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Transverse Waves

1. Definition

  • Characteristics

    • Oscillation perpendicular to wave direction

    • Examples: Light waves, water waves

2. Properties

  • Wavelength

    • Distance between consecutive crests or troughs

  • Frequency

    • Number of oscillations per second

  • Amplitude

    • Maximum displacement from rest position

  • Speed

    • Determined by medium properties

3. Types

  • Mechanical Waves

    • Require a medium (e.g., waves on a string)

  • Electromagnetic Waves

    • Do not require a medium (e.g., radio waves, visible light)

      1. Radio waves - lowest frequency

      2. Micro waves

      3. Infrared

      4. Visible light

      5. Ultra violet

      6. X ray

      7. Gamma rays - highest frequency

4. Examples

  • Water Waves

    • Surface waves on oceans and lakes

  • Seismic Waves

    • S-waves during earthquakes

  • Light Waves

    • Visible spectrum and beyond

5. Applications

  • Communication

    • Radio and television broadcasting

  • Medical Imaging

    • Ultrasound technology

  • Seismology

    • Earthquake detection and analysis

6. Mathematical Representation

  • Wave Equation

    • ( y(x, t) = A \sin(kx - \omega t + \phi) )

    • Where:

      • ( A ) = Amplitude

      • ( k ) = Wave number

      • ( \omega ) = Angular frequency

      • ( \phi ) = Phase constant

7. Related Concepts

  • Reflection

    • Bouncing back of waves

  • Refraction

    • Bending of waves when entering a different medium

  • Interference

    • Superposition of waves leading to constructive or destructive interference

Longitudinal Waves

1. Definition

  • Description

    • Waves where particle displacement is parallel to wave direction.

  • Examples

    • Sound waves

    • Pressure waves

2. Characteristics

  • Wavelength

    • Distance between successive compressions or rarefactions.

  • Frequency

    • Number of waves passing a point per second.

  • Amplitude

    • Maximum displacement of particles from their rest position.

3. Types

  • Mechanical Waves

    • Require a medium (e.g., air, water).

  • Sound Waves

    • Travel through gases, liquids, and solids.

4. Behavior

  • Reflection

    • Bouncing back of waves when hitting a barrier.

  • Refraction

    • Change in wave direction due to a change in medium.

  • Diffraction

    • Spreading of waves when passing through an opening or around obstacles.

5. Applications

  • Acoustics

    • Study of sound and its properties.

  • Medical Imaging

    • Ultrasound technology.

  • Seismology

    • Study of seismic waves in earthquakes.

6. Mathematical Representation

  • Wave Equation

    • ( v = f \lambda ) (velocity = frequency × wavelength)

  • Graphical Representation

    • Sine or cosine waves illustrating compressions and rarefactions.

7. Comparison with Transverse Waves

  • Particle Motion

    • Longitudinal: Parallel to wave direction.

    • Transverse: Perpendicular to wave direction.

  • Examples

    • Longitudinal: Sound waves

    • Transverse: Light waves, water waves


Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x Wavelength (m)


Transverse Waves

1. Definition

  • Characteristics

    • Oscillation perpendicular to wave direction

    • Examples: Light waves, water waves

2. Properties

  • Wavelength

    • Distance between consecutive crests or troughs

  • Frequency

    • Number of oscillations per second

  • Amplitude

    • Maximum displacement from rest position

  • Speed

    • Determined by medium properties

3. Types

  • Mechanical Waves

    • Require a medium (e.g., waves on a string)

  • Electromagnetic Waves

    • Do not require a medium (e.g., radio waves, visible light)

      1. Radio waves - lowest frequency

      2. Micro waves

      3. Infrared

      4. Visible light

      5. Ultra violet

      6. X ray

      7. Gamma rays - highest frequency

4. Examples

  • Water Waves

    • Surface waves on oceans and lakes

  • Seismic Waves

    • S-waves during earthquakes

  • Light Waves

    • Visible spectrum and beyond

5. Applications

  • Communication

    • Radio and television broadcasting

  • Medical Imaging

    • Ultrasound technology

  • Seismology

    • Earthquake detection and analysis

6. Mathematical Representation

  • Wave Equation

    • ( y(x, t) = A \sin(kx - \omega t + \phi) )

    • Where:

      • ( A ) = Amplitude

      • ( k ) = Wave number

      • ( \omega ) = Angular frequency

      • ( \phi ) = Phase constant

7. Related Concepts

  • Reflection

    • Bouncing back of waves

  • Refraction

    • Bending of waves when entering a different medium

  • Interference

    • Superposition of waves leading to constructive or destructive interference

Longitudinal Waves

1. Definition

  • Description

    • Waves where particle displacement is parallel to wave direction.

  • Examples

    • Sound waves

    • Pressure waves

2. Characteristics

  • Wavelength

    • Distance between successive compressions or rarefactions.

  • Frequency

    • Number of waves passing a point per second.

  • Amplitude

    • Maximum displacement of particles from their rest position.

3. Types

  • Mechanical Waves

    • Require a medium (e.g., air, water).

  • Sound Waves

    • Travel through gases, liquids, and solids.

4. Behavior

  • Reflection

    • Bouncing back of waves when hitting a barrier.

  • Refraction

    • Change in wave direction due to a change in medium.

  • Diffraction

    • Spreading of waves when passing through an opening or around obstacles.

5. Applications

  • Acoustics

    • Study of sound and its properties.

  • Medical Imaging

    • Ultrasound technology.

  • Seismology

    • Study of seismic waves in earthquakes.

6. Mathematical Representation

  • Wave Equation

    • ( v = f \lambda ) (velocity = frequency × wavelength)

  • Graphical Representation

    • Sine or cosine waves illustrating compressions and rarefactions.

7. Comparison with Transverse Waves

  • Particle Motion

    • Longitudinal: Parallel to wave direction.

    • Transverse: Perpendicular to wave direction.

  • Examples

    • Longitudinal: Sound waves

    • Transverse: Light waves, water waves


Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x Wavelength (m)