Addiction as a disease of a brain
alt function of brain results from chronic use of drugs of abuse
brain processes info using the rates of action potentionals in neruons
diff populations of neruons have diff things
How do drugs hijck brain
alt domamngeric activity that alter how brain interacts with one and other
many of these effects are the concequences of alt dopamergic activity and assocated changes in how systems in the brain are intereacting
dopamine plays many roles
VTA dompamine neurons provide generalized reward prediction error signal to cortex
ETher changes in how much dopamine neurons (that release dopamine at their snyapeses) have action potentals
or changes
What in the brain is changed in the pathological (diseased state)
Changes in the amount of dopamine lead to changes in the systems where that sig means something
many systems fit that bill
cahnges in responses becaome structural/functional changes in the system where that sig means something
Changes over time in dopamine
Stumuli that leads to drugss of abyse are learned
dopamine peredicts that these stimuli lead to reward
This prediction signal tells the movement system what stimuli will lead to things we like/ want
Changes over time movement control
the vta dopamine effects the nucleus accumbens shell 1st
across rxperance / learning the response shifts to activate the core
shell activation contributes to impulsive hibitual movements
inhibitory feedback from NAc to VTA increases activity in diff dopamine
changes in mem/emotional systems
VTA dopamine alters emotional amy digula resopnse
the neg emotion from withdrawl and craving araises in part
changes in prefrontal control
prefontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex are continually figuring out what the right thing to do is
descion making is
neurons change the strength of their connections
reconational use
intesified sustained escaltedc use
loss of control
not predeteremed thst any individual will progress