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Untitled Flashcards Set

A Summary of Resident's Rights

The rights of nursing home residents are protected under Ohio Revised Code 3726.13 and are summarized below.

Nursing home residents have the right to:

1. A safe and clean living environment.

2. Be free from physical, verbal, mental and emotional abuse: to be treated with courtesy and respect in full recognition of dignity and individuality

3. Adequate and appropriate medical treatment, nursing care, and other services That comprise necessary and appropriate Care consistent with the program for Which the resident contracted and without discrimination or regard to source of payment.

4. Have all reasonable request and inquiries responded to promptly.

5. Have clothes and bedsheets changed as need arises to insure comfort and sanitation.

6. Obtain name and specialty of any physician Or other person responsible for coordinating care.

7. Select staff physician of choice or to obtain own physician from outside the home.

8. Participate in decisions that affect the Resident's life including the right to Communicate with physician and employee Of the home, obtain current information on Status and participate in planning of care. To have access to medical records. To give Or withhold informed consent for treatment.

9. Withhold payment to physician if physician did not visit

10. Confidential treatment of personal and Medical records.

11. Privacy during medical examinations and personal care.

12. Refuse to serve as a medical research subject.

13. Be free from chemical and physical restraint

Except under close supervision and order of a Physician.

14. Obtain pharmacist of choice and pay fair Market price for drugs.

15. Exercise all civil rights unless adjudicate Incompetents.

16. Access to opportunities that enable residents To achieve their fullest potential.

17. Consume alcoholic beverages unless medically or policy contraindicate

18. Use tobacco unless medically or policy contraindicated.

19. Retire and rise on own schedule per request as long as this does not disturb other residents.

20. Observe religious obligations and to maintain individual and cultural identity. To participate in social and community groups.

21. Privacy in communications, in receiving and sending mail, access to telephone for private conversations, and private visits.

22. Privacy for visit by spouse or share room if both are residents of same home.

23. Have room doors closed and to not have them opened without knocking.

24. Retain and use personal clothing and a reasonable amount of possessions in a reasonably secure manner.

25. Be informed of basic charge, services offered and additional charges related to these services. right to a 30-day notice of rate change.

26. Receipt of a bill at least monthly by the resident or person paying the bill.

27. Be free from financial exploitation and to manage their personal financial affairs or the right to an account, at least quarterly, upon written request if the home accepts written delegation.

28. Unrestricted access to property on deposit during reasonable hours.

29. Reasonable notice before room or roommate is changed with an explanation of reason.

30. Not to be transferred or discharged from the home except for medical reasons, own welfare or another individuals' welfare, non-payment of bill, closure of home, or Medicaid or Medicare decertification of of the home.

31. Voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and service free from restrain, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. This includes access to Resident's Right Advocates.

32. Have a significant change in health status reported to their sponsor.


Untitled Flashcards Set

A Summary of Resident's Rights

The rights of nursing home residents are protected under Ohio Revised Code 3726.13 and are summarized below.

Nursing home residents have the right to:

1. A safe and clean living environment.

2. Be free from physical, verbal, mental and emotional abuse: to be treated with courtesy and respect in full recognition of dignity and individuality

3. Adequate and appropriate medical treatment, nursing care, and other services That comprise necessary and appropriate Care consistent with the program for Which the resident contracted and without discrimination or regard to source of payment.

4. Have all reasonable request and inquiries responded to promptly.

5. Have clothes and bedsheets changed as need arises to insure comfort and sanitation.

6. Obtain name and specialty of any physician Or other person responsible for coordinating care.

7. Select staff physician of choice or to obtain own physician from outside the home.

8. Participate in decisions that affect the Resident's life including the right to Communicate with physician and employee Of the home, obtain current information on Status and participate in planning of care. To have access to medical records. To give Or withhold informed consent for treatment.

9. Withhold payment to physician if physician did not visit

10. Confidential treatment of personal and Medical records.

11. Privacy during medical examinations and personal care.

12. Refuse to serve as a medical research subject.

13. Be free from chemical and physical restraint

Except under close supervision and order of a Physician.

14. Obtain pharmacist of choice and pay fair Market price for drugs.

15. Exercise all civil rights unless adjudicate Incompetents.

16. Access to opportunities that enable residents To achieve their fullest potential.

17. Consume alcoholic beverages unless medically or policy contraindicate

18. Use tobacco unless medically or policy contraindicated.

19. Retire and rise on own schedule per request as long as this does not disturb other residents.

20. Observe religious obligations and to maintain individual and cultural identity. To participate in social and community groups.

21. Privacy in communications, in receiving and sending mail, access to telephone for private conversations, and private visits.

22. Privacy for visit by spouse or share room if both are residents of same home.

23. Have room doors closed and to not have them opened without knocking.

24. Retain and use personal clothing and a reasonable amount of possessions in a reasonably secure manner.

25. Be informed of basic charge, services offered and additional charges related to these services. right to a 30-day notice of rate change.

26. Receipt of a bill at least monthly by the resident or person paying the bill.

27. Be free from financial exploitation and to manage their personal financial affairs or the right to an account, at least quarterly, upon written request if the home accepts written delegation.

28. Unrestricted access to property on deposit during reasonable hours.

29. Reasonable notice before room or roommate is changed with an explanation of reason.

30. Not to be transferred or discharged from the home except for medical reasons, own welfare or another individuals' welfare, non-payment of bill, closure of home, or Medicaid or Medicare decertification of of the home.

31. Voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and service free from restrain, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. This includes access to Resident's Right Advocates.

32. Have a significant change in health status reported to their sponsor.
