Training, overtraining and overreaching

Overtraining is when an athlete attempts to do more training than he or she can physically/mentally tolerate. It results in a number of symptoms

  • Overreaching is pushing the body beyond its limits for a short period of time to stimulate a training response. It is also called transient over-training.

  • Undertraining is not providing the body with enough stimulation for performance to improve by training.


OTS is the rapid onset of a persistent decline in the exercise performance of an athlete that is not corrected when changes are made to the training

Symptoms of overtraining usually referred to as the overtraining syndrome. Symptoms usually highly individualized and tough to diagnose:

  • Chronic muscle soreness

  • Change in appetite

  • Reduced immune function

  • Body weight loss

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Irritability, restlessness, excitability, anxiousness

  • Loss of motivation and vigor

  • Lack of mental concentration

  • Feeling of depression

  • Fatigue
