Module 35: Solving Problems and Making Decisions Key Concepts Problem-Solving Strategies Algorithms: Step-by-step procedures guaranteeing a solution.

Module 35: Solving Problems and Making Decisions

Key Concepts
  1. Problem-Solving Strategies

    • Algorithms: Step-by-step procedures guaranteeing a solution. Accurate but can be time-consuming.

    • Heuristics: Simple thinking strategies (mental shortcuts). Faster but prone to errors.

    • Insight: Sudden realization of a problem's solution; often feels intuitive.

  2. Obstacles to Problem-Solving

    • Confirmation Bias: Tendency to search for evidence supporting preconceptions, ignoring contradictory evidence.

    • Fixation: Inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective.

      • Mental Set: Tendency to approach problems with methods that worked in the past.

      • Functional Fixedness: Inability to see alternative uses for an object.

  3. Decision-Making and Judgment

    • Intuition: Fast, automatic, and unconscious thought processes. Useful but can lead to errors.

    • Representativeness Heuristic: Judging likelihood based on how similar something is to a prototype (can lead to ignoring base rates).

    • Availability Heuristic: Estimating likelihood based on how easily instances come to mind (influenced by recency, vividness).

  4. Overconfidence and Belief Perseverance

    • Overconfidence: Overestimating the accuracy of personal knowledge and judgments.

    • Belief Perseverance: Holding onto beliefs even after they are discredited.

  5. Framing Effect

    • The way an issue is presented can significantly affect decisions and judgments.

    • Example: People prefer "90% survival rate" over "10% mortality rate" even though both are equivalent.

Key Terms
  • Algorithm

  • Heuristic

  • Insight

  • Confirmation Bias

  • Fixation (Mental Set and Functional Fixedness)

  • Representativeness Heuristic

  • Availability Heuristic

  • Overconfidence

  • Belief Perseverance

  • Framing Effect

  • Everyday Decisions: Choosing a product based on heuristics.

  • Problem-Solving: Recognizing biases in strategies and overcoming fixation.

  • Critical Thinking: Avoiding belief perseverance by considering all evidence objectively.

Science Practice Connections
  • Apply these concepts to real-world scenarios to recognize biases in problem-solving and decision-making processes.
