The chapter discusses consumers, producers, and market efficiency.
Focuses on key economic principles related to consumer and producer surplus.
Key concepts derived from Mankiw's "Principles of Economics."
Definition: Studies how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being.
Allocation of Resources: Involves determining:
Amount of each good produced.
Producers who manufacture the goods.
Consumers who purchase the goods.
Conclusion: Equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes total benefits for all buyers and sellers.
Willingness to Pay (WTP): The maximum a buyer will pay for a good.
Formula: Consumer Surplus (CS) = WTP - Price (P).
Represents the benefits buyers receive from market participation.
Scenario: Sale on refurbished iPad Mini 3.
Buyers' WTP:
Alexis: $250
Cameron: $175
Fatima: $300
Jamir: $125
At Price (P) = $200:
Buyers: Alexis & Fatima.
Quantity demanded (Qd) = 2.
Demand schedule derived from WTP:
WTP ranges converted into quantities based on various price points ranging from $0 to $300.
Demand curve resembles a staircase with steps representing each buyer's WTP.
In a competitive market, the curve would smooth out into a curve rather than steps.
At Price (P) = $260:
Fatima’s CS = $300 - $260 = $40.
Others have no CS as they didn’t buy.
Total CS = $40.
At Price (P) = $220:
Fatima’s CS = $300 - $220 = $80.
Alexis’ CS = $250 - $220 = $30.
Total CS increases to $110.
Calculated as the area below the demand curve and above price level.
Represents the cumulative benefit received by all buyers in market.
Definition: Producer surplus (PS) measures the benefit sellers receive from participating in a market.
Formula: PS = Price (P) - Cost; where Cost is the minimum price at which a seller is willing to sell.
Sellers' costs:
Jin: $10
Jada: $20
Chris: $35
Determine supply schedule based on these costs.
The supply curve shows the minimum cost incurred by sellers at each quantity.
At Price (P) = $25:
Jin’s PS = $25 - $10 = $15.
Jada’s PS = $25 - $20 = $5.
Total PS = $20.
Market outcomes depend on both consumer and producer surplus to determine overall efficiency.
Total Surplus: Total Surplus = CS + PS, indicating total economic well-being.
Market equilibrium occurs when supply meets demand, leading to maximized total surplus.
Free market outcomes:
Allocates goods to buyers valuing them most (WTP).
Connects demand to lowest cost sellers.
Produces quantity maximized for total surplus.
Market equilibrium at P = $30 and Q = 15.
Buyer behavior: Buyers with WTP ≥ $30 will purchase.
Seller behavior: Sellers with costs ≤ $30 will sell.
Identifies the conditions under which market assumptions hold.
Market failures may arise due to factors such as market power and externalities, affecting overall efficiency across society.
Consumer surplus and producer surplus are essential metrics for evaluating economic participants' benefits.
Efficient allocations maximize total surplus, but market failures indicate circumstances where efficiency is compromised.