11.1c encouraging creativity and feasibility studies

encouraging creativity - creativity can be developed if designers are encouraged to look at different methods of working, if their ideas are taken seriously, no matter how off the wall they may be
part of innovation is making mistakes in the same way as success is, however for innovation management creativity should be rewarded with no penalty for mistakes, mistakes can lead to different approach being adopted that is more successful in the long run

feasibility studies - when a solution to a problem has been arrived at it is a good idea to carry out a feasibility study to analyse and justify manufacturing the design
may consider technical aspects of design, as well as whether the product will be profitable to manufacture or not
usual for a report to be produced that includes a summary of the study and recommends if the particular project is realistic and practical
will look at the costs related to the project, whether the project is sustainable and viable and whether or not the design is technically possible
provide areas that need to be focussed on during the development of a solution, will study materials and manufacturing options and scale of production most likely once commercial manufacturing begins
