“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”-- Theodosius Dobzhansky, Geneticist
19.1 Evolution is both factual and serves as the basis of broader theory.
19.2 Mechanisms of Evolution: Mutation, Selection, Gene Flow, Genetic Drift, Nonrandom Mating.
19.3 Evolution is measured by changes in allele frequencies.
19.4 Types of Selection: Stabilizing, Directional, Disruptive.
19.5 Selection can maintain variation within and among populations.
19.6 Evolution is constrained by historical and trade-off factors.
Evolution refers to the change in the genetic composition of populations over time, supported by fossil records, lab experiments, and natural observations.
Observations across geological, morphological, and molecular data provide substantial support for evolutionary theory.
Pre-Darwinian ideas proposed by biologists suggested species change, but no mechanism was identified.
Charles Darwin's voyage (1831-1836) on HMS Beagle uncovered evidence leading to evolutionary theory.
Aristotle: Proposed organisms were perfectly formed and unchanging.
Old Testament: Believed species were individually designed by a creator.
Carolus Linnaeus: Laid groundwork for taxonomy and binomial nomenclature, viewing adaptations as evidence of design.
Fossils (remains or traces) provide evidence for evolutionary changes over time.
French scientist Georges Cuvier developed palaeontology and the concept of catastrophism—catastrophes lead to species extinctions.
Geologists James Hutton and Charles Lyell introduced gradualism and uniformitarianism, influencing Darwin's thought.
Noted species variations between islands, indicating adaptations to local environments.
Darwin’s finches exhibited different beak shapes based on food sources, leading to the concept of adaptive radiation.
Mutations are changes in DNA sequences, serving as the origin of genetic variation.
Can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful, and may restore genetic variation over time.
Migration introduces new alleles, modifying allele frequencies within populations.
Random changes in allele frequencies, leading to significant effects in small populations.
Bottleneck Effect: Reduces genetic variation due to environmental pressures.
Founder Effect: Occurs in populations that colonize new regions and lack original genetic diversity.
Prevalence of mate selection based on phenotype.
Sexual selection influences traits leading to reproductive success; advantageous traits may compromise survival.
Favors average phenotypes; reduces variation without shifting the mean.
Example: Human birth weights.
Favors phenotypes at one extreme of the spectrum, increasing certain traits in the population.
Example: Horn evolution in longhorn cattle due to predation pressures.
Favors phenotypes at both extremes; can lead to increased variation within a population.
Example: Bill size in seedcrackers.
Frequency-dependent selection can maintain polymorphism based on trait fitness.
Heterozygote advantage: In fluctuating environments, heterozygous individuals outperform homozygotes, leading to sustained genetic diversity.
Geographic variation affects trait distribution across populations based on environmental conditions.
Evolution limited by historical events and trade-offs; adaptations may not always be beneficial in every context.
Example: Rough-skinned newts produce a neurotoxin, but predatory adaptations can lead to varying success.
Evolution is a descent with modification, driven by natural selection, mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and nonrandom mating.
Microevolution reflects changes in allele frequencies over time, while macroevolution accounts for larger evolutionary patterns influenced by rare events.