Key Concepts in the Use of Biomaterials

Learning Objectives

 Appreciate the importance of biological testing for medical devices and the present-
day requirement to demonstrate safety and efficacy
 Possess a baseline knowledge of cell and molecular biology that is important for
understanding biological interactions and testing
 Appreciate that medical devices must contend with the body’s protective and
reparative responses
 Be able to describe, in general terms, the sequence of events after a biomaterial is
placed in a biological milieu and what cells are responding to when they encounter an
implanted biomaterial

Poll Question

Imagine that your grandmother suffers from cataracts, and over the holidays you
learned that her doctor wants to perform surgery and implant a new intraocular lens
that he and some colleagues have developed. Do you think this is a good idea?
Monet’s Water Lily Pond, a painting of the pond and bridge before any visual symptoms (1899) The Japanese Bridge at Giverny (1918-1924)
Marmor. Arch Ophthalmol. 2006;124(12):1764-1769.
Biomaterials History: The Era of the Physician-Hero

 Newly developed high-performance materials (especially polymers)
became readily available after the World Wars
 Government regulatory activity was minimal, and today’s protections
for human subjects were non-existent
 Materials originally manufactured for airplanes, automobiles, clocks,
and radios were taken “off the shelf” by innovative physicians and
applied to medical problems
 Silicones, polyurethanes, Teflon, nylon, methacrylates, titanium, and stainless

Biomaterials History: The Era of the Physician-Hero

Sir Harold Ridley developed intraocular lenses after observing that plastic shards healed in place
with no further reaction

Biomaterials History: The Era of the Physician-Hero
 Willem Kolff devised the first dialysis machine from a Maytag washing machine in the 1960s
 Belding Scribner and Wayne Quinton developed an arteriovenous shunt to enable chronic dialysis 7
Leonard et al. Blood Purif 2011;31:92–95.
Biomaterials History: The Era of the Physician-Hero

Published in

Deterling and Bhonslay. AMA Arch 8
Surg. 1956;72(1):76-91
Biomaterials History: Taking Action to Protect Patients

 In 1969 President Nixon called for “certain
minimum standards” for medical devices and
declared that “the government should be given
additional authority to require premarketing clearance
in certain cases [of medical devices].”
 In 1970 The Cooper Report was released (Medical
Devices: A Legislative Plan”) and reported that more
than 700 deaths and 10,000 injuries were
associated with medical devices
 512 deaths and injuries were attributed to
heart valves
 89 deaths and 186 injuries were tied to heart
 10 deaths and 8,000 injuries were attributed
to intrauterine devices
Biomaterials History: Taking Action to Protect Patients

Biomaterials History: Taking Action to Protect Patients

 While the Cooper Committee recommendations were being
debated in Congress during 1972 and 1973
 Pacemaker failures were reported
 In 1975, hearings took place on problems that had been
reported with the Dalkon Shield intrauterine device, which
caused thousands of reported injuries
 These incidents helped underscore the need for regulation
 In 1976 the Medical Device Amendments were passed
 Purpose was to ensure safety and effectiveness of medical
devices, including diagnostic products
 Required manufacturers to register with FDA and follow
quality control procedures
 Introduced the concept of premarket approval by FDA for
certain products

Takeaway Points
 Simply choosing materials based on their physical
properties is a recipe for disaster
 To design medical devices that are both safe and
effective, we must also consider how materials interact
with biological systems
 This is why the biomaterials field exists
 The word “biomaterials” implies an intersection of
biology and materials
 Put simply, we must perform biologically relevant testing
and ensure biocompatibility
 Discussion: How do we define biocompatibility?

The Intersection of Materials and Biology
 When a synthetic material is placed in a biological milieu (e.g., implantation in a
living organism), a series of reactions is initiated almost instantaneously
 Water molecules and ions reach the surface of the material nearly
 Subsequently, proteins reach the surface and may coat it
 Cells then interact with this coated surface
 Additionally, materials must contend with the body’s protective and reparative
 Blood coagulation (hemostasis)
Implantation is an Injury
 Inflammation
 Wound healing AND
 Innate immune system Biomaterials are Foreign
 Adaptive immunity Objects
Cell and Molecular Biology (prerequisite knowledge)
 The basic functional attributes of cells include
 Protection
 Signaling
 Nutrient absorption and assimilation
 Energy generation
 Macromolecule synthesis
 Growth
 Reproduction lar_Biology_(Bergtrom)/16%3A_Membrane_Structure/16.02%3A_Plasma_Membrane_Structure

 However, most cells in the body are differentiated and exhibit specialization
 Differentiation allows for a division of labor in the performance and coordination of complex
functions carried out in architecturally distinct and organized tissues and organs
 Examples: conductivity (nervous system), contraction (muscle), protection (immune system),
absorption/secretion (gastrointestinal tract), transport (cardiovascular system)
 Receptors on the surfaces of cells enable them to sense and respond to stimuli
 Differentiated cells (e.g., macrophages) can exhibit different phenotypes 15
Discussion Questions
 What cells types do you know?

 What is meant by cell phenotype?

 How are the actions of cells (e.g., secretory activity, proliferation, migration) regulated?

Overview of Cell-Matrix Interactions, Signaling, and
Regulation of Cell Behavior
 Stromal cells, parenchymal cells,
capillaries, and nerves are embedded
with an extracellular matrix (ECM) and
physically and functionally integrated
in tissues and organs
 The ECM comprises the biological
material produced by and residing
in between cells
 The ECM provides physical support to
cells (they can adhere to it) but also
regulates cell behavior
 The ECM is dynamic and is
remodeled by cells

Overview of Cell-Matrix Interactions, Signaling, and
Regulation of Cell Behavior
 Receptors called integrins bind to
extracellular matrix proteins (e.g.,
collagen, fibronectin, laminin) and
mediate cell-matrix interactions
 Other receptors called cadherins and
Cell Adhesion Molecules mediate cell-
cell interactions
 Other receptors bind soluble
molecules that are secreted by cells
 Growth factors
 Cytokines
 Chemokines
 Key point: Engagement of specific
receptors triggers signal transduction
pathways that affect gene expression
and cell activity
Overview of Cell-Matrix Interactions, Signaling, and
Regulation of Cell Behavior
 Receptors called integrins bind to
extracellular matrix proteins (e.g.,
collagen, fibronectin, laminin) and
mediate cell-matrix interactions
 Other receptors called cadherins and
Cell Adhesion Molecules mediate cell-
cell interactions
 Other receptors bind soluble
molecules that are secreted by cells
 Growth factors
 Cytokines
 Chemokines
 Key point: Engagement of specific
receptors triggers signal transduction
pathways that affect gene expression
and cell activity
Overview of Cell-Matrix Interactions, Signaling, and
Regulation of Cell Behavior

 Growth factor – broad class of cell signaling
molecules (generally proteins) that can act on a
variety of cell types or may have a specific target
 Promote cell proliferation and differentiation
 Also influence cell movement, contractility,
protein synthesis (i.e., almost any cellular
 Key regulators of tissue repair and wound
 Some examples: vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF),
platelet derived growth factor (PDGF),
epidermal growth factor (EGF) 22
Overview of Cell-Matrix Interactions, Signaling, and
Regulation of Cell Behavior

 Cytokine – a more narrow (but still broad) class
of cell signaling molecules
 Historically refers to signaling molecules that
regulate immune cells, but the term is often
used interchangeably with growth factor
 Examples: interferons (IFNs), interleukins
(ILs), and tumor necrosis factors (TNFs)
 Chemokine – class of cell signaling molecules
that guide cell migration
 Chemotaxis is directional cell movement in
response to a chemical gradient

Cell and Tissue Injury
 Cells and tissues attempt to maintain their milieu and function
within a relatively narrow range of physiologic parameters
 Adaptative mechanisms exist to preserve tissue function and
homeostasis when physiologic stresses or pathologic stimuli are
encountered…but they have a limit
 Exceeding this limit results in cell injury and death
 Necrosis (cell death due to irreversible injury) results in an inflammatory
 Apoptosis (programmed cell death) results in little to no inflammatory response
 Two important causes of injury are toxic injury and trauma
 Chemical agents (components of food, naturally occurring toxins,
hormones, synthetic drugs, environmental pollutants, poisons, ethanol)
can cause cell injury
 Chemicals are used to synthesize materials
 Direct mechanical force (trauma, pressure), temperature extremes,
electric shock, and ionizing radiation can also cause cell injury
 Surgery is traumatic and causes irreversible injury
 Excessive inflammation can also cause injury Fig.
Response to Tissue Injury and Biomaterials
Macrophages play a key role in the response
 A key protective response of an organism is its to injury
ability to eliminate damaged tissues and
foreign invaders (e.g., microbes, exogenous
nonbiological materials like splinters)
 Immune protection
 To restore homeostasis, damaged tissues
must be repaired
 In limited cases, tissue regeneration is possible
and normal structure and function can be
 More commonly, the damaged tissue is replaced
with fibrotic scar tissue
 When foreign bodies are present and cannot
be eliminated, they are encapsulated in fibrous
tissue to isolate them from the rest of the body
 Foreign body reaction (FBR) 25
Introduction to the Foreign Body Reaction

 Discussion:
 What drives this biological
 Does fibrous encapsulation
indicate that a material is not

Ratner. Regen Biomater. 2016;3(2): 107-10.
The Intersection of Materials and Biology
 When a synthetic material is placed in a biological milieu (e.g., implantation in a
living organism), a series of reactions is initiated almost instantaneously
 Water molecules and ions reach the surface of the material nearly
 Subsequently, proteins reach the surface and may coat it
 Cells then interact with this coated surface
 Additionally, materials must contend with the body’s protective and reparative
 Blood coagulation (hemostasis)
Implantation is an Injury
 Inflammation
 Wound healing AND
 Innate immune system Biomaterials are Foreign
 Adaptive immunity Objects