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6. The May the Fourth Movement (1919)

A protest calling the government to resist the humiliating treatment of the Treaty of Versailles against them


  • Resentment of foreign control

    • the consequences of the Boxer Uprising, the railways

  • Yuan Shikai’s actions + the descent into the warlord era

  • The ‘New Tide Movement’(s) ‘New Youth’ magazine

    • challenged traditional Confucianism + the subservient role of women

    • favoured left-wing ideas to reform China

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    • German concessions in Shandong would go to Japan

    • Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination (allowing people to rule themselves) wasn’t applied to China


  • 10,000 students from Beijing University protested in Tiananmen Square => demanded the government refuse to sign the ToV

  • Anti-Japanese boycotts in Beijing + Shanghai

    • demonstrations + strikes in over 100 towns and cities

    • peasants, workers and middle class took part

  • Government initially refused the ToV

    • but signed in 1923


  • Many believed further revolution had to occur to end foreign influence + revive an independent China

  • Re-organisation + growth of the GMD

  • ‘New Tide’ turned to Marxism for a solution

    => creation of the CCP

6. The May the Fourth Movement (1919)

A protest calling the government to resist the humiliating treatment of the Treaty of Versailles against them


  • Resentment of foreign control

    • the consequences of the Boxer Uprising, the railways

  • Yuan Shikai’s actions + the descent into the warlord era

  • The ‘New Tide Movement’(s) ‘New Youth’ magazine

    • challenged traditional Confucianism + the subservient role of women

    • favoured left-wing ideas to reform China

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    • German concessions in Shandong would go to Japan

    • Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination (allowing people to rule themselves) wasn’t applied to China


  • 10,000 students from Beijing University protested in Tiananmen Square => demanded the government refuse to sign the ToV

  • Anti-Japanese boycotts in Beijing + Shanghai

    • demonstrations + strikes in over 100 towns and cities

    • peasants, workers and middle class took part

  • Government initially refused the ToV

    • but signed in 1923


  • Many believed further revolution had to occur to end foreign influence + revive an independent China

  • Re-organisation + growth of the GMD

  • ‘New Tide’ turned to Marxism for a solution

    => creation of the CCP