Increasing Sales Volume is the process of selling more products over a specific period of time
Increasing Sales Value is the process of getting more revenue from each customers without spending more on marketing or advertising
Increasing Market Share means a company has a greater percentage of the market size than they originally had
Increasing Brand Loyalty is the process of persuading customers to make repeat sales
Sales Growth = Sales Increase / Total previous sales x 100
Market Growth = Market size now - market size previously / market size previously x 100
Market Share = Company’s sales / total market sales x 100
Market Size = Number of potential customers x average revenue spend per customer
Primary Market Research
Is the process of collecting data first-hand for your business
One example could include Focus groups
One Advantage is that the data is up to date and specific to business
One Disadvantage is that it can use a lot of the business’ resources
Secondary Market Research
Is the process of collecting data that already exists
One example is census data
One advantage is that its low cost and immediate
One disadvantage is that it might be specific to your business and competitors can use this data
Quantitative data is data given in numbers
Qualitative data is data given in words and sentences more in depth
Market Mapping is the of showing how a business’ products compares in a market
Sampling is the process of choosing a small group of people representing a larger population
Correlation is the link between two market factors
Extrapolation is the process of using previous market trends to predict future market trends
PED measures the how the change in price changes the demand for the product
PED = change in price % / change in demand %
Between - infinity and -1 PED is elastic and -1 and 0 PED is elastic
YED measures the change in consumer and how that changes the demand
YED = Change in demand / Change in consumer income
Between 0 and +1 demand is inelastic
Between +1 and infinity demand is elastic
0 and - infinity product is an inferior good
Market Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into distinct groups of consumers with similar needs or characteristics
How to segment a market - demographic, geographic, behavioural
Targeting is the process of selecting specific market segment to focus their marketing on
Marketing Mix refers to set of actions a company uses to promote its product
7p’s include place, people, physical, price, product, promotion process
Product Life Cycle
Product extension strategy is the process of trying to prolong the life cycle of a product by refreshing or modifying it
This could include: Product Modifications, Rebranding, New Markets, Price Adjustments, Advertising Campaigns and adding complementary products
Boston Matrix includes market growth and market share
It has four main areas dog, star ,cash cow and problem child
Factors Affecting pricing strategy:
Demand (higher demand will require higher price)
costs (Lower costs can allow price to drop)
product life cycle (could be used as a extension strategy)
Seasonal and timing (Christmas time could have higher prices)
Price Skimming is the process of starting a price high and then lowering over time
Penetration Pricing is starting a price low then upping it over time
Promotional Pricing is the process of company’s offering temporary discounts or incentive to entice customers
Promotional Methods:
Public Relations
Sales Promotion
Brand loyalty
Digital Marketing is the process of using online channels to promote certain products
Some advantages may include global reach, cost-effective, targeted market and improved conversion rates
Disadvantages could include high competition, dependence on technology and security risks
Factors that could affect promotional strategy:
Target audience
Marketing Objectives
Market Conditions
Distribution is the process of transporting goods from manufacturer to consumer
Distribution channels is the flow the product takes from getting from manufacturer to consumer
Distribution Channels Include:
Manufacturer to consumer:
Lower costs as there as less intermediaries
Higher profit Margins
Faster market response
High investment as need warehouses and storage
Logistics and fulfilment need to handle shipping
Manufacturer to Retailer to Consumer
Dont have to store the items retailer deal with logistics
Wider Market reach
Brand exposure
Have to pay for shelf space
Dont have control on how product is presented
Reduced profit margins
Manufacturer to Wholesaler to Retailer to Consumer
Less logistics
Market expansion
Efficient distribution
Less profit margins as more intermediaries
Limited control
Longer supply chains
Multi distribution channels refers to a strategy where a business sells its product through many different outlets and supply chains to reach more customers
Ecommerce is the process of buying and selling good online
global reach
lower costs
high set up cost
high competition
security concerns
People refers to everyone involved in a business such as employees, customers
Process refers to the systems in place for a smooth transaction process for the business
Physical Environment refers to the design and layout of a store
Factors affecting marketing mix:
Target market
Market trends