entry port jobs → Skill training, greater responsibility, improved pay & fringe benefits, promotion
Formalized recruitment procedures
Job ladder in corporations→ internal labor markets, internal competition, regulations, corporate cultures, wage growth patterns
IV. Role conflict & role overload
Role conflict - 2 possible conflict
Entering the labor force and completing school simultaneously
Leaving home & starting a new family
Role overload - too much to do at the same time, which causes lower satisfaction and depression
For women → Btw work and family, double burdens, responsibility for children & parents, career development, social worlds…
Single mother family → female-headed households increased from 10% (1970) to 18% (2009) to 22% (2015) to 22.6% (2019)
V. Between family and work
Work arrangements among couples → dual careers
Time arrangements
Location arrangements
Commuter marriage
Integration and segmentation of work and home to offset negative impacts
Calendar, keys, clothe/appearance
Eating and drinking, money
Talk, reading, breaks
Commuters, phone calls
The sandwich generation: middle-aged workers between aging parents and small children
VI. Integration of Work and Family
Repackaging jobs
Block schedulonig
Work sahring
VII. Guiding questions fo rQuiz #5
Sequential life span
Family cyc;e
rle conflcit
sandwich generation
occupartional choice
job career
entry-port job
dead-end job
Things lerned form socialization relevant to work
How to dscribe dead-end and entry port jobs in terms of skil, pay , benefits etc.